Forum Post: Jill Stein for President
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 27, 2011, 5:37 a.m. EST by zoom6000
from St Petersburg, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 27, 2011, 5:37 a.m. EST by zoom6000
from St Petersburg, FL
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
If she ends up being the Green Party candidate, which I expect will be the case, I will probably vote for her, but I don't expect it to be of much consequence. It's more of an existential choice for me.
Existential theory?how far right are you?
Neither Camus nor Sartre were especially conservative, particularly before they split with each other
i don`t want to adventure with philosophy of the two.,we might end up no where
My only point was that they are generally considered the outstanding existentialist philosophers, that nobody that I know of would consider either of them right wing in any sense and you suggested that existentialism was a right wing theory, which makes no sense to me,
it`s old theory and would not apply for this century
I suppose you could say the same thing about Christianity, but I know a number of Christians for whom it seems to be working. Pragmatism is an older doctrine than existentialism, yet probably most Americans could be meaningfully characterized as pragmatists. I infer that you see existentialism as conservative essentially because it is the product of the middle third of the last century. My music collection is from the middle third of the last century and it not only works for me, but I don't see it as being all that conservative. There is just no accounting for taste.
haha,you right however last century Europe existentialism is diffrenet than American existentialism that why i label it as right wing thoughts
Who are the American existentialists?
Example Camus and Sartre socialist pholospy modified as usuall by American right winger to service them this practice of modifiction is been going on for long time in america.,the idea is to confuse the people and to keep them away from understanding truth. look how they named one of there branch party Libertarian
Can you name names? Who exactly is doing this? This sounds like one of the conspiracy theories that seem to proliferate on this forum, I'm an OWS activist and as such I understand and appreciate silliness and absurdity, but I understand them as silliness and absurdiy.
hahah,No,No conspiracy theories please GOP republican party and there branchs
So you are not suggesting that there is any serious American philosopher who is both an existentialist and also politically conservative? Sounds like a bad dream to me, but nothing but a dream. I've never heard any positive references to Sartre from any Republican, though they may be more ambivalent about Camus, mostly because he ended up selling out to the West.
Sorry if i don`t reply to your comments immediately,but i will later....... I am watching Ron Paul on Tv in Iowa now.,and his speach pure socialist thoughts., but after every each statment he finish>.he will say goverment should stay out . and this is what am taking about they talking socialist when they are in fact on Gop platform for the rich ( i hope u understand me)
That's one of the more confused statements I have read. Ron Paul calls himself a libertarian which conservatives expropriated from the socialist movement. Libertarianism used to be a variety of left wing socialism close to anarchism, but since the right expropriated it it is essentially the modern expression of classical liberalism. Socialists are antistatist too, but anti this state, not the state in general. I still don't see what any of that has to do with existentialism.
Are you endorsing her? Third party candidates have little chance of winning.
Endorsements have virtually no affect on the outcome of an election. That's especially the case when they come from people with no celebrity.
Of course so-called third party candidates have no chance of winning. There is no third party in the United States worthy of the name which is why I refer to them as so-called. I speak as one who has run for office three times a Green and would do it again if asked. It's really of no consequence.
But it's also the case that the influence of the left on the Democratic Party is inconsequential. So where does that leave us? Absent a genuinely independent mass movement it really doesn't matter what any of us do as individuals. It's an existential choice.
The most important thing for us to do right now is to build OWS. Once we have 20 or 30 million people occupying we will be in a position to organize an electoral expression that could have a serious impact on the outcome of elections. Before that we are just pissing in the wind. Occupy! Occupy! Occupy!
Third party candidates have little chance of wining because the two parties have been telling us that for years.
I'm not saying it's impossible, just that if it was easy, it would have been done before.
The party philosphy very clear., so why are we beating around the bush .,in regard little chance to win it could be anther propaganda from the other 2party
I like the party's philosophy and would vote for Jill; however, it's not propaganda about her having little chance. When in our history has a third party candidate ever been elected. Never. The system is rigged to remain a two-party system. Votes for third party candidates would pull votes away from the main democratic or republican candidates. In other words, voting for Jill would actually help the republicans win the office, because votes for her would take away votes from the democrats.
You have a very good understanding of American politics. That is why I believe Jill should be running for senate. For her or any third party candidate to aspire for the Presidency, makes them either a mole or not bright enough to be our president. You have to play the game that is presented to you, majority takes all, and once in power, change the game or capitulate to the ' Quo.
your point well taken., we are in majer mess
I think real change would have to come from bottom up over time. Elect third party candidates at the local level and work your way up.
Is she a baseball fan? An athletic supporter?
She doesn't appear edible.
haha, do you mean she is not kosher?
Well, she sure does seem to have been salt cured.
Joined Dec. 27, 2011
That could never happen to a person of intelligence.