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Forum Post: JART: Please disable inline images in comments to stop Thrasymaque

Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 10, 2011, 4:41 a.m. EST by ScrewyL (809)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I have not seen a useful inline image in a comment yet. They are almost always used to ridicule or mock; I myself am even guilty of this.

One image might be acceptable as humor or to illustrate something, but Thrasymaque has gotten in the habit of completely defacing whole threads by posting pages and pages of irrelevant, insulting and border-line obscene images.

Please just disable images in comments.


JART, It would probably work best to translate markdown images to standard links immediately before rendering. This would:

  • Fix all existing defacements by Thrasymaque
  • Allow link text and tooltip text to remain
  • Enable people who would like to see the images to click-thru at their discretion

It may be neccessary to generate some text for images which have none, i.e.:




Read the Rules
[-] 9 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Hmmmm I'm surprised this thread hasn't been defaced....It is afterall a conspiracy (re a group of people agreeing to do something 'illegal') theory (we're thinking about it), against the forum.

[-] 2 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

You-know-who can't touch this topic with a ten-foot-pole. Anything he could possibly say would only give credence to it.

Of course, everything Thrasymaque has done is readily available to the administrators, so denial isn't even an option for him.

If he did comment here, he would have to stand upon some "right" or make a bold logical argument that "since he can, he may," and that we have no right to wish he wouldn't.

This would be an untennable position for him as well, and would demonstrate his disdain for both the users and administrators of the site -- so I'm betting he won't utter a peep.

[-] 4 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

He will.....just wait for it....he won't be able to help himself.

[-] 3 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

"so I'm betting he won't utter a peep."

I don't wanna say "I told you so", I really don't....so I won't, just so you know I didn't say it....lol

[-] 0 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

He may not, but I will. I am fucking sick and tired of coming on here and having to wade through anti-Semitic crap and tinfoil hat crap. The only posts he's been spamming are the ones talking about Illuminati and lizard people and "all Jews are evil" and quite frankly I'm proud of him for it. Fighting nonsense with reason doesn't seem to be working, but fighting nonsense with nonsense is ingenious and laudable.

[-] 2 points by ScrewyL2 (6) 13 years ago

He does that to 9/11 posts as well with none of the topics you describe. No lizards, no Jews, no tin-foil.

[-] -1 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

Except that if he's going to be doing this he needs to be nailing the "all Jews are evil" and the lizard-man and tinfoil hat crowds, especially the former because there's such potential for nasty blowback over that. If he got a bug up his ear about the 9-11 truthers then that's fair enough; like I said that shit is a personal affront to me and mine and it needs to stop.

[-] 2 points by ScrewyL2 (6) 13 years ago

He should not be doing it.

[-] 0 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

I don't necessarily like that he's doing it, but it's the only way I know of to deal with this crap. Even aside from the fact that this stuff is ridiculous hate speech and as such is personally repugnant to me, there are practical considerations here. What I don't want happening (and what I'm really worried about) is somebody going through the archives via Google, pulling up about twenty or thirty anti-Semitic posts which either haven't been rebutted (or have any rebuttals collapsed at the bottom), and plastering them all over the place as proof that we're all a bunch of brownshirts. Like I said to BlazeFire, as much as I don't like it, there's nothing like plastering graffitti all over a post when you want to obviously and publicly disown its contents.

[-] 2 points by ScrewyL2 (6) 13 years ago

I haven't seen 20-30 anti-semitic topics on here. Maybe 2 or 3.

[-] 0 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

I've seen a lot more of that, mostly because I've been on here a great deal. It's usually fairly rare that they stay at the top long enough to attract enough attention for lots of people to see them, and once some of the new posting delays and guidelines kicked in there was a marked decline in their frequency. However, if you hit the archives I could pull up a crapton (at least fifty) by one guy identifying as "Vox" followed by a number. They are, however, continuing to stick around; see this link (as an example of one such post, not an articulation of my views on such posts): http://occupywallst.org/forum/list-t-h-e-m-out-the-marxist-bolsheviki-zioshills/ Now just imagine the fun that could be had with our image if someone were to mine this shit and start putting it out in public.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL2 (6) 13 years ago

If I have to go to the archives, then apparently it's not a current problem, and what do you want to bet that Vox has been banned already?

