Forum Post: Keep your Eyes on the Prize - #1 Goal of protests should be to get the money out of our politics!!!
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 28, 2011, 3:52 p.m. EST by LSN45
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
The majority of Americans want to see less influence from corporations and other special interests (including unions) in our politics. The #1 goal of OWS, first and foremost, should be bringing this about. Simply addressing the symptoms, while it might bring temporary relief, will not cure the problem. Right now both the right and the left our bought and paid for by corporations and special interests through our current system of legalized bribery (campaign donations) and paid lobbying.
We need real, loop-hole free CAMPAIGN FINANCE REFORM!!!
We need reestablish a the rights of flesh and blood American's over the rights of corporations!!!
We need to look at a system of publicly funding our campaigns so that real Americans, and not only the privileged can attain public office!!!
This should be THE demand and direction of the protest if we ever want our children to live in a country where there vote matters.
Once the corrupting influence is out, then Americans can truly decide what reforms they want and how the government should work. The question is not do we need more or less government - it should be what do we need to do to have the most effective government we can (America should have the most effective government, and the people should be deciding it, not multinational corporations with boards of directors full of foreigners).
Get the money and corruption out first and the rest will follow!!!!
you said it bro, enough with this wide net of psuedo-issues, the real shit is ending the influence big money has over politics. All the rest is just clutter.
If the protests truly adopted this as their rallying cry and repeated it load and clear for everyone to hear I think real change would happen. I would love to see the psudo-news stations a talk radio folks try to spin it. If we don't choke off the supply and address the real problem - corruption/bribery in our political system - the chance of having other meaningful, lasting reform is almost zero. Explain it to those you come into contact with. Almost everyone I talk to about it agrees - even those who ignorantly made fun of the protests.
Get the money out of politics, and into the middle class.
This will require ending corporate person-hood. Support the Human Worth Amendment. Learn more at:
You are right - more and more people are catching on to this. I almost fell off my chair when I first heard the news on the "citizens united" ruling months ago. I could not believe it. If we ever want our children to live in a country where there vote actually means something we need to reestablish the rights of flesh and blood U.S. Citizens over corporations. To think that government created entities who's sole purpose is to make profit and shield personal liability should be treated on the same level insane. A real recipe for disaster as we have seen. It needs to be corrected!!! Spread the word!!!
We are in complete agreement!
all sides should be able to agree on that.
And that is what we need -something constructive that the American people as a whole are behind. Once the system is fixed people can argue about the silly details.
money can be rooted from politics by creating a publicly verifiable voting system
Once money is out of politics, everything else will follow. We cannot have those who write the laws and regulations in the pockets of the elites.
Exactly! Even after the campaign process is reformed it will probably take years for the current set of "corporate lap dog" politicians to die off (literally - more strict term limits are needed but that's one of the reforms that will finally become possible once the money is out). Just think about it - having elected officials that actually represent the people. REAL statesmen, not the children of elite/monied families that have been marketed to us like a new box of detergent.
thats not the number one prize. the number one prize has to be to end the corporate oligarchy, just removing money form politics will be both pointless and useless if you do that and the oligarchs remain in power.
we need a third party and we need an article 5 convention, both of which as main points make "getting money out of politics " look like a peripheral detail.
A third detail would be actually bothering to have an information revolution.
I have been active here since the very beginning, and since the very beginning I have been trying to make some core points. These points clearly have not been digested or fully understood by the mob, and so I'm going to try to make a further attempt here again.
For these reasons, I beg of you to please immediately join me on the wiki. We need to have all of these details and all of these ideas put together in an organized fashion, rather than posted in a long scrawl which will never be read.
We are saying the same thing - the whole point of getting rid of the money and legalized bribery is to get rid of the corporate and special interest influence in our politics.
yes. but thats more complicated than simple laser beam focus on one thing.