Forum Post: Let's Finish the job!
Posted 6 years ago on April 4, 2018, 11:34 a.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The Brexit vote and the election of Trump are inept and inarticulate reactions to growing inequality. The elites of both parties and the real rulers on Wall St. can't or won't see the coming "correction." They're "killing the host" by impoverishing the consumers who buy the real products of the real economy in order to increase the parasitic extractions of bankers, investors, speculators, quants and all manner of blood sucking and life destroying leeches and cancers. Their answer to their victims of the working and lower middle classes: "Get a better job!" The precedent is: "Let them eat cake!" The outcome, if the morons we follow don't soon awaken from their folly, may well be the self destruction of the human race. If we're lucky it will merely be the elimination of the rich from the gene pool of the Planet Earth. The latter possibility would complete the job left unfinished by the French Revolution of the late 18th century.
"The most orderly modern form of 'taking power for themselves' occurred in 2016 - the electoral rebellion against the Clintonist-Obamist neoliberal rulers of the Democratic Party by people supporting Bernie Sanders. That revolt was put down, as Party elites pulled every lever available to retain control.
"There may be one more orderly, electoral attempt in 2020 - or not; the choices may be miserable. But if it does occur, unless elites stand down, unless the next electoral rebellion is permitted to succeed, the popular response to failure won't be electoral, and could be decidedly disorderly."
could you please link me to the posts you put up in Bernie's support like these of mine?
this is one I really like
I could go on and on maybe later.....
You write what you want and I'll write what I want! Why can't you understand that you are not in control? WTFU!!
of course I am not "in control" but I am here posting in an effort to affect change, are you?
You come here and sing Bernie praises but you were nowhere to be found when he needed your help. You have repeatedly criticized me and my posts that implore people to defeat the GOP and create real change yet like so many snowflakes you melt when asked about your own actions.
The only change you're E-ffecting is the minds of those who have been wavering about the hopelessness of government by the two Wall St. Parties that have betrayed us. Those, except yourself, who thought that defeating the gop was all it would take are starting to awaken.
Your strident attacks on anyone who's not exactly you are a convincing antidote to the DNC koolaid. You need to listen to yourself!
Why do you think letting the GOP win is a good ideal? You think all we have to do is flush our ballots down a toilet and suddenly the GOP will care? they win and they don't give a shit about you.
oh do you wish you were in control?
I am simply pointing out the hypocrisy of your posting about Bernie when you were nowhere to be found when he was running, you are more than a little late to the battle, it is you who attack any who would actually challenge a GOP victory....
where will you be this November, out electing the GOP just like you were last time?
Funny, but the "facts" are delusional!
That's so far from the truth as to baffle an alert mind. And it's pointless in any case. There's nothing for me to say. You bare yourself embarrassingly.
sure show me how "delusional" I am by posting up some of the things you said in support of Bernie when he was running, you can't because you didn't, you just stand around and let the GOP win the whine about what happens, it is because of people like you that Trump is in the WH
I think this would be a good time for a few more...remember when OWS said "this is what democracy looks like"? well this is what giving a shit looks like maybe next time around you will give a shit too...
Move on to solutions now?
solution the same as its always been; KILL the GOP.
That's the FIRST step if you can't see that, then you need to STFU and listen to people who do.
oh and getting involved in the primaries is a good step too to improve our choices and of course always reminding everyone the the Greens are nothing but ego whores...
Thanks for the bump!
But why do U think it's a good time now that Trump's in the WH?
is this when you knew you were getting your ass kicked? when you decided you had to lie to get a fighting chance?
you can type whatever you want but that is no "quote"
and I can understand your desire for "bumps" being how you wish you had something to say, and maybe you do, November is coming....
It could turn out well. But that will be no thanks to FRF. Nothing is so certain as the ability of misguided self righteous idiots who attack potential allies to fuck everything up.
If FRF was trying to find common ground instead of whining about what hasn't been done, in his distorted vision, I wouldn't have seen that he's a GOP mole. He's trying to disrupt the thoughts and works of decent human beings, who are actually resisting evil.
