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Forum Post: It's time for all working Americans to suppport OWS

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 10, 2011, 1:50 a.m. EST by redtruck710 (0)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

It’s time for all American’s to make a real statement that Wall Street will feel where it really hurts. If you’re sitting back in your cozy little job earning a half way descent salary and investing part of that salary into a 401K and watching it loose its value then it’s time you help the OWS protest too. Guess what, there is something you can do to really stick it to Wall Street. But it’s going to take the help of a lot of people across the country to come together and make a real commitment and it will only have to be for a short period, perhaps till the end of the year. If collectively, everyone stopped investing in their 401K investment plan for say the entire month of December the amount of money that would stop pouring into Wall Street could bring it to its knees and have account executives in Wall Street wondering what the hell is going on. The idea is quite simple. All you have to do is stop the monthly withdrawals from your paychecks into your 401K. The amount during that period won’t have a big effect on your personal account for that short period. But collectively, if MILLIONS of Americans across the country would do it for this short period, the effect on Wall Street could be enormous. Think about, if one million American’s would stop investing say $100 dollar’s during a one month period that’s $100 million dollars less that Wall Street would have of your money to play with. Now say 10 million American’s would do the same. You do the math. That suddenly becomes a huge number. And what kinds of effect will $100 dollars less have on the total value of your personal 401K? Not much really. We’d be doing more for our fellow Americans that are trying to scratch out a living by taking that same hundred bucks and putting it back into the economy by spending it at some Mom and Pop shop rather than putting that money into some executive’s yearly bonus. Are you sick and tired of seeing the value of your 401k disappear? Are you happy that the only one making money on your 401K investment is the one that convinced you to make that investment? Well I’m sick of it too! And you should be as well. If you’re not mad yet, then you probably have nothing better to do with that money. Well, that time has come for us to get back at Wall Street and help OWS make a statement that will be heard loud and clear, and what easier way is there to do it. So I ask you to consider this and if you have friends and family that are facing troubling times or if you want to do something to support the Occupy Wall Street movement, then pass this on to everyone you know and ask them to do the same.



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[-] 2 points by ddiggs690 (277) 12 years ago

College student here and supporting. I am not occupying with you guys yet, but I appreciate the hard work!

[-] 0 points by WordWarlock (25) 12 years ago

Old hippie fuck I need your help. Need help making a t-shirt. We need to draw a picture of Zooccotti Park with a cage around it. Here are some ideas: Draw a hippie climbing the cage like a monkey and throwing shit. Draw a hippie rolling in mud and shit like a pig. Draw a hippies fucking like dogs. Draw a picture of a hippie eating peanuts like a big fucking elephant. Draw a hippie as a lazy fucking Ape doing nothing.

[-] 0 points by foreverleft (233) 12 years ago

It's really tough for Joe Sixpac to get past the drumming, chanting, shitting, raping, drugging and East coast hippy vibe. Not being an ass, it's the truth.

There is a wide chasm between working America and the current face of OWS. All people know is what they read and see on the tube and it really isn't pretty. There is probably a lot of sympathy out there but these