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Forum Post: Kaci Hickox of 'Doctors Without Borders' is YET ANOTHER stuck-up, self-centered, FEAR MONGERING EBOLA BITCH.

Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 30, 2014, 1:01 p.m. EST by StillModestCapitalist (343)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Because of the profound corruption within the US healthcare industry and the ulterior motives on which 'charities' often operate, I have sometimes wondered just how noble the efforts of 'Doctors Without Borders' really are. They do provide healthcare for some of the world's poorest people. They also distribute pharmaceuticals which are sold to poor countries for profit. The obvious perk for those involved is that they travel this mostly poor but beautiful and diverse world in the name of 'humanity'. It's a perk that tens of thousands would line up for if given the chance.

From day one of the reported 'Ebola outbreak' in West Africa, I wondered if it would become the latest in a long line of 'it' diseases for Americans to fear unnecessarily. That suspicion was confirmed by October 1st when all of the major networks decided to cover it 24/7. Just like they did for SARS, Bird Flu, Swine Flu, Mad Cow, West Nile, Tuberculosis, and another few 'it' diseases which Americans have been made to fear EVERY SINGLE YEAR FOR A DECADE RUNNING.

All of which have resulted in ADDITIONAL multi-hundred-million dollar profits for the most corrupt industry of all time. Each and every year. Just a few years ago, these multi-hundred-million dollar profits were reaped in part, by selling millions of doses of Swine Flu vaccine to the US government. They were secured and justified by spreading irrational fear of the 'it' disease for that particular year.

Virtually every dose of Swine Flu vaccine sold to the US government was thrown out because the 'pandemic' we Americans were made to fear never came. Still, those multi-hundred-million dollar 'Swine Flu' profits were reaped. Ch'Ching!

First came the unnecessary hype, then the irrational fear, then the sales and the obscene profits.

Now, we have yet another 'it' disease to fear irrationally.

Of course, any moron should know by now, that Ebola has no chance whatsoever to become a pandemic in America. It simply does not spread easily enough, survive long enough outside of a host, or reside on any surface well enough once being washed away with ordinary soap and water.


Still, the fact remains: Americans, in general, are a bunch of hypochondriac 'drug and doctor' morons. They fear Ebola like a fat juicy cat fears a rabid dog. They are being MADE to fear Ebola in part, for the purpose of securing YET ANOTHER unnecessary US government purchase of 'it' disease vaccine. That purchase is being planned as we type. It will be confirmed within the next few weeks or months.

This is where the fear mongering bitch, Kaci Hickox comes in. Of course, as a simple matter of precaution, she should remain quarantined for 16-21 days in order to rule out the remote possibility of Ebola infection and to avoid spreading any potential infection to a fellow citizen. This is about as basic as morality gets. But aside from that, Kaci Hickox should remain quarantined for 16-21 days out of respect for her fellow citizens in order to avoid SCARING THE HOLY HELL OUT OF MILLIONS.

But this is too much to expect from the fear mongering bitch Kaci Hickox. In fact, she has gone out of her way to make CRYSTAL CLEAR that she has no intention to abide by any Ebola quarantine. She has gone out of her way to let her fellow citizens know that more potential carriers, like her, fresh off the plane from West Africa, will be doing the same.

This reckless, irresponsible, and IMMORAL behavior on the part of the fear mongering bitch Kaci Hickox will surely drive even more of her KNOWN HYPOCHONDRIAC fellow citizens right into the commercial arms of the most corrupt industry on Earth in order to rule out the EXTREMELY REMOTE possibility of the Ebola tummy ache. Her reckless, irresponsible, and IMMORAL behavior will surely help to secure and justify the upcoming government purchase of Ebola vaccines which will ultimately expire and go to waste just like they did for Swine Flu.


Under the circumstances and considering the behavior of Kaci Kickox, I will not rule out a corrupt affiliation between certain members of 'Doctors Without Borders' and the pharmaceutical industry. Kickox may be in this for personal gain.

