Forum Post: Left Wing, Right Wing...Same Bird!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 27, 2011, 9:12 p.m. EST by texanrebel
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Americans must collectively understand that the established political system has been groomed for many years for such a time as this. They act as if they are on opposite sides fighting for the betterment of their constituants. All the while, they, the Dems and Repubs, are part of a well-orchestrated charade. I call it "East Coast Hollywood". Some of the finest of all actors are not out on Rodeo Dr., but are wondering the corridors of power in DC. The pretenses are well preserved by the directors who allow Hollywood style pre-shows such as election debates, RNC and DNC, etc. to evoke the emotions of the gullable and easily swayed American people. Before the show, all actors are well scripted and know their role. The screen play is written by the elite and the directors are appointed by the elite to oversee the production of what the American people will fed as a real live "thriving democracy". It is no wonder to me that the political parties in our country are referred to as "WINGS". Every BIRD has two wings. The Body or fusalage that these two parties are holding up in flight is the agenda of the ruling elite. All the while Americans rush to votings booths like children to the box office at announcement of a new release. 50% of the country watches CNN because it is touted as being "Democrat or liberal". The other half faithfully watch FOX because it is supposed to be "conservative and Republican". Meanwhile, the elite own both media outlets. The agendas of the elite are furthered every time there is an election. Much like sector rotation to the investor, the elite merely put in place the party that has been best known by the American people to support certain business practices, sectors, and values. Then, they wash, rinse, and do it again. This time, letting another party wear the proverbial "white hat". This keeps the American people at bay and feeling "hopeful" that they can effect change in politics. Otherwise, one side or the other would have their fill and a civil war would break out. Ever notice how the same rhetoric is brought to forefront of every election? Gay marriage, abortion, and gun rights? As if these items even remotely approach what is wrong with our country! And yet, Americans fall for it every single time. Gullability and blissful ignorance deserves enslavement. I believe that as long as Americans are willing to simply ignore truth for the sake of safety and convinience they will be fleeced like sheep by those who hold such a sway over their feeble minds. And the sad truth is..there are so few of them and so many of us!
The bankers buy both politicians before the race. Whichever one wins the 99% lose.
People think they are voting for change when they are voting for the party that is not in power but then they are confused when things not only stay the same but get worse. If you really want to control a country you don't support one group or another. You create two groups and pretend like there is some debate going on while you fleece the people no matter who is in charge.
agreed, which is why we must form a new third party.
Very well written, texanrebel. Obviously, we should think more independently about how we elect and monitor our representatives. But when voting is disorganized, there is an opportunity for those best at collusion or deceit to prevail. Now, do you have other suggestions on how we can get this Turkey of a government back on track?
Much truth to what you say.
DEM & PUG party's are siamese twins that share a common asshole. But the PEOPLE, the right-wing are war-mongers and left-wing are cowards,
I think fascist Winston-Churchill said it best "If your not left under 40 you don't have a heart, if your not right over 40 you don't have a brain"
Nobody has said it any better since,
Thus the kids on OWS are left, and they're fighting the right, but this is CODE for OLD versus YOUNG.
The real issue is the old work all their lives and acquire, the young have nothing, but the young are impatient and always want shit today, they're willing to steal, .e.g. re-distribute, smart political operatives come around from time to time and like now shit happens.
Ever notice how the same rhetoric is brought to forefront of every election? Gay marriage, abortion, and gun rights? END-----
It is called "Emotional Reasoning" they use those issues to get it started and artifically create a buzz then the real issues are clouded in distractions. It is the political agenda equvilant of media news sensationalism when there is no election.
Americans like all humans are controlled by the unconscious mind. The emotions end up ruling because media does not conduct actual reasoning with facts.
The key to peaceful and lawful revolution in America is Article 5 of the constitution.
We need to Occupy Congress and put them on notice with a petition of greivance. That starts the clock ticking on the 45 day contractual period of notice for them to begin to call state delegates for a convention to propose amendments.
This is a letter that actually cites the violations of law that congress is conducting at this moment having neglected, non feased and mal feased for so long we are seriously needing to engage remedy. This could be legitimately be used to Occupy Congress in constructive notice.
Then go to the state
Now it comes to finding who understands that protests need to be organized upon states legislatures. They need to understand some legal aspects too. Here is a letter template, resolution form that can be sent to state legislatures asking them to work for an article V convention.
'occupy congress' is a front for the DEM party, is this the hope&change we were promised?
Ultimately that would be partially true at least. Then there is this aspect.
I would not hesitate to say it is a collaboration or it could even be hierachical in some way.
If you google 'occupy congress' & 'co-opted' you'll see that not only co-opted, but many conclude the 'occupy congress' was created by DEM operatives.
THE OWS is so convenient if they do bad you distance, if they do good you embrace, OBAMA like all kings can say "I didn't know my goons were chemical spraying the children", ... its all so nice and tidy.
What will the DEM party do to re-elect the OREO ( bush/cheney on the inside black on the outside )?? Anything it has to do
To date has the OREO brought HOPE&CHANGE? HELL NO, .. will he ever? HELL NO
I agree. Which means if they Occupy congress it will all be complaint of symptom rather than observing violations of law at the source, congress itself. For 100 years it has failed to call an article 5 convention. This man sued all members of congress.
Nothing more than pitch forks and a demand to TAR&FEATHER everyone in Congress except RPAUL and DeFazio, I can think of only 2 good men in Congress ALL others are whore's to the #1 PAC in the USA, and OWS doesn't allow me to say their name, or else my reply or post is deleted.
