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Forum Post: Lack of Information

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 27, 2011, 9:33 a.m. EST by Premium (1) from Toronto, ON
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

One thing I've noticed missing from this website (and other such sites) is a very clear and easy to navigate to section that lists ALL the relevant information that has spawned the movement.

The movement is generating a lot of interest and curiosity from people. People come here looking for information. People need to know all the statistics and information, and I can't see a very clear and easy to navigate section of the site that gives all the information. I'm not speaking about the movement itself, but rather the information that brings people TO the movement. Statistics like...81% of the income growth over the past 25 years, has gone to 1% of America. People need to know, not just that, but ALL the issues that have caused the protests.

Simply saying "pay attention" isn't enough. It should be the job of the movement who do have the information, who know all the issues to help educate the other 99% who simply don't know. Thoughts?



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[-] 1 points by PandaMe73 (303) from Oakland, CA 13 years ago

You are smrt SMART yes you are.... That would be invaluable in fact.

Why not start a thread where people can state pertinent facts and link to sources to keep out misinfo, kind of a community research project and keep bumping it. Once there is enough info to paint the whole ugly picture,or enough to make it comprehensive, it's just a matter of fact checking, organizing the info into something easy to read , crediting it to the kind folks from this forum and/or to a list of the specific contributors if it turns out mainly coming from a more limited group info enthusiasts, and then making it sticky wherever we can make it stick...

If anyone were to manage getting it rolling and keeping it bumped and then PM me the link after it's been rolling long enough to pick up lots of info, I would gladly take a few days to double fact check and organize it.

I would do it myself,and not need it PM'd to me, but this is not the most user friendly forum and I have no clue how to find old posts once they are off the front page, not even my own... even saving a link to a thread has proven unreliable if anyone deletes a comment...... so I'd be a bad bumper

I think the reason why the info is lacking is that organizing and spreading the news of events keeps folks busy enough, and for one person alone to do the research could either take days of work or be incomplete. This is definitely a case of many brains are better than one.

Anyway, I might do it myself in an easier to manage forum if it doesn't happen here, but if it does, and I'm sent the link.....I'll keep my promise to clean it up into a useful reference doc.

[-] 1 points by Premium (1) from Toronto, ON 13 years ago

I think you're right. Asking one person to do all the research, is asking a lot. But collectively we all have the information. Adding any fact checked info to this thread for example is certainly a good way to get the ball rolling.

[-] 1 points by dcranmer (7) 13 years ago
