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Forum Post: Jobs Bank for Full Employment

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 12:40 a.m. EST by AlternativeSynergy (224)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Full employment in in the United States has been a long sought after goal. A possible way to achieve this goal would be a Jobs Bank where the private sector along with help from government wage subsidies can quickly re-employ the unused workforce.

The government should create a Jobs Bank where private employers may hire an unemployed worker at a wage discount from the market labor price, with the discounted portion of the wage to be paid by the government. An internet based database of resumes that could be searched or browsed by employers with a real time system of bidding on wage discounts would be relatively easy to set up. This is superior to the unemployed worker receiving unemployment benefits and/or going on welfare, food stamps etc. It will bring in tax revenue to offset or even eliminate the cost of the program when you consider savings to the social safety net programs.

This must be a temporary subsidy, but it would be beneficial to companies by having a low-cost way of training and/or evaluating an employee’s performance before permanently hiring that employee at the full market wage. At the end of the subsidy the employer might decide the employee is productive enough to pay the full wage, or negotiate a wage with the employee. There must be checks in place to prevent abuse of this program by employers dismissing long term employees to obtain new wage-discounted employees.



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[-] 1 points by beardy (282) 12 years ago

Could just kick out the illegal immigrants and give those jobs to unemployed citizens.

Also, don't forget. Our nation is out of money, so subsidies are out of the question.

[-] 1 points by averageperson (2) 12 years ago

Are there enough available jobs in the US to do this? Your US minimum wage is already extremely low.

[-] 1 points by AlternativeSynergy (224) 12 years ago

One of the reasons wages are so low is because there is not full employment. High unemployment puts downward pressure on wages as workers compete for jobs. As far as there being enough jobs, we need to have some job retraining that possibly could be worked into the program. There are at least 3 million jobs going unfilled because employers can’t find employees with the right job skills.

[-] 1 points by averageperson (2) 12 years ago

Where are these jobs and what types are they?

Yes I hear about many many people with degrees competing for minimum wage jobs. If the employer really needs someone, you would think they would be wiling to train.

[-] 1 points by AlternativeSynergy (224) 12 years ago

The good thing about this program is an employer would be incentivised to train because of the temporarily lower cost their business. Also employers who are hard hit by global low wage competition could benefit.

There are many articles discussing the unfilled jobs, this one gets into some specific sectors:


[-] 1 points by stevemiller (1062) 12 years ago

Being wrong for 20 years -- read more -- http://overthecoals.blogspot.com/

I was raised in a family that followed politics and current events. We discussed politics and current events almost every day. I traded stocks since I was 15 years old so economics was crucial for me like golf was crucial to Tiger Woods since he was 3 years old. I knew about Ross Perot before he brought EDS (Electronic Data Systems) public and made a fortune. I knew all about Ronald Reagan and Reaganomics and Paul Volker, and the monetary policy of Milton Friedman because I developed a hedging system for interest rates using Treasury futures in 1979 when I was hired to use that system which worked.

My point is that I'm an informed, intelligent person who has real experience with real money and real profits and losses. When Ross Perot campaigned for being president I worked in his campaign because I knew that when Perot said that, "If NAFTA is passed by George Bush that America would hear a giant sucking sound." I never imagined that Clinton who was financed by the unions would pass NAFTA for George Bush right after Clinton got inaugurated but he did. I knew that Clinton was a liar when he claimed he didn't inhale his pot or he'd have to be the dumbest bastard who ever lived.

I've been waiting for a protest for more than a decade and finally we have OWS. When people finally got so pissed off they began to camp in the park in NYC I presumed they would be eager to do the only thing possible to combat the 50,000,000 jobs that were stolen from them to enrich the privileged. The only thing possible is to nominate candidates ready to defy "political correct" bribes that all politicians take to allow the trade policy, and the tax policy used by our elected government to steal those jobs and replace those American workers with slaves from different countries but primarily from China. It wasn't enough that American business would exploit Mexicans at $2 per hour, they wanted the work to be done for nothing.

If anybody wanted to bet me that I couldn't go to the park and convince the protestors to nominate candidates for the 2012 election to implement their demands, I would have gladly taken that bet. I make lots of bets and sometimes I lose those bets but I win most of my bets and a few times I've bet the ranch because I knew for a fact that I couldn't possibly lose. The only bet I needed to risk was the $18.50 cost of transportation I needed to spend to get to the park 6 times. I've been wrong 6 times on top of being wrong about the response I got from all the people on the OWS forum websites. I was finally blocked by the NYCGA for my arguments on their website by a bunch of liberals who falsely claim they are open to all ideas.

I know for a fact that most Americans aren't stupid. I know for a fact that all conservatives are stupid or they wouldn't be conservatives. Being wrong for more than 20 years is a long time to be wrong and not know it. Being self destructive sitting in the park and refusing to grasp the simple fact that unless a 3rd party is elected to congress that justice is never going to happen from an entire elected body who is taking bribes condoned by the United States Supreme Court; can only happen because they are all in a trance. They can't possibly be that stupid.

[-] 1 points by Dalton (194) 12 years ago

An interesting idea. Is there some country where this already exists, so we can see if it works?

[-] 1 points by AlternativeSynergy (224) 12 years ago

This is something I've been thinking about for a while, but I honestly don't know if it is being used in another country or not. I've never heard of anything like it, but like they say there is nothing new under the sun.