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Forum Post: Lee Whitnum calls a candidate "a whore" in a live debate, for his support for the Israel lobby

Posted 12 years ago on April 6, 2012, 10:33 p.m. EST by gmxusa (274)
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Things got heated during a Democratic primary debate for the U.S. Senate in Connecticut on Thursday when one candidate told another that he was “whore” over his support of a pro-Israel lobbying group.

“I’m appalled that when I talk about the neoconservatives somehow it’s twisted to be some sort of a racist comment,” long-shot candidate Lee Whitnum said in response to U.S. Rep. Chris Murphy. “This is documented fact. The neoconservative role in the taking down of Iraq [with an] unnecessary war is fact. It’s not opinion.”

“I’m dealing with whore here who sells his soul to AIPAC [American Israel Public Affairs Committee], who will say anything for the job,” Whitnum explained, pointing towards Murphy and then adding that state Rep. William Tong was “ignorant” for defending him.

“What I would like to propose is a prosecution of settlers here, American settlers, who go to Israel and maim or kill in the Promised Land. Since 2000, 66,000 of the indigenous culture have been killed, many of them by American settlers. This is viewed all over the Middle East and we are hated for this worldwide.”

Murphy responded calmly during his closing remarks: “I’d advocated for all of the candidates to be a part of these debates. I might think twice about those with that kind of awful language being used on the airwaves.”

Watch the video below from NBC Connecticut, broadcast April 5, 2012.




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[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

I am always surprised to see candidates talking about trivial issues, and not addressing the wars in the Middle East that are draining our coffers and taking American lives, just to fulfill the wishes of the Israel lobby and big oil. Lee Whitnum, along with Ron Paul, are the only candidates that will address this on high priority.

The Israel lobby debate at MIT, with Professors Stephen Walt and John Mearsheimer http://video.mit.edu/watch/the-israel-lobby-and-us-foreign-policy-4137/

Former AIPAC Israel lobbyist warns about oil companies and the Israel lobby joining to force a US war against Iran http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/pages/frontline/tehranbureau/2011/06/aipac-from-the-inside-1-isolating-iran.html

[-] 1 points by lisa (425) 12 years ago

Putting labels on people is always a wrong thing to do. He should describe it in another way such as say that US Rep Murphy was beholden to the Israeli majority who influences much of what goes on in Washington. Or he could say something like 'all he cares about is his job and he'll do anything for the Israelis who will make sure he keeps it'. Same message gets across but in a less offensive way. Putting character traits onto someone is not the way to go.

[-] 1 points by Odin (583) 12 years ago

I agree that putting "labels," especially derogatory ones, on people is not a good idea. However, it is refreshing to hear someone tell the truth.

[-] 1 points by TheMisfit (48) 12 years ago

Ms. Whitnum has a long history of antisemitism. She just uses foreign aid as cover to her true feelings.

[-] 3 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

"Antisemitism" is a charge that's thrown around to defend Israel's actions and the very powerful political lobby here that ties the US to Israel and all its actions. Anyone who is politically aware knows that money is very important in US political contests, and a great deal of it flows towards or against candidates based upon the strength of perceived support for Israel.

BTW I think it's an excellent idea to prosecute American citizens who go to Israel or to the illegally occupied territories and commit violent crimes against people there.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 12 years ago

If the person that criticizes Israeli policy is Jewish. They don't label him as being "antisemitic," but rather they say that, "he hates himself." So it is either one or the other, which if not for the dire, real, and possible consequences...I would find it amusing.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Actually you have some Jewish people who are accused of being "antisemitic." They are critics of Jewish culture and Judaism or "Jewishness." Gilad Atzmon is one of them. His critique of Jewishness is so strong that Palestinian activists have gone to the lengths of openly disavowing him and urging others to shun him and his writings. Then there is the high school boy Jesse Lieberfeld who just won a prize Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Writing Award from Dietrich College. The cudgels are out for this honest 17 year old boy.


[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

Jews that criticize Israel are labeled "self-hating" Jews.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Yes gmxusa, I know of that label. It's also the case that some are also called anti Semites. Gilad Atzmon is one who sometimes embraces the "self hater" label. What makes this young man Jesse Lieberfeld stand out is his criticism of "Jewishness" itself. Notice he doesn't once even use the word "Zionism."


Here is where Jesse gets slammed with the "anti Semite" label:


[-] 2 points by gmxusa (274) 12 years ago

Pity that Jesse's good article received only 4 replies.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Lots of people have read his essay world wide. He's made an impact on reality, a good impact.

[-] 1 points by gmxusa (274) 11 years ago

The Jews that dominate the main stream media should show some courage and let the voices of critics of Israel be heard.

[-] 0 points by Odin (583) 12 years ago

That was an amazing example of youth without all the baggage that comes with age... preconceptions and prejudices....and it's about being able to look at a problem with the clearest of eyes...and with the most heartfelt intentions to solve that problem. I was born in Lakewood, NJ, which has, as you probably know a big Hasidic community like Williamsburg Brooklyn where, I have also spent time, but I do not know much about their culture. The link below is of another amazing youth. Thanks. http://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=girl+who+stopped+the+world&oq=girl+who+stopped+the+world&aq=f&aqi=&aql=&gs_nf=1&gs_l=youtube-psuggest.12...502.7252.0.12167. it.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Yes, I admire young Jesse Lieberfeld and I hope he is able to stay the course and do well.