I see you decide not to address the Trump like lie you told, you are becoming more and more like your hero...
"distorted vision" is all the answer necessary
so when you decided to type out that lie, how did that feel?
this November we will see if you continue your efforts to elect the GOP or if you remove your head from ass and get involved...
You are putting words in agk's mouth. He supports neither party yet you are transforming what he has said into what you believe about him. It seems you have all or nothing mentality and box people according to the paradigms of your own limited thinking which can't encompass two things can exist concurrently. ( aka cognitive dissonance) in order to reconcile cd people try to make others fit their paradigm instead of widening the paradigm.This is not open minded. This isn't growth. There is a whole lot of gray in our world. Black and white thinking is what is killing it. While it is true that agk isn't fond of democrats he also isn't fond of republicans. So how are you drawing your conclusion that he is for the gop simply because he isn't for the dnc? Your side my side...maybe people can agree in some issues and disagree in others and still belong to the same cause?
I point out the fact that by not voting to defeat the GOP he is responsible for what they do, and he is a hypocrite when he posts stuff about Bernie because when he could have posted in support of Bernie he didn't, and he is a fucking liar because he post shit pretending like I said it when he had type it out so that is the headline AGK is a fucking lying asshole....
In some states you could be arrested for standing over the shoulder of voters in the voting booth.
and some people give a crap about what on the other hand just want to fluff your ego...
The only evacuation that interests me is not what you expect!
you are a fucking lying asshole, and your "quotes" are lies as we have already seen, like your heros in the GOP you slice shit for your lies....and when that's not enough you type it yourself...
projection v no vision whatsoever
FIN?!? you never started....
I can see Donald Trump is in the White House, can you? Do you think it matters who wins?
What's in your wallet?!
Is there really ant difference in the DNC supporting HRC in the primary and the Greens voting for Jill in the General? The DNC could see the polls showing Bernie was more likely to beat trump but they supported HRC, later the Greens could see HRC was more likely to defeat Trump but voted for Jill until more people understand that defeating the GOP is what matters we are all screwed.
All mimsy were the boregoves! Jabberwocky!
No, there "ant" much difference. Let's go all John Wayne. Let's kill 'em all and let god sort 'em out! Then we can hide our heads in our past asses, while we dissect the shit show that was 2016 at leisure.
We are not far from 2018 time will tell if YOU are prepared to stop the GOP or will you be standing on your soapbox declaring your purity,
You're projecting!
sure, we will see if you stand up to stop the GOP or step aside and let them win....
Will U? Really?! Doubtful!!!
November is coming.....
where will you be? standing on the sideline with the ego whore Greens or standing with the Blue Wave defeating the GOP!
life is about choices, what choice did you make in 2016? have you learned anything?
The ( wildcard ) descent along the brachistochrone is faster than a straight line. I proved to the astonishment of a Baby that I could change anything to anything ( under the cover of a blanket, "grabbing $50-a-night Scottie ;) tissue paper things," of course ) by first creating Nothing ( ø ) after stealing the original thing ( x - x = ø ). Nothing is the mother of Anything and Everything ( ø + y = y ) so x has "changed" to y. MAZA -- Make America Zilth Again. Magic is in the Mind. It's why dogs are funner than cats which just intently stare!
Meow-meows' constant observations freeze the state averting any possible change. Quantum law translated says: We'll NEVER get there if we keep on answering the childish question, "are we there yet?" If we were there, you would be too busy having fun to ask because you would have already known. If we weren't, the honest answer had to be, "no, no, no, no, no!" It's a kiddo's question. Just remember that we are taking the Scenic route ( "Dad is NEVER lost because HE IS a sightseer!" ) which is the quickest one and Statistically the Most comfortable, on the Average ( kiddo: put your feet in a refrigerator cooling down and your head in an oven warming up to hold "Eternity in an hour." )
Understanding transcends our mundane reality.
》Wir kämpfen noch.《
There's no need to fly to Parkland South for a birdie. We can flip you a local one.
Birdies can come en masse, as you beckon.
Degree Magma Cum Loude, pussies ours get soon.
damn shame about the forum really, tech has power, but idiots can muck it up....