Forum Post: Let's call it solutions.
Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 13, 2011, 7:06 p.m. EST by FairShare
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Prisoners have demands Terrorists have demands. Kidnappers have demands. Do you see where the media is trying to steer us. We dont want to post a list of demands do we? We want to propose a list of solutions. Right? Then through a democratic process we can pick the solutions we can move forward for endorsement to the American people. Just a thought. Anybody? Whats your take. Can we make demands the call for a more contentious approach? Your Call.
Yes. Very good. Much better than "demands".
I have to get some supper, get some news, sleep and then hit it in the am. Thanks your all part of the solution.
I agree with the wording. It is important.
This is actually a damn good idea ... Bump this post up so it doesn't get lost in the spam.
I try my best. I will say this site needs a little love. I say post your solutions and kick the vote. Leave it and see where it goes. Invite the whole US. Stable minds must prevail.
how do you/we "move forward for endorsement to the American people" and assuming you get some sort of endorsement, then what?
When I say endorsement I don't mean in a financial or figure head sort of way. We take the suggestions of the occupist solutions and header them. Be it in repealing a bill, changing a bill, or suggesting a new bill all together. Creating a project idea for jobs, reform, or even changing the rules to things we don't have much control over like a 401k or IRA. The list goes on and on. we present these ideas in a header for the occupist to discuss and edit or keep in its entirety then vote on which ones may get support. We must choose which battles we may have a chance in succeding. We then get the solutions posted and present them to the American people to decide on. We then ask the American people to write or e-mail their senate house reps on the yay decisions for their direct influence to the establishment, or we can make it easy and go American Idol style text voting and then have these people flood the House and senate with a voice. Open for debate on how to approach. Gleaning is real. Don't take me too literal. We will work out a way. Use the media Luke.
ah, write or email your Congressperson
I've created the same thing for your first part, putting it ALL to the American people and putting it ALL in one place, and then :
Stay safe TSOTTH out.
Great idea.
Matt Taibbi, an important voice for Wall Street reform and ending corporate greed, is already on it with these suggestions: have to be viable and actually work.
You have a viable solution post it. We welcome it and will process it through occupist contemplation in a democratic way.
Okay here are a few:
there's a few to start
I'm at home. I have a job. I'm not whining. I don't need to be entitled. I'm sure I've worked harder than you ever had in your life.
ha...then you can't be in the 99% by this group's definition
I make less than than the top 5 %. 99 percent was the movement taking direction from some misinformation in my opinion. I'm financialy sound. If thats what you mean. I will take the time to help my country out of hard times and our people to a sense of fairness if possible. In a way that actually gives them a voice if possible. I personally would rather see prosperity than the whole shit house burn. I love this country and its diversity.
well said....lets raise people up....not demand that everyone be placed on an equal platform that always breeds mediocrity at best
if there was a "like" function, i'd like this. bravo sir pierpont, bra-fucking-o!
best chemistry joke ever: if you're not part of the solution, you're part of the precipitate!
Everyone is part of the solution. I also like the rain.H20 on a ledge.
probably the only chemistry joke ever!
know any good sodium jokes? Na.