[-] 0 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

He was, multiple times, and he kept coming back. He's stopped now, but there are others like patriot76 who still post this crap and need to be shut down. Also, the link I gave you is current. Like I said, what was done was in poor taste, but I'm not necessarily sure it wasn't the lesser of two evils.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL2 (6) 13 years ago

Direct Quote: "and quite frankly I'm proud of him for it."

[-] 0 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

I did say that, and it was in poor taste. I'm just having a really hard time defending a bunch of people that are peddling inflammatory tripe and in the process (whether they intend to or not) are giving the entire movement a bum rap in the eyes of the rest of the country. I want them to stop, and my stridency in that post was mostly anger at the idea of people coming out in defense of racists and loonies.

[-] 2 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Fair point, and well made. I am not arguing FOR those threads, and would denounce them myself, as I have, should I see them. In fact I created a rather popular (if I may be so bold) thread, to discuss exactly what should be done in regards to this matter.

I do not however believe that any individual should take it upon themselves to decide this, one way or another.

Afterall, how long do you think it will be before someone (rightfully or wrongfully) decides that because thrsy can do it, so can they, and decide to ruin all his threads (I would stand against that also), then someone else recognises that several people employ this tactic and take it upon THEMSELVES to help, one side or another. Before long we'll have no conversation at all, just endless forums of Hoff staring at me; not what I'm here for.

I agree about the other rubbish certainly, and, would applaud thrassy myself, IF, he went about 'debunking', with logic, and, presenting facts, for the reader to go through and determine. He does not however. After debate and discourse have failed, instead of, simply allowing people to become informed and add to the reasonable discourse, he resorts to verbal, and other assaults.

I do not agree with the OP's of many of the sites thrassy has defaced, AND, I certainly don't agree with having to wade through BS to arrive at that conclusion.

"fighting nonsense with nonsense is ingenious and laudable."

This just sounds too much like "fighting fire with fire", a principle that is sure to fail.

Afterall, an eye for an eye, will leave the whole world blind.

"It is my choice to be kind, to those that are kind, and, it is my choice to be kind, to those that are unkind." - I ching

[-] 0 points by ARod1993 (2420) 13 years ago

I've been doing that: when the anti-Semitic and racist stuff comes up I post whole chunks about how I don't agree with the current behavior of Netanyahu's government and how Likud is mostly comprised of dangerous hardliners, but that conflating Likud with Israel and by extension with the Jews is no better than conflating Muslims and Middle Easterners with Al-Qaeda or conflating Christians and Americans with the Westboro Baptist Church. Essentially my posts in those cases tend to wind up collapsed or mocked while the anti-Semite continues on his merry way.

The lizard-man bunch and the 9-11 truthers are full of crap, and we both know it. The problem with the 9-11 thing is that I'm not a structural or civil engineer, and I don't have access to the resources to get a final answer to prove them wrong. That said, people with a lot more expertise than I have in this matter are civil and structural engineers and have called them out to no avail, and as a New Yorker who watched the towers come down and knew someone who was incredibly lucky enough to be late for work that day, the spouting of crap is personally insulting and demeaning. As for the lizard people thing, where are you even supposed to begin trying to debunk that?

Honestly, I don't like the tactics he's using, and I've refrained from using them because they actually unsettle me more than the crazies piss me off, but sometimes I just get really frustrated at the ease with which this crap goes up and the fact that it's so rarely taken down and remains sitting on the server, either unrebutted or with the rebuttal drowned out in garbage. As much as I don't like it, there's nothing like plastering graffitti all over a post when you want to obviously and publicly disown its contents.

[-] 0 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Oh I knew, m'friend -- like The Oracle, I told you what you needed to hear ;)

[-] 3 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

lol....hmmmm, I'm half convinced he is just a bot anyhoo, or an agent provocateur. His debunking, is fine. I don't agree but whatever, every debate needs two sides. His image tactics are just wrong, and he should be stopped.

[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

stopped no, confronted yes. takes patience.

[-] 4 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

He has been confronted, many times. His tactics are simply wrong. Patience will not win the day with this one I think, he is too set in his ways. Changing it so that he can't do that sort of thing....I support that.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

i think what we fight is a good example of what counting on rules alone is worth.

[-] 3 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Just cause I disagree with being a slave, does not mean I don't like rules.

