Forum Post: Just got kicked out of zuccotti park by a guy with a blue wristband
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:01 a.m. EST by FellowTraveler
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
I wasn't even doing anything, just minding my own business and this big guy with a blue arm band comes up to me and tells me to "get the fuck out now" and got right in my face. I cant believe this. If this is how I'm going to be treated then I'm DONE
establishment troll and quitter-baiter
Until I see more evidence, I am leaning towards "hoax" at the moment, agreed. If it's someone's idea of FUD, it's really weak stuff, though. Photos could shed light on the truth if there's actually anything to see behind this.
there's repetition of the "I'm DONE" meme floating around; sad, weak, pathetic n00bs engaging in amateur psychological warfare. somebody gave a white shirt a PC and now he thinks he's cyber. that or the so-called phantom blue-band posted it himself. in either case, ur right. PICS.
l00zRz. FAIL.
Let me rephrase that.
Take picures. Get faces. Upload pictures.
If it's happening, take pictures. If this is a hoax to tweak the Internet people, we'll know soon enough, and no harm is done by a few extra photos floating around.
That post sounds completely BOGUS. Just trying to discredit the Movement, are you?
If this happen to you,then you need witness and pics ASAP!
Pics Pics Pics
Hurry up and call the police!