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Forum Post: Jill Stein another Russian agent, just like Trump.

Posted 7 years ago on Dec. 23, 2017, 7:12 a.m. EST by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ
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[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

Don't be a DNC stooge - especially on an OWS Forum! Further .. consider the points & links here:

''The current smear of Jill Stein - has nothing to do with the law or the facts, and everything to do with keeping her name in the news with the word "Russia." Corporate media + the profit-driven status quo they uphold are unable to fight the left on ideas. All they have are smears.'' by Jimmy Dore from here:

Video = "On Contact: Real purpose of intel report on Russian hacking with Abby Martin & Ben Norton".

multum in parvo ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

Don't believe your lying eyes believe the ego whore Greens, sure that makes sense.

I saw Jill Stein compare RT with the BBC nobody made her say such stupid shit she said it all on her own.


I do understand you prefer the forum be the sole property of Green Party stooges like yourself that's why you ran off all the other Democrats. If you think DNC stooges were pushing for Bernie Sanders just shows what a stooge you are.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

Do you think BBC and RT are substantively different in both being State Funded and by having a partial editorial policy?! I know more about the BBC,than U can imagine & Dr.Jill Stein made totally valid points.

Alas, the one thing she did NOT say - was how MSNBC (Main Stream News Broadcasting Corp.); CNN (Corporate News Network); FoxSnewzzz etc.,etc. ... are anything other than broadcast mouthpieces for Corp.U$A?! IF U were a person of integrity & not just a DNC hack - U'd deal with the points, links & info to be found here ...

Your point re.''DNC stooges and Bernie Sanders" is valid but your default position of a Happy Wearer of HRC's ass as your favorite hat is not defendable on this or any other pro-99% forum. Be nice & don't be a cranky old reactionary. Remember Bernie's Policy Platform & how VERY different it was - from HRC's!

Thanx for MSNBC link above. I really liked it & - my respect for Stein just went up another notch. A True 99% Party could emerge if Kshama Sawant, Jill Stein and Bernie Sanders could share a platform - BUT Bernie needs to return to being the Independent Democratic Socialist - that he's been all his political life.

Happy Holidays and all the best for 2018 frf and - pls stop trying to alienate yourself from everyone here. All of us here ... including U .. are looking to push USA's 99% towards Left, Liberal, Progressive Politics, right? It's just that U seem unable to see around, past or through the charade o'Corp.Dems. Why's that?

Finally .. no one ''ran off all the other Democrats'' from this forum! They infiltrated the modding here and THEY took over the place and not only nearly killed it, but wanted jart to close it down!! That DNC/Likud faction was why so many were forced away from here - and why things are as they are here right now!!!

respice, adspice, prospice ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

Are you upset I didn't support your hero Trump against Hillary?

Green Party political hacks like you attacked everyone who suggested we should attempt to keep people like Trump from winning. Over time all but me left now the forum is co-opted crap...

[-] 1 points by grapes (5232) 7 years ago

It's NOT good enough just to keep the people like Trump from winning. The U.S. has been wildly successful in knocking regimes down but replacing the broken china so that the common folks get better lives after the bull has run through the china shop is a WHOLE different matter altogether. Do you still remember the nursery rhyme about Humpty-Dumpty?

Winning the war is very quick (I was impressed by Israel's Six-Day War until I got to the 100-hour War of the U.S.) but winning the peace is extremely difficult. Often the only way for people to get onto the right path forward is to apply "reductio ad absurdum." Trump is a proof by contradiction, a GOOP killer, and the well-deserved punishment for the slavery that the U.S. had committed in the past. Which city would you rather be in when God's angels come to punish the sinners, Sodom or Gomorrah? I heed the Bible's teachings for Lot et al. Do you?

Does it matter whether it is Paetu's burning sulphur or Yellowstone's brimstone falling from the sky onto your head? Not to me!

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

Keeping people like Trump from winning would be a place to start, if you can't do that the rest doesn't really matter does it?

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

Zero-Sum Game, Duopoly Polytricks still befuddling your empty yet fat head, factsy?! Now I am being accused of being Pro-Trump AND Pro-Green Party - huh?!! Are the left and right sides of your alcohol damaged brain - unable to connect with each other now?!!! Go try reading about grass roots politics...

Your fixation with Dirty, Duplicitous, Dems .. means that U'll probably never be able to see their perfidy. Maybe U're still destined to be stuck in abstract memories of some past, halcyon days of JFK/RFK but saddest truth is that U won't criticize Corporate Clinton's for anything, ever; on this forum or anywhere!

nosce te ipsum ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

how are you enjoying your Trump? I know you love your Trump. Trump is your favorite person.

[-] 0 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

So how's that Oprah thing working for U ... factsRfukt?!!! No matter how many times U use that old MSM trick of repetition .. your horse$H!T can't stick, other than to yourself!! Is HRC jelly that U are transferring your ass-kissing from Hellary to Oprah's well padded RW arse?!

fiat lux ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

so you replacing Hillary with Oprah?