I support rules like: Don't kill other people. I support certain levels of arms controls. I support rules that protect children and rules that protect the truth. I EVEN support certain traffic infingements. AND I certainly would support rules preventing this behaviour.

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

Would you kill were it not for the rules?

[-] 2 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

No. But I'm not posting pictures everywhere either.

[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

the most powerful tool is perception and our need for acceptance. keep that in mind.

[+] -4 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Why don't you make a pull request for your desired changes?

[+] -5 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Why would I deny this? I'm in constant talks with jart. The moderators and herself know I do this in posts that contravene the rules of the forum. I don't deface legit posts. If you feel you have the right to contravene the forum rules, then you shouldn't complain about me defacing your off-topic and unwanted posts.

I encourage you to write to jart and the moderators. Iv'e been encouraging you to do this from the start. This is something you should have done instead of creating yet another post which only floods the forum with an off-topic rant. Do you ever discuss issues related to Occupy? If not, why don't you use the proper venue. There are tons of conspiracy websites available for your nonsense. Occupy doesn't want anything to do with it. Do you think the forum rules are only there for fun?

[-] 3 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

What are you actually doing here then? I mean, you don't seem to support ANYTHING at all....??? I've heard your griping on several threads, and your 'debunking', on others.... I ask again, what are you trying to create?

Please note the key word (don't make me pull out a dictionary, AGAIN) create.

All I have seen you doing is destructive. And yes destruction has it's place as your opinions do also, but trying to use tactics like the ones you advocate, is WRONG.

There is no other way to put it. WRONG.

Own it. Have you ever done that? It's actually quite liberating you know, admitting your wrong. I doubt that you are aware of that though. You have the personality type that could remain stuck on an idea, despite any evidence presented for years/decades on end. The facts don't matter to you, what matters, is that your right. So you will assert any position to justify the cyber-violence you perpetrate. Yes, VIOLENCE. You attack, with, no truth, or desire to improve, but out of an immature need to be noticed and told, "your right".

I ask again, what are you trying to create?

Cause I have NEVER seen a post from you, NEVER, that was designed to further occupy at all, EVER.

All I see is your assaults on other users.

p.s. I'm not gonna reply, cause I'm half convinced your just a BOT anyway, but if your actually human, then, you really need to get some perspective, and, I'm certain that no response of yours will prove that you have gained or learned anything out of this, so why would I bother.

For your own education though, let me ask you more questions, which may aid you in gaining some perspective:

  1. Has anything that you have done furthered this movement, in any way?
  2. Has anything you've done made anyone else feel good about being a part of this movement?
  3. Has anything you've done recently been something new, rather than rehashing the same debates, over and over?

Btw. ScrewL does not need to initiate a 'mob' against you...you pretty much did that yourself, but I am glad that other newer, less cynical, more trusting noobs are warned of you, and how you are.

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

What I'm doing in the conspiracy threads is exactly what Occupy is doing on the streets. I'm occupying their threads by force. This act alone furthers Occupy by creating one more occupation. I'm surprised you don't get this.

Otherwise, I have posted on many other topics and have been commended on my posts by many users. In my mind, critical viewpoints are just as important as supportive viewpoints. Both lead to a betterment of Occupy.

[-] 2 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

You do deface legitimate posts, and they did not "contravene the rules of the forum".

Your very choice of the word "contravene" exposes your holier-than-thou attitude.

Thras, when I first got here, I respected your apparent motivation toward keeping conversations civil and rational, however your behaviour has--right before my eyes--devolved into repetetive, self-contradicting, arbitrary, childishness.

It has become clear that you are seeking to use this site, not as a means of discussing what you think, nor debunking what you disagree with, but as an outlet for your boredom and a way to validate your self delusion.

You had my respect, and you lost it.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

If you feel I have defaced legitimate posts, then simply contact the moderators. You have a private message option I believe. Trying to create a mob against me is lame. You should use the proper venue to express your concerns. Write to your moderators. Their job is to take care of problems like this. It's not the job of other users.

[-] 3 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Posting images of David Hasselhoff ad-nauseum is lame.

Requesting that the administrators do something to prevent it, is not lame.

If jart or the administrators indicate that they endorse your behaviour, then that will reflect badly on them. I will not take your word for it.

