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Forum Post: K-Street in the Oval Office...while we work for the company store.

Posted 7 years ago on April 28, 2017, 8:05 a.m. EST by elf3 (4203)
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Without net neutrality we will also lose access to community isolated on the lands of each Feudal Lord. The only information we will get is what they choose for us. The internet killed newspapers...so they killed the internet ...they bought all the news stations...and they begin to force us into servitude...WE WORK FOR THE COMPANY STORE...maybe not as obviously as the days of CARNEGIE ...but we do and on a much larger scale and now they are far more powerful and richer than Carnegie...regulation stopped Carnegie from this abuse of the common man...so Trump and Multinational Conglomerates decided to Trogan horse their way into our own government and put an end to the regulation preventing Carnegieism from infecting our ?..OUR nation. We are being ruled and enslaved. All the money we make working goes right back into the pockets of the same group of companies. Hell why not just issue us credits instead of actual money since it all goes right to them anyway...oh wait ...money is just a credit since we adopted the Federal Bank. So we work for our credits and we spend them at the set price of the company store. The store ensures prices are high enough compared to our wages that we can never leave the system. We become servants ...trapped and dependent on the dribblings the divy out. Subject to abuse and bullying and servitude...and less and less rations for our labor.

Trump is the ultimate corporate lobbyist...a bully who inflicts the corporate will onto the people of our nation ramming through executive orders and forcing supreme court justices ...this onslaught of injustice against the common man and woman must stop. Reducing the corporate tax rate to 15 percent while those in the middle income range actual working people pay double. Most are headquartered offshore anyway which Trump promised to stop during the election and pay no tax. Trump lied to us so they still have...negative tax. Corporations are given special privilege under the law create a system of separate laws for different "people". We actual people are now unequal under the new rule of law and the system being created is Feudalism...where corporations are given unfair advantage and ownership of the economic landscape and we all toil for their benefit with no upward mobility of our own. The push to get rid if net neutrality is the most blaring example. A regulated internet provided economic opportunity and a fair-ish playing field for the common man so what do they do. They conquer it and force us off the land...if we want back on we must pay. We can't stand by and watch the common man be subordinated into mere serfs held like cattle feeding from the corporate trough. Human beings are being farmed by corporations. Trump is playing number one lobbyist for every greedy corporation seeking to use and abuse the common man. The next democratic candidate needs to take on corporations. Wage a war on wallstreet. Hillary was not that...she sat on the board of Walmart for 6 years for Christ Sake...Bernie was our only hope but the DNC aka Lobbyists for WallStreet in disguise stamped him out...but he too was not tough enough and too focused on subsidies to balance the injustice which yes subsidies are serving as the only counter weight and because of the unfairness are sadly needed BUT... The people don't want government subsidies...they want a fair system. That much is clear. Trump hates the working man and woman...he sees us as pawns to be played with. We common people are just nobodys to him and his kind. They do not care about fairness or justice...they take by force. Are we going to fight back ...



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[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 7 years ago

Also...When workers get tax breaks...the company store increases prices. So the solution isn't tax breaks for the working class...who are the only ones balancing society and keeping the poor from starving (because someone has to in an economy where prices are so high and wages so low and jobs are scarce): The solution is to break up the company store aka the conglomerates who own them and to open the markets and entrepreneurship to the common man...which means breaking up monopolies duopolies hedge funds...subsidiary stock ownership (pooling of investments between multinational conglomerates and banks) etc. No matter what income we earn if the company store takes it all...we never gain a foot in ground even if our tax is reduced. The internet was providing the common man an avenue for independence and entrepreneurship...so they are going to crush it. Corporations and the rich thrive on our dependence.

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 7 years ago

Giving corporation reduced tax gives them more money to buy our government and change the law to control us. Don't they have enough wealth and power? Funny how the more money they have...the less rise in wages we see...stagflation for twenty years.

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 7 years ago

He also needs to be held to account for blatantly lying to his constituents. He is basically saying "yeah i fooled you- Suckers! Its your fault for believing me...what are you gonna do about it ...I have the power...you don't." He sees the American People as suckers and fools to be subverted and abused. Are we gonna take this? Where are his constituents to hold him to account?