Hmmmmmmmmm, maybe the methods of such influence need to be understood.
I need to be completely honest here, but in ALL my life of protesting and fighting the system only one thing works and that is to humiliate these assholes that turned our nation into a police state. The USA is only legitimate by confidence, If enough people were to descend on congress with tar&feather's and make fun of the assholes that run our country their legitimacy would collapse.
I agree which is why I support the constitution unconditionally. That position can be used to expose congress.
Here is a basic strategy for those Americans descending on congress that brings HUGE legitimacy to their actions.
First thing, Occupy congress and provide formal notice that they are inviolation of the constituion, law and their oaths. We need to Occupy Congress and put them on notice with a petition of greivance. That starts the clock ticking on the 45 day contractual period of notice for them to begin to call state delegates for a convention to propose amendments.
Federal law regulating oath of office by government officials is divided into four parts along with an executive order which further defines the law for purposes of enforcement. 5 U.S.C. 3331, provides the text of the actual oath of office congressional members were required to take before assuming office.
5 U.S.C. 3333 required you to sign an affidavit that you took the oath of office required by 5 U.S.C. 3331 and have not nor will violate that oath during your tenure of office as defined by the third part of the law,
5 U.S.C. 7311, which explicitly makes it a federal criminal offense for anyone employed in the United States Government to “advocate the overthrow of our constitutional form of government.”,
18 U.S.C. 1918 provides penalties for violation of oath office described in 5 U.S.C. 7311 which include: removal from office, imprisonment, and a fine.
The definition of “advocate” is further specified in Executive Order 10450 which for purposes of enforcement supplements 5 U.S.C. 7311.
Executive Order 10450 specifies a violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311 for any person taking the oath of office to advocate “the alteration…of the form of the government of the United States by unconstitutional means"
According to Executive Order 10450 (and therefore 5 U.S. 7311) any act taken by government officials who have taken the oath of office prescribed by 5 U.S.C. 3331 which alters the form of government other than by amendment, is a criminal violation of the 5 U.S.C. 7311. Such alteration without amendment is criminal violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311 and 18 U.S.C. 1918.
In 1939 the supreme court violated Executive Order 10450 specifiing a violation of 5 U.S.C. 7311
Acts relating to campaign finance are also unconstitutional and comprise “the alteration…of the form of the government of the United States by unconstitutional means"
Siamese Twins that share a common asshole is the DEM & PUG party's.
It's been this way since the 1920's an Mencken said so, so did MalcomX, and so did Nader.
There is no difference, nor has their ever been.
Both party's just want more cops, more prisons, and more mind-control of the citizen-sheep. The so called 1% hated by OWS but un-defined, is no more than the financiers and leadership of the DEM&PUG party's in the USA. Of course ALL is controlled by the right-wing AIPAC. Controlling both ends of the debate is as old 1914 in the USA.
"Of course ALL is controlled by the right-wing AIPAC"
Yeah, that's right. Jews control everything. Blah blah blah.
Seriously ,if you want to convince people, I would drop the racist conspiracy speech. It might have worked in Europe in the 1930s, it won't work now.
Thanks for the info, I could SWEAR that A I P A C was the #1 PAC in the US CONGRESS and US SENATE, thanks for telling me it ain't so. p.s. The right wing A I P A C ain't fucking Jewish, they're criminals.
It isn't. Look up the numbers. They aren't even a PAC, and make no donations directly to any representative. They are a lobbying group. They are one of thousands of special interests lobbying congress. AIPAC might even have somewhat more influence than some others, due to the history of America's relationship to Israel. But to claim that "all is controlled" by them is a, let's just say, inaccurate at best.
That it is, despite your protestations to the contrary, a well known Jewish organization, and you choose to single it out as the lone controlling boogie-man of government, reveals you to be a racist, anti-Semitic scumbag.
Your argument, substituting but a few syllables is EXACTLY what the Nazis said about Zionist (aka Jewish) influence on the control and fall of their economy. It was a lie then, and it is a lie now. And you choose to spread it.
I personally don't like AIPAC. I think they are far too right wing. But I'm not so idiotic as to claim they control our government beyond some minor influence. They are not the system, just a small part of it. Exxon is far bigger.
There is no left wing in congress.
There was though and they were just as bumbling as the conservatives. Funny how people forget that.
No. Insistance that there is will not magically conjure up a left wing: there are handful of left wing congressmen and they are a solid, minute minority within the major parties. There hasn't been a left wing in congress for decades. Everything done in congress of late has either been nationalistic bullshit, bone throwing or selling out to corporations.
There has always been a left wing. There hasn't been however a far left super socialist left wing that you desire so much. That will never happen, ever.
There used to be only a few handfuls of corporations in this country and they had to get a license from the government to exist. That license could be revoked if they over stepped their power or made political contributions or broke laws or caused harm to the public. This was how capitalism functioned and it is nothing like what we have today. The real left wants to reverse corporate personhood and go back to chartered corporations whose power and influence can be reined in when needed to. The vast majority of Congress and the Senate do not want this. Therefore, no, we don't have much of a left wing in this country.
The absence of a corporatocracy is not "super socialist."
Thank you. (nor on TV we should add)
wow - that is one long and painful paragraph.
Its a perfect - DICTATORSHIP- where the USA is occupied by a foreign power. whats wrong with that- everyone is happy? THRASYMAQUE