Either way, you can stop peddling your wonky defense that you were righteous in making your posts.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

They already endorse my behavior because it helps them. Your posts contravene the forum rules. The fact that you don't understand this is lame. Don't you realize I have been doing this for over a week without any problems? Don't you think the moderators don't already know? And, don't dish David Hasselhoff. He's one cool American! On or Hoff?

[-] 2 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

I have already addressed this. Move on.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Fair enough. Post back when you get a reply from the moderators. The fact that you can't see what is going on is beyond comprehension. I'll see you in your next conspiracy theory post since you never post about anything else. What kind of images would you like next time?

[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

you don't really give two shits. it's just an excuse to be a dick to people you see as weaker than you. typical.

[+] -4 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I don't give two shits about conspiracy theorists. That's exactly right. They don't give two shits about us either, that's why they don't care about breaking the forum rules. Just like you don't give two shits about others either. Don't you have like 20 sock puppets and spam all over this forum?

[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

you're a bully dude. period.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago


I don't know, but I do not believe richard is using multiple accounts. He has said before that he is not, and his use of his real, full name would indicate that he holds himself to a higher standard.

I do know that one or more people have made variations of his name, some obscene, in order to ridicule him indirectly.

I consider that behaviour as ridiculous as posting walls of images rudely.

As for spam, I don't see very much spam on this site at all. Your characterisation of (what you describe as) "off-topic" is loaded, and will not sway a thinking person.

[-] -1 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

He uses many accounts. He used to be fredastaire for example. He is only here to promote his site. Perhaps you are new and haven't figure this out yet. He has a few threads devoted to his trolling and spamming.

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

you guys both need to chill

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Are we in elementary school? Yes, I am a bully towards spammers and conspiracy theorists. Stop being a spammer and I will stop bullying you. There are more posters complaining about your forum doings than about mine. The only reason you are here is to spam your link. You don't care one bit about Occupy.

[-] 1 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

bully me all you want. you aint got what it takes homie. and as bullies do, you guys stick together because by yourselves you get your ass wooped. nothing new.

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

If I don't have what it takes, why are you wasting your time complaining about me here?

[-] 0 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

That is false. I post and comment about many things; representative democracy, gun control, occupy-wall-street's political composition, etc.

I see precisely what is going on. What is beyond comprehension is that you cannot control yourself nor admit an error in judgement.

I will not be replying to you anymore until you man-up and act like an adult.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

There is no error in judgement on my part. Only on yours. Conspiracy theories are a major breach of logic and intelligence. Take your matter to the right authorities. Write privately to all the moderators and leave this forum for Occupy discussions, and go play in conspiracy theory forums where you belong.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

I do not know any of the moderators; I know only of Justine. (Jart).

I have already addressed your "go play in conspiracy theory forums" slur.

[-] 3 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

I sent this posting to JART (the developer of this website) as well.

Here is her user page:

[-] 3 points by infonomics (393) 13 years ago


[-] 2 points by JadedCitizen (4277) 13 years ago

A picture is worth a thousand words. If Thras wants to use thousands of words at one time, why not. The real question - is he stalking other people who he's put on his shit list? I will not respond, just my two cents.

[-] 2 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago

Woop! Disable the discrimination!

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I didn't know the imaging code to return the favor, but I did the next best thing, I told the truth about Thrasymaque.


[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You're a real little conspiracy theory MatLock. Good job. Your investigation skills are sharp as a butcher's best knife. Keep the truth coming.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I do what I can, Nambla man.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I created a page for you guys. You can post your conspiracy theories on this page if you want. I won't deface whatever you write there.


[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

Nobody wants to go to your child porn sites.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Suit yourself. Just know that if you post there, I won't deface your posts. It's your choice.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I can always make more. Your threats are meaningless because I've never posted one conspiracy theory. I've backed up everything I've said with sources. But if you insist on defacing my posts, I'll just continue talking about you. :P

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You can make more. Sure. I'll just deface them if they are about conspiracy theories. Good luck. I like the attention, please talk about me whether or not I deface your posts. It makes your look even more ridiculous than when you write about conspiracy mumbo jumbo.

[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I knew you were just some dumb monster who needs attention.

[-] 0 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I'm a monster alright. I'm the leader of the Reptilian Overlords all your best friends are talking about.