Still, the fact remains: There will be no Ebola pandemic in the United States. Only the irrational fear of one. Thanks in large part to the fear mongering Ebola bitch Kaci Hickox.





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[-] 5 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

Healthcare workers in this country are paid way too much in comparison to everyone else and regular, ordinary people who are just barely scraping by are the ones paying their salaries.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Over all, I have a lot more respect for nurses than I do for doctors. I've known two so far who were willing to admit that doctors prescribe too many drugs and sometimes because of perks from the drug companies. My step-dad's part time nurse was one of them. Their pay is reasonable also.

But this particular nurse, Kaci Hilcox, just makes my blood boil. She could do a lot of good by stepping in front of any camera and saying something like "Don't worry, I'm probably not infected but I do understand your concerns. I will stay under quarantine until we all know for sure."

After three weeks, she could make another announcement, receive a well earned pat on the back, and go about living her life.

But she just won't do it. She is going out of her way to make as big a deal as possible while flat-out refusing to abide by any quarantine. Her behavior is downright bizarre under the circumstances. This makes no fewer than four Ebola healthcare workers so far, who have acted irresponsibly.

The mid-west jet-setting Ebola nurse, the cruise ship Ebola nurse, the bowling Ebola doctor and now the 'no quarantine for me' Ebola nurse.

There will be another within a week or so.

[-] 4 points by beautifulworld (23828) 10 years ago

I do not get her attitude either. I just wish every American could live the high life. Most, unfortunately, are too worried about where their next meal is coming from and how they are going to pay their rent.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

She could do a lot of good by stepping in front of any camera and saying something like "Don't worry, I'm probably not infected but I do understand your concerns. I will stay under quarantine until we all know for sure."

Damn Straight - wtf is wrong with these supposed health care professionals?

[-] 3 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 10 years ago

How DARE the Vulgar.Ignorant,Narrow Minded American People be concerned about a contagious Virus that has a high rate of Mortality,a high rate of Mutation,and is not well understood or thoroughly studied?How Dare Americans prefer to be Safe Rather than Sorry?They have been TOLD everything is under control! Now GTF out of my way! I wanna go to Starbucks RIGHT NOW! I wanna go on a Cruise! I wanna go to a Spa! A Casino! Disneyworld! It's my RIGHT and I Can't Wait 3 Fucking weeks!

[-] 2 points by pigeonlady (284) from Brooklyn, NY 10 years ago

I wonder how many people are trick or treating as an Ebola molecule? I know you can get the stuffed toy. GEE, what a great way to capitalize on a disease, huh?

[-] 0 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

I don't often care about 'taste' if you know what I mean. This is one of the exceptions.

It's just plain wrong to capitalize on any angle of Ebola.

[-] 0 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

Kaci Hickox "is" an incredibly self centered BITCH - but not a fear monger - though she is the cause for hysteria in the area in which she lives. She should be well aware that she could be infected and not be aware of the infection until the infection has been incubated in her system and built up to a virulent level. She worked caring for Ebola patients and those who had not yet shown the symptoms of the infection - she should welcome the common sense precaution of a volunteer quarantine for the safety of others and she should have had the decency not to have her boyfriend (?) locked up in quarantine with her. What a Bitch.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

It may be more accurate to call her a 'fear causing' or 'fear spreading' bitch. But I just can't rule out the possibility that her behavior is calculated. She makes no less than four Ebola workers so far, who have acted irresponsibly.

I'm sure we can agree at least, that it is a bizarre trend.

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

I'm sure we can agree at least, that it is a bizarre trend.

Yes - bizarre ( unthinking - inconsiderate - selfish - etc ) considering the circumstances and the actions of supposed health professionals.

[-] -1 points by StillModestCapitalist (343) 10 years ago

Kaci Hilcox channels the late Freddie Mercury.

"I want to ride my Ebola bike I want to ride my bike. I want to ride my Ebola bike and spread more Ebola fear far and wide!"