You put Trump in the WH so enjoy what YOU have done.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

Oprah and Hellary - are your beloved DNC/DLC and Dem Establishment's idea of .. 'Political Leaders' dummy, so stop bleating and own it! As for me, I'm for a Bernie/Tulsi 2020 ticket! Meanwhile consider:

Btw, the history that can not speak its name or tell its tale, is that DNC/HRC wanted DJT to run thinking that they could, should & would beat him - but guess WTF happened?! So U're more to do with tRUMP now in the fkn White House than I ever was, or could have been!!! Geddit dummy?!! I doubt it! Anyway,

veritas vos liberabit ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

I don't love the DNC nearly as much as you love the GOP and Donald Trump he is your great savivor you really really really love Trump.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

Note ''The Importance of Antifa in Confronting Fascism'' - by Mark Bray:

You "really really really" have no idea WTF is going on .. do you factsRfukt?

Just as long as your hallowed HRC gets in, U are as happy as a pig in shit!

Finally, re.your 2nd Choice, GOPlite, Corp.Dem pin-up, Oprah; maybe see:

doofus maximus - temet nosce!

[-] -2 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 7 years ago

I actually know that Trump is POTUS because shitheads like you wouldn't vote for Hillary, you have some difficulty with reality not understanding that a vote for Jill is a vote for Trump I don't have that problem, Trump is there because you supported him and helped to put him there now you want to pretend it's not your fault, but it is. You wouldn't get caught up in the duoply now Trump is President.

[-] 2 points by ImNotMe (1488) 7 years ago

80% of adults in USA did NOT vote for tRUMP but what your HRC's big ass kissing self can't compute, is that 80% of US adults did NOT vote for Hellary Rotten Clinton EITHER! U are still stuck in your Zero-Sum Game Binary - ffs frf!! Fixating on Dr.Jill Stein; the Russians and just about any other false reason, wants to ignore that of the 40% of US Adults Who Actually Voted in 2016 .. many millions went with the Devil The Did Not Know because - the Devil They Did Know .. was such a clearly venal, crooked bitch! Geddit? I doubt it but then again U have had your lips pressed to HRC's ample ass for quite some time now haven't U?

tRUMP is POTUS mainly because so many o'the U$A's 99% hated $hillary with a passion and so given a choice between a GOPlite, Janus faced Clinton & a DJT who, was speaking some of Bernie Sander's language, they went for his dishonest, greedy self! The DNC; DLC & HRC, are responsible for tRUMP!! When are U going to accept YOUR complicity in the selling out of US' 99% ... that has led to tRUMP?!!!

Thing is - people who voted Green aren't HRC voters. They voted for people, planet & peace over profit ie.the opposite of HRC & Trump! Dem elites sabotaged progressives so they could burn $1B losing to a con man. So do stop trying to shift blame to everyone but DNC, HRC, Corp.Dems and folk like yourself!

ad iudicium et temet nosce!

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 6 years ago

you elect Republicans you should pull your head from your ass and take a look at what they do one day, you can sit on the sidelines doing nothing or you can see who the enemy is and get to work, but Shadz you are clearly too stupid to do that...

[-] 0 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 years ago

Repugnant GOP + GOPlite, Pseudo-Liberal Dirty Dems = Enemy BUT, your lips are pressed too hard to Hellary Rotten Clinton's ample ass to do the rather straight forward political calculus to work that out!!! A continuous cycle of Evil & lesser of 2 Evils - leads to a spiral into Evil & Darkness, geddit?!! I do doubt it!

What is going on here: http://www.truth-out.org/opinion/item/44070-right-wing-feedback-loop-how-trump-and-the-gop-are-radicalizing-each-other ... should be going on in the opposite direction, w/Dems but the DNC and Dem Party Establishment will not allow it & so dumbo Dems keep turning ever more right .. as opposed to ''The Left''! So keep doing more of the same .. somehow expecting different results "stupid",

... or wakeTFup!

[-] 0 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 6 years ago

Fact is you supported Donald Trump for President and YOU helped to elect him and he is shit and so are YOU!

Green Party voters are just stupid as shit ego whores....

[-] 0 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 years ago

As we all know .. your "facts" are fukt!!! But your idiocy seems to be out of con-troll!! Too many schtupid pills or excessive day-time drinking?!!! Either way .. just say no &/or go check into rehab. Now, consider:

It's the Corp. DNC/DWS/HRC who CHEATED the USA out of a Progressive president & so you and your ilk are in fact .. WHY U$A now has tRUMP! But your partisan ass isn't capable of hanging on to that fact!

et temet nosce ...

[-] -1 points by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ 6 years ago

Your fucking Green Party shit elects the GOP you stupid shit.

[-] 0 points by ImNotMe (1488) 6 years ago

It's no "fun" dealing with the "facts" is it?! Ergo, U resort to drunken digressions, right?!! WTF effect d'U imagine voting for Green Party had on tRUMP's (s)election?!!! Re-read the above and revert &/or read:

multum in parvo ...