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

I have never seen Thrasymaque deface a post except when it was yet another of the oh-so-tiresome conspiracy theory posts. Those posts are against the rules. Ironically, you want the moderators to go back and "fix" conspiracy posts Thrasymaque defaced, but those posts aren't even allowed. I hope they delete them in their entirety.

[-] 1 points by Doc4the99 (591) from Washington, DC 13 years ago

Agree disable it

[-] 1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

. . . . and it's clickable . . .

If bleed we must then bleed we shall,

and upon their heads will rest that stain.

May that thread that permeates the universe

and binds us together in peace and in love

guide and protect all, and let us take great pride:

we are a secular nation. We are a progressive nation.

. . . . . . . . . We are not afraid. . . . . . . . . .




[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

See Thrasymaque? This is proper, sparing use of an image.

No need to repaste the same 600 pixel high image of body hair 50 times.

Just one little 100 pixel high picture does the trick.

No, it's not relevant -- but I am not repulsed.

[-] -1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

of course it is relevant

and you pointed out its relevance quite nicely.

You did however, miss the suggestion that there are more important issues that desperately need our attention

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Oh, I didn't miss that -- the entire purpose of this topic was to make it easier to discuss on those issues. As it stands now, many issues are getting defaced and derailed. It's virtually impossible to carry on a conversation with Thrasymaque interrupting.


[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

Like I said ~

simplesimon simple mind

i am keeping a list

i can do that, can't i?

of course i can

i can keep a list

and i'm putting you on it

what do you think it means?

the Occupy Movement has no leaders

It is diffuse in organizational structure

whose ideas are alfa?

whose ideas are omega?

where do you stand?

We know where you stand . . . .

who can say who will be there

when you fall . . .


[-] 1 points by simplesimon (121) 13 years ago

Shiver me timbers! Oh, by the way, I live in Vermont and I will be at the park outside City Hall tomorrow selling pies made with Monsanto grown fruit. My name will be on my shirt. That's how afraid I am of this movement. So come on down, but powder your beard first. I don't want any varmints on me.

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

you have an obvious advantage over me - so let me make it easy . . .

. . . . and it's clickable . . .

I'll be there later today

[-] 1 points by simplesimon (121) 13 years ago

Fine. You'll see me then. The shirt is obvious. By the way, the profits from every pie I sell goes to ME.

[-] 0 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

I don't care what you do with the money you earn.

[-] 0 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I don't want anyone censored. I think OWS should just give this guy a warning, and if he keeps on doing it, suspend him for a week.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

I'm not suggesting censorship. The remedy I prescribe would still allow all image links to be posted, as well as clickable; the images simply would not render within the comments.

The benefit is that posting lots of images won't make following the discussion or using the site so difficult. As it is now, it's tough to even vote all of Thrasymaque's image comments down.

--Although, you can bet I'll be doing that from now on, every time I see them.

[-] 2 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Thrasymaque set it up so that voting his stupid and offensive images down is no longer an option.

[-] -1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

I liked seeing his images, I don't think that should change, I just think OWS should tell him, you flood a post with images, you go. :)

If this clown has so much time, I wish he would post this link:


In the comment section of the first couple of posts on this wall:


But he just might be limited to making life difficult for others. I really liked his pictures, I just wish he would have only posted them once.

[-] 3 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

You are calling for him to spam another website; a suggestion which I think would be considered repugnant by most reasonable people.

Furthermore, it is irrelevant wether you wanted to see them; they had no bearing on the topics at hand. Should you choose to see them, you are welcome to click.

Limiting repeated image links within a comment is a much more complicated algorithm, will only work if the URLs are identical, and can't prevent posting separate comments with the same links (possibly in a different order to evade identical-comment-detection)

I agree that Thrasymaque should be reprimanded, however, giving him an ultimatum and eventually "the boot" does not prevent other users from doing the same in the future, nor fix the topics which he has already defaced.

My solution addresses all of those issues.

[-] 3 points by blazefire (947) 13 years ago


[-] 1 points by stuartchase (861) 13 years ago

No, I liked seeing his images once, not a thousand times, I say he gets one warning, if he spams again, bye bye. :) On the other hand, I see your point, he'll just changes names. I just don't want to change the forum because of one guy, that's always how freedom is lost. :( We have the dumb TSA because of a few jackasses.

[+] -4 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

What you don't understand is that the moderators and jart already know I do this. They don't care because I only deface posts that contravene the forum rules. These guys shouldn't complain. They are the ones breaking the rules in the first place. If they are not happy with the rules, they should write to the moderators and ask them to change those rules.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Your solution doesn't address much at all. ASCII art will be used if images are removed. Here, a beautiful babe painting a panda as an example.

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[-] 1 points by Infowar (295) 13 years ago

So you admit even if the rules change you would still act the fool?

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

If jart allows 9-11 Truthers to post here, I won't bother them anymore. I'll always vandalize posts that are forbidden by the forum rules.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Yes, I know.

I also know that, in your mind, posting ASCII art here on this topic instead of a string of images as you usually do, appeals to your infantile need for self-amusement.

You should know that I anticipated you would do precisely such a thing.

What I'm wondering though is, "Why just one image?"

I also know that you so badly want to post a wall of images, now that you have peddled your one-sided case that this posting is an "off topic rant".

Go ahead. Make my day. What could possibly do a better job of illustrating your unrepentance?

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

If I had wanted to deface this post I would have done it long ago. I only deface spammers and conspiracy theorists. I feel this post is a waste of time, but I don't feel the urge to deface it. If it makes you happy to create a kangaroo court, then that's fine by me. Life is short, you should do what turns you on. If I can keep you busy here it means you don't post 9-11 nonsense. That means I did my job and I get paid by OWS.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Under "Thrasymaque nomenclature", this topic is spam; therefore, it is your duty to deface it in order to make sure that everybody gets back to discussing the approved topics. According to you, the moderators are relying upon you to do this tedious work!

--Yet, here you have uncharacteristically shown your hand:

If I had wanted to

That's right. Finally some truth, albeit indirect. You deface posts because you want to, not because it benefits anyone, not because the moderators have allowed you to, and not because the "rules" demand it.

Because you want to. The question that baffles sane people is, Why?

[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

I disagree. I have only seen Thrasymaque hammer the folks posting conspiracy threads, and they are against the rules. Interestingly, you want to make rules to moderate an action that wouldn't even be needed if the moderators were inforcing the rules we already have.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I clarified this before. I only deface posts that are about conspiracy theories and posts that spam links. I don't consider this post as spam. You are not posting links over and over again to the same site like Richard is doing. I have been commended by many users for defacing your posts. I do it for Occupy, and for the betterment of manmind. An Occupy ride of conspiracy theory nonsense is a better more intelligent Occupy. Again, why not take the matter up with the moderators. Posting about it here is all but useless.

If you feel it is your right to breach the forum rules by posting off-topic nonsense, then you'll have to accept my defacing your posts. There's no other way. It's your choice. I won't stop. You can either write to the moderators and try to get me banned, or use the proper forum for the conspiracy theory claims you want to make.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

You should stop. It is unbecoming.

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I think it's important to do what we believe in. Occupy believes in occupying public land to force the 1% to listen. I think this is a good tactic. I work in the same way on your conspiracy nonsense. I Occupy your posts. You can always down vote or complain to a moderator.

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

no you don't. you could not be more full of shit. don't rationalize it. confront yourself. you'll feel better in the end.

[-] 0 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Richard, you have such a concise way of saying things:

"confront yourself"

I respect that.

[-] 0 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

thx dude. i do ok for someone with an 8th grade education i guess.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Thrasymaque doesn't understand that education doesn't make for intelligence. He envisions only the "one-true-thought-pattern", namely his, and he believes that "bad thought" can be filtered out by the rigorous process of teaching. That is the essence of Socratism, after all.

But, Intelligence and wisdom come from clarity-of-mind and humility. Those things lead to honesty, and that speaks only truth.

I wouldn't trust him at my back when it comes time to defend this country--but you...

[-] 2 points by richardkentgates (3269) 13 years ago

"humility" thats the more important one.

[-] -1 points by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT 13 years ago

you guys both need to chill

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

"Furthermore, it is irrelevant wether you wanted to see them; they had no bearing on the topics at hand. "

This is precisely the point. I post my off topic images in off topic posts. The forum rules are there for a reason. The goal is to eliminate certain topics from being discussed. Conspiracy theories are off-topic in this forum. You contravene the forum rules because you don't care about other users, you only care about yourself. If you feel that your freedom of speech is more important than the forum rules, then you should accept that I also have the freedom of speech to post whatever I want in your off-topic rants.

You should have more integrity instead of using double standard logic.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

> I post my off topic images in off topic posts. ... You should have more integrity instead of using double standard logic.

This is utter nonsense.

You are now making the "I have the right" argument I outlined above. You are despicable, Thras.

OWS is about protesting government malfeasance. I have seen topics about that very issue which you have defaced.

After no doubt thinking very hard about what to say in response to this topic, you have now settled on a very thin pretext, which you would wish to apply as a wedge to make your case. You failed when you acted immaturely. You cannot fix it now, but to desist.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

Show those topics to the moderators and jart. What's the point of discussing it here? They are the ones with the power to make a decision about the forum rules and whatever is being posted, not your conspiracy theorist friends. You're just flooding the forum with more rants about nothing. Use the private message option to contact the moderators. End of story.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

I already have contacted jart -- immediately after writing this forum post.

I created this topic for three reasons:

  1. To put you publicly on notice
  2. To allow other people to agree or disagree
  3. To discuss possible solutions
[-] 1 points by Rico (3027) 13 years ago

I agree with Thrasymaque.

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL2 (6) 13 years ago

Then emulate him.

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I don't see the point in trying to be the savior of the forum by creating a mob attack on another user, but if you feel this is required then so be it. I just feel you are flooding the forum with another selfish rant. You should use private messaging to deal with these problems so that the forum can remain on topic and deal with real Occupy issues. Why not simply use the proper venue for your conspiracy theory nonsense? Why stick to the idea of breaking the forum rules?

[-] 1 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

So you are now shifting off of your "contravention" position, and instead employing the "mob attack" rubric.

RIchard said it so well when he described how your argument "only ever evolves just enough to remain in perpetual disagreement."

Considering that you have no leg to stand on here, an apology would have been much more graceful.

I am not flattering you; you cannot use reversal to trick me or any intelligent reader.

You cannot successfully characterize me as "[believing I'm] the forum's superman" -- I have no delusions that anyone is listening to me more than anyone else.

Your argument that it wastes forum space is a ruse -- you are obviously not concerned with that. Should my suggestion be heeded, it would be well-worth the "loss" due to its benefits.

[-] -2 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

I am not shifting off anything. You are contravening the forum rules and you know it. The moderators know it. Why do you think they don't do anything about my images?

[-] 0 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

I have already addressed these points, and you have not refuted mine. You are merely repeating yourself, which is of no value.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

You have no point to refute. Simply send a message to the moderators. End of story. This has nothing to do with the other users on the forum. They can't make the decision to ban another user. Creating a kangaroo court to get high-fives from other conspiracy theorists is lame. All kangaroo courts are lame. They make you look desperate. Present your evidence to the legitimate judges. There are already three other posts dedicated to Thrasymaque. This is heart warming indeed, and the attention is nice, but it remains a fact that these posts only serve to swerve to discussion away from real Occupy issues.

[-] 0 points by ScrewyL (809) 13 years ago

Your assertion that I have no point to refute is false.

Justine has been contacted.

This post allows other people to state their positions which helps the moderators make the ultimate decision on what to do and how to do it.

I do not seek support from any particular group. I saw a problem, and proposed a solution. It is now up to consensus, and then up to Justine.

You have now used the word lame repeatedly.

The phrase "it is heartwarming indeed" is an attempt to humiliate through reversal.

If you enjoy this kind of attention then you were raised poorly.

This topic is not preventing Occupy Wall Street from discussing anything. You however, make it a habit of preventing discussions.

[-] -3 points by Thrasymaque (-2138) 13 years ago

"This post allows other people to state their positions which helps the moderators make the ultimate decision on what to do and how to do it."

This is what you don't understand. The moderators made the rules without the consensus of posters on this forum. The rules have nothing to do with what you or your conspiracy theorist friends want.

"You however, make it a habit of preventing discussions."

I have not prevented any discussions. I have only expressed my freedom of speech. Some posters like my images. The fact that you don't is only your problem. You can still post in your conspiracy theory posts, and you still do.

[-] -1 points by hchc (3297) from Tampa, FL 13 years ago

Sheeple Wars. LMAO

[-] -1 points by alouis (1511) from New York, NY 13 years ago

Good for you! And let's get to the bottom of this supposed ban on discussion of 911 on this site.