Forum Post: Know Thy Self
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 20, 2011, 2:26 p.m. EST by mutualminds
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Do we know what we want the end result to be?
What about love? Did we include that?
If we truly are "One Nation Under God" it's now time to bring back God. Not this fear based religious crap that's been handed down from generation to generation letting people make money off the name of God and now using God in politics to keep people suppressed.
What modern day spiritual new thinkers are teaching us through their experiences of God working through them is that we are spiritual beings having a human experience so we may remember who we truly are. We are a part of God. Before us, God could only imaging what love is, God could never experience it, only imagine it.
So God took a part of self an placed it over here/there. That smaller part still knew the whole part of God as all love. So God created loves opposite which are the only two emotions the soul knows. Loves opposite is fear. So we have only two choices to live life, on love or fear. Look at how churches fear gay people. Is that your true being?
Check me out at;
New thoughts are needed, thoughts that are not new at all but a different perspective of them.
We must love ourselves first before we can love others.
Love in true action is god. Make sure each day is filled with giving, not taking from poor children in other countries for trinkets.
God is working through you now, and through everyone in their own individual way.
We don't know what the end result will be, but we know we're going there.
I like your website by the way. Read Neal Donald Walsh's books over a decade ago. Great stuff!
Thanks for your response. Neale has it together. Same with Eckhart Tolle and all others listed on my site. Mooji is really cool and what I'm into now.
We do know what the end result will be if we allow ourselves. I see a end result as being a self-realization of who we are as individuals and our own personal Oneness with God. That awareness is what will bring about the change we all are seeking. It's called a conscious awareness of our mind/body/spirit and how they all work equally together to help us remember who we are. We are God.
America needs to loose a bit of self to understand it's true self. Eckhart Tolle say's in his book "A New Earth" that our focus will change from us wanting the materialist things in life, to the peace of mind of joy.