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Forum Post: Learn the truth

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 10:01 a.m. EST by PartyX (202)
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[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 12 years ago

He made 2 good points: Work together: Not all republicans are "an enemy", nor are the republicans enemies in general, at least not just for being republican, or for disagreeing with anything anyone here may or may not believe. This is in fact, all about money....

Ill also say Im glad someone else FINALLY mentioned how bogus our wonderful (gag) collegiate system is, and how broken it is. I agree with alot of what he says there.

What I disagree with is this: Were not going to solve a Group Problem (politics= The art of Interacting with each other? Nation = Group of people with a similar culture? Financial system = system for assigning value to avoid pointless disputes over Material Value?) by cutting everyone off to sink or swim on their own.... "Lift yourself by your own bootstraps" is as much a part of the conservative platform as it is a part of the "Libertarian Philosophy". And personally Id rather live in a Nation that tries to look out for its citizens then a nation 2 rungs away from anarchy, I like having my possessions without having to feel the need to defend them every third day or pee on them so others know they're mine....

[-] 1 points by PartyX (202) 12 years ago

the media herds sheep for the govt... he made a great point of that. That is why Americans need to unite to form a new political party that can meet in the center. Not left or right based on social agenda

[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 12 years ago

I agree the US Media is mostly garbage. Listen to NPR or the UK BBC, MUCH Better reporting, not as US centric, but if more americans were more aware of the rest of the world, the US would be a better place IMHO.....

As far as political parties, I don't think the answer is creating a new party.... Its been tried, and failed.... Ever hear of the Wig party? There are other less notable examples.... Further, I don't want a Political party thats just "Going to fix government, and then blow enough sunshine up everyones ass so we can all meet in the middle have happy fun time together"..... Its not gonna work. We need two things. Equality first and fore most, and room for two opposing positions..... 2 party system is a good system... Everyone seems to forget that it worked for ~210 Years just fine..... Its only the last 30 years or so that thing this current mess got started, and even in the last 210 Teddy Roosevelt had to deal with a very similar situation to this 130 years ago! You know what Rich Fat Cat CEO's Were called in the 1880's? ROBBERBARONS! Go Wikipedia that and smoke it.....

[-] 1 points by PartyX (202) 12 years ago

Tell me one fucking republican that is campaigning like Teddy Roosevelt, Have you heard any of them say we need more cell phone carriers or cable companies? For that matter did Obama mention this in his Jobs plan.... I'm not socialist, but they have some good ideas like social security, food stamps, unemployment insurance, I like the idea that a person can go out and make a bunch of money in a capitalist society, but paying more than what the product is worth because your job requires you to keep a cell phone is one example that is pure fucking bullshit and should be regulated and could be made more fair and should be corrected by a new power if the current can not fix!

[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 12 years ago

Hold on, Im not saying we need to clone dear old Teddy and put him in the White House. What I was pointing out is that a situation with similar traits to this one has existed before, and that it didn't end until a man named Teddy Roosevelt did something about it. IDC that he was Republican or Democrat, or that he prioritized things like Telegraphs and Railroads.... What I care about was that he had the right idea, to take on the Trusts of the time and take them down.... Thats what Governement is meant to be able to do.... Juts in the last 30 years Government has been essentially Corrupted into ignoring it. The entire point I was making, was that A: The Two Party system has worked for 2 Centuries, and B:This SAME system we have today has already weathered another situation that was very close to this one..... There are differences, but there are alot of similarities......

After that, I agree with alot of what you've said in that last post. Alot of people don't seem to be able to grasp the idea of Checks and Balances very well. Maybe its because our school system has been in the shitter for so long and Civics classes died out about 40 years ago. W/e the reason, the idea is that in Govnerment, you want to balance everything, and keep it in EQUILIBRIUM, or Equality...... It won't always be equal, but you want to shoot for as equal as possible. Alot of people dont realize this, but Government ended up being the Balance against Capitalist Business as well in this nation. We as a nation allowed Business' more lee way through most of our history then almost any other nation on the planet, but in return they had to follow our rules. Well, now they've bought out the rule makers and theres no more equality, hence we get the situation were in now.... Government was DESIGNED to be able to do things like make sure that your Cell Phone Company cant charge too much just for its brand name.... But its not doing its job, because the people IN our government atm are taking cash from AT&T, Sprint, Tmobile, et al for their campaigns.... This is the whole big deal right now..... Elected officials want to be relected. Tmobile promises them X $ if they help them not have to pay higher Import Taxes when their phones come in from china (All closed doors mind you), Candidate agrees, recieves millions of dollars, produced 8 TV commercials and has enough signs for every lawn in Detroit, Los Angelas, and Rhode Island, and wins the election. Now you pay more for your cell phone, and complain to elected official, but Official puts you off in any number of truly unclever ways, and ignores you because you're one Peon outta 300 million, and he won with only 1 Million votes (Meaning less then 2 Million total Voted, these numbers are highly exagerrated)......

[-] 1 points by PartyX (202) 12 years ago

Example, in 1982 a group of high school guys stand in a circle and one guy asks the other, if I paid you a million dollars would you suck my dick, the other says hell no, I'm no fag...the circle of friends laugh. In 2011 the a group of high school guys stand in a circle and one guy asks if I pay you million dollars would you suck my dick, the other guy reply's well not there is nothing wrong with being gay, I just need the money where does the line start. The first guy say's you know how I know your gay and everyone laughs... What was unacceptable then depends on the circle you stand in today.

[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 12 years ago

Not quite getting what you're saying..... But I was trying to illustrate Similarity, not difference ^^;. But w/e ^^

[-] 1 points by PartyX (202) 12 years ago

So was I, the playing field is different today because the morality is different as well as the gov't crossing to many lines on social issues... How do you like paying 5 dollars for a cup of coffee at starbucks, Your response might be go to 7/11,.... banks, insurance, heath care, oil tell me where do I go to get some one to regulate the high costs? if you think what does one have to do with the other well having 2 parties will continue to fuck us in the ass when we go to buy goods and services, which some we buy to survive!!!!!!!!!!

[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 12 years ago

uhhhh, if you think the situations were really that different, you should go read some history.... seriously..... the Price of Coal at the time was so outrageous, people were burning Corn Cobs to save money. So I fail to see how pricing between then and now is any different, unless y ou mean that as a society we've devolved into being dumb enough to pay more for a brand name rather then trying to get a quality item...... In which case Id agree on that Singular point.....

[-] 1 points by PartyX (202) 12 years ago

I paid 37,000 for a new explorer last month...supporting american business... If I could put corn cobs in that mother fucker than ethanol I would be. I had a hybrid and sold that mother because the inverter went out...7 grand to fix that son of bitch... You might be talking to one dumb fucker who is sick of paying insane prices other than the fact if you don't pay these prices you cease to exist...

[-] 1 points by Falcus (81) 12 years ago

lol, I wish I could afford a 7K vehicle, because I couldn't. My last vehicle purchase cost me $500. And it was a Volvo, I won't support American Business until American Business builds a better product (Vehicle wise anyway, thats how capitalism is supposed to work). I could also point out that as Im still here, I haven't ceased existing yet.....

as far as Corn Cobs, you probably are, all fuel in the US is IIRC 8 or 9 % Ethanol now? Minimum?

[-] 1 points by PartyX (202) 12 years ago

buy what you like and do not let any one dictate what you like is free enterprise. I'm for green energy and putting americans to work and I hope your finances improve so you can watch tv. But when that day happens I hope you are the one responsible so people like me can have more choices in who and how much money I choose to pay for the services that sustain the lifestyle I choose to live.