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Forum Post: [DELETED]

Posted 10 years ago on Jan. 11, 2014, 2:21 p.m. EST by anonymous ()
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[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

kill the landlords? http://realestate4ransom.com/

Seriously Matt - I think you should pay out the ass simply because you were born last or too late to get a piece of land. It's your fault when you think about it. Next time around tell your soul to join the lucky sperm club - ok?

Landlording is a business, unless it's your family - it's time we tax them that way and start limiting the amount of rentals. My mortgage is smaller than most rents ... but to afford one in my price range (or rather what the bank will give you vs your meager earnings) it's nearly impossible not to get outbid by cash offering landlord holding corps or a rich boomer with too much time and money on their hands: they buy up affordable housing like hotcakes (and by affordable I mean for anyone who is not a babyboomer (and all those of you who have like half a million dollars left in student loan debt) or a nice young working class couple like myself and my fiance looking not to get pillaged and raped on rent.

Kill all the landlords (avg rental in my area?) $1200-1500 avg mortgage in my area for a house priced in my range that I finally managed not to get outbid on with cash by a really old guy who pulls up in a spanking new Porsche with a bimbo on his arm - $850 (including tax) ... he must have croaked (miracles can happen) now I have a house (and an affordable mortgage) disclaimer * I didn't kill that guy but would have liked to.

Also screw raising minimum wage (they will just raise prices to compensate) how about lowering the cost of goods and housing by regulating the number of scumwad developers and landlords you let convert single family homes into 20 apartments??? !

Can I get a whoop whoop?

[-] 1 points by bullfrogma (448) 10 years ago

Speaking of landlords, you notice how the people with power use superiority to create that impression? It's David DeAngelo basically.

It's primal dominance, being mean, using fear, taking advantage. And don't you dare mess with them because it's obvious that they'll bite your head off (a little dog needs a big bark). A really good movie just came out called Beasts of the Southern Wild. See this movie, it's pretty accurate in a lot of ways.

The people who are creating positions of power for themselves are going to fight you like animals. We've got a huge problem, similar to landlords, that got Kennedy killed among others, and it's called secret societies.

It's funny. They have grown into hundreds of departments and agencies operating out of 1300 facilities all over the country. Almost 1 million people now have "top secret" clearance for undisclosed reasons. There's an unaccountable leech on the treasury that few leaders have the guts to defund, instead blaming it on teachers, nurses, cops, janitors and firefighters. It's funny because most people aren't even curious about this stuff.

Tell someone you've talked to people in the C.I.A. and they automatically don't believe you, as if the C.I.A. never talks to people. I still haven't figured out exactly how they've managed to brainwash all of society into such reflexive disbelief about these things. Maybe its Hollywood.

But the point is that these elitist secret societies with agents all over our system are not willingly ever going to give up their power, and we're not going to deviate from their agenda by playing the system which they are subversively inventing.

It's that simple. I think we're in deeper shit than most people understand or are willing to believe. We really need to do something that's either more powerful then they are, or that takes their power away.

And if you haven't watched this video yet, watch this video. http://youtu.be/jHm0XhtDyZA

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

Thanks - I will check out the Beasts film - herumph I do miss the video store

On top of boiling the frog factor (a large problem in our society) I think garnering authority is more about (we'll kill you're fucking family -or ruin them-threats) a lot of people don't worry so much about themselves but they don't want to hurt their families - if say they provide for them, or they pay for the house they live in - that is strong incentive not to cross someone, not to cross authority...or they will ruin not just you, but those you love. This breeds compliance...That is the basis of true fear..love (Please god forgive me if I'm spreading this idea, but I think they already know it so I'm just bringing you in)

Speaking of Power - Nurse Ratched makes herself look innocent and makes you look fucking crazy...makes you lash out until you actually may in fact be getting a little crazy and all the while she stays calm, cool collected, all while daring you to make yourself look batshit crazy as she calmly pushes in pinpoint fashion exactly each and every little button you have and plays on every fear you have - until you snap...and then she has you she has all the justification for everything she's done, and can legitimately destroy you and your loved ones while remaining the poor poor victim. She wants you to follow the rules, even when the rules are rigid, make no sense, and don't benefit you. When you seek fairness you are punished...with even more unfairness. It's classic manipulation ...power - they get off on it pure and simple even turn themselves into a sort of hero figure who is rescuing you from yourself all while they covertly destroy you - they test you first to see if you'll play they bump their carriage into you to see if you'll move out of your spot in the aisle and when you do - they'll take it - because you gave it up and now it's your fault and now your spot is the "new normal" You invited it. ...I'm not sure any of that stuff about clearance or secret societies matters - it's not secret when we all see the results of it...so then it's up to us to hold each other and our families together when someone is threatening them and their futures ...we need to create safety that will keep their threats and inflicted fears from winning. Mostly we need to dig for TRUTH and call out Bullies and Dictators/ Authoritarians! Exposure -which comes from free communication - never stop communicating - never stop spreading ideas, bring darkness into the light, from there it will bring us peace and change.

Speaking of amazingly open but widely unknown non-secrets - Net Neutrality and the TPP? Best way not to be obvious is to be obvious?

[-] 1 points by bullfrogma (448) 10 years ago

brilliant reference with nurse retched. it's also a shame that deception works so well. maybe it wouldn't if we had a better foundation for united rights. take the occupy movement for example, transformed into a controlled fire, even better than not having a fire. inserting people to nudge things in a direction that doesn't seem unproductive, but is. creating a sense that we can't even trust ourselves. creating a profound, permeated sense that it's hopeless, that we're powerless. I keep thinking the best thing we could do is cut it off at the source; stop using money and start a new system of things based on life. take their power away. eliminate this perverted energy. get to the heart of the dragon, and stop it. they'll pretend it wouldn't be that easy. they'll pretend because they don't want to give up all that incredible, narcissistic domination.

[-] 1 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

add to this: rent control !!! and abolish capital gains tax rate!!!

[-] 2 points by NotRockefellerTheOtherFella (38) 10 years ago

"Jobs" is a four letter word. I think the 99% deserve better than to be limited to jobs. We have to beg the all mighty 'Job creators' for jobs. Become corporate wage slaves to our job creator overlords.

We need more choices for income. We must not be satisfied with only being given "jobs". We want to be independent business owners. tradesman, Start Co-opts, have easier access to funds to start our own enterprises, etc.

The 1% control all the resources. They have made the economy so bad, that desparate people are now pandering to the feudalistic job creators for survival.

[-] 3 points by elf3 (4203) 10 years ago

Agree 100 percent ...de-monopolize shut down trade with despot regimes - pass move to Amend - reinstate corporate charters ... put the RF Spectrum back in the public domain (free the Internets) no longer will we allow media monopolies to control our populous with their own propaganda machine. De-landlord the land: Bring back the era of the single family owner occupied home.

[-] -3 points by globalchill (-24) 10 years ago

I'd ask if you are serious, but you got 2 twinks...scary



[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

The biotech field has seemed promising for at least two decades but it did not generate great number of jobs so your desire to break into biotech field can lead you to a dead end. In fact, people who already got biotech or bioengineering degrees and jobs were trying to find jobs in related but different fields. There is a big time lag between a new biological discovery and the technology using it that can support someone's livelihood (aside from continuing research).


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Take a cue from John Paulson. The U.S. has a "severe shortage of labor in STEM fields" such as yours. Think about getting a teaching certificate or starting a tutoring business to teach more students STEM so that there would be more cheaper people to increase industries' profits. We MUST offer jobs to every STEM foreign graduates from our colleges and universities to improve our "national competitiveness."

This may not be as glorious as the credit default swaps but you will be performing a most valuable "national service!" It will work just fine until the bottom falls out of the U.S. when our shale gas is exported to increase industries' profits.


[-] 2 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Precisely the 1%'s children will need your help and their parents will pay. You need to dangle the sweet carrot of high salaries in STEM fields to lure them in. I just read that Los Alamos has the highest proportion of millionaires in the U.S. They got their high salaries and wealth from the national laboratory there. Say something such as, "Imagine your children making six-figure salaries and owning more than a million dollars of investible assets (excluding real estates and retirement accounts)". It is statistics, not damned lies!


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde is the only way to go sometimes.

I actually think that it would be a rather tough job in denuclearization. Keeping all of these aging nuclear weapons ready to blow up reliably on triggering WITHOUT blowing them up can be very challenging. It is a messy affair because the polonium and plutonium always decay and the explosive charges may not work well after so many years. John Paulson tried to warn about the housing debt bust to no avail so he got Goldman-Sachs to custom-make credit default swaps for him and they gladly obliged. That is a cue, is it not?

Also our most valuable industries are based on semiconductors. A century ago, semiconductors were nearly good for nothing. It is precisely this good-for-nothing property under exquisite control that gave semiconductors their great power. Do you see the metaphor?


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

True but we do not use up enriched uranium and plutonium fast enough in nuclear power plants to avoid nuclear terrorism risks. There are fewer plants operating than before and many in the U.S. will be decommissioned without replacements.

The important thing to always remember is that in the correct CONTEXT everyone can shine like Rudolf, the red-nosed reindeer. Getting a teaching license to teach Ruby or Python in a high school can be a good career path for you. In the early days of the personal computer revolution, there was projection that we would need four million computer programmers by 1990 so there was the so-called severe shortage as there is now. That never materialized because many people learnt to program. Coding skills will be handy for most students, regardless of whether they really get a professional job in computer software.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

You got me fantasizing about an al-Qaeda-led jihad charging to the used fuel rod storage at Fukushima's disabled nuclear power plants. LOL.

Those kids will probably prefer data banks of select financial institutions rather than the congressional law.


[-] -1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Somebody always knows. What government said was one thing, recent reality showed something else, with many different leaks, breaches, and expose's. Government was caught off guard but the corporations were caught with their pants down due to their plutocratic success in fending off government mandates, cooperations, and help in cybersecurity. Their customers will punish them.

[-] -3 points by Builder (4202) 10 years ago

It would be a plus if their customers did punish them.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

The relatively high requirement is a symptom of the labor glut in biotech field. The industry may already have a technical person so they want somebody with advanced biology degree to guide and work with the techie. This means a biotech degree may be pretty worthless in the biotech job market. I am not joking about getting a teaching license because it may be protected by union. You can also tout your computer programming skills because many high schools want to provide more coding skills to their students.


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Look ahead to a year from now. Regardless of whether you got teaching credential in the year or not, one year will have elapsed. It is a genuine question to ask if the money and time involved in getting the teaching credential is worthwhile and whether teaching fits your temperament.

Only you can really answer the question well. What I discovered though was that temperament changed because enjoyment grew with competency and understanding the contextual meaning of the endeavor. The difficult thing was to get started with an earnest effort without convincing proof of the payoffs. This is where the wealthy people have an edge over the poorer people. They can all see the same physical environment but their "inner eyes" see vastly different possibilities which can also be restrictions. Without your vision of "holes," electrons could not work their magic in semiconductors.


[-] 2 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Actually my nonsense was intended to help you see the light surrounding the shadow. We know that "holes" cannot exist as real particles in vacuum as electrons can but holes are very real in semiconductors. The background can make an impossibility into a possibility. Holes are therefore "positive" to enable their interplay with the negative electrons to control switching.

Did you enjoy teaching? Which aspect of it did you enjoy? Do you have contact with those teachers you taught physics to? You can ask them if they have teachers' aide positions open.

Ask the private school if they have technical competitions for which your expertise can be of help. If you "win just one for the Gipper," they will probably want to build up their reputation more by hiring you.

Can you make a computer program and equipment that automate the playing of "dungeons and dragons" to create a map quickly of a major earthquake disaster site in Los Angeles, for instance?

The title of this post is a bit too subservient to our present system under the thumb of the 1%. It almost sounds like "Use me, Use me, Use me, we all need to be used." Perhaps "Love, Love, Love, we all need love." is more suitable as beautifulworld showed me through the video posting. Love which conquers all came before Jobs.


[-] 0 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

You seem to have a creative streak (teaching dungeons and dragons and poetry). You may enjoy making some fun and games with children, such as how light, lenses, diffraction gratings, interference, spectroscopy, flame test, etc. work. They may be in the form of science kits.

I fancy a light scope that can allow me to see through murky water as if the water were transparent. Can it be done at high enough resolution and yet still work through the murkiness? If I throw a coin to the bottom of a cup of milk, is it possible that I can reconstruct the image of the coin through the milk?

Thinking of disaster zones, many places of residence can be considered as such because we often need search and rescue missions for our remote controls, mobile phones, tablet computers, chargers, etc. Oh, why do we not suck in the chargers into the portable devices so we do not keep on losing the chargers?


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Flame test is used for identifying chemical elements in minerals. For example, sodium chloride gives the bright yellow light when a little bit of table salt is put into an inherently colorless flame. Spectroscope can further analyze the light to yield the sodium ion spectrum.

Noam Chomsky invented the confocal microscope that can see light coming from a single plane of the specimen. With fast scanning and changing of focus, we should be able to create a three dimensional model of the specimen.

Why should so many portable devices have a bulky charger and a wire and plug? It would be better if a cell phone can be charged without using a separate charger that often gets lost.

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

Confocal microscopy allows all pixels on the same plane to be focused by selecting the time of transit light propagation. Pixels in other planes have different times so they are deselected and appeared as blurred out in the planar image.

right, over time the image is built


[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 10 years ago

Confocal microscopy allows all pixels on the same plane to be focused by selecting the time of transit light propagation. Pixels in other planes have different times so they are deselected and appeared as blurred out in the planar image.

Does your cell phone still have an EXTERNAL detachable adaptor? The potential detachment is a problem because the adaptor can be misplaced. Additionally, there are so many different types of adaptors for the different mobile devices that it becomes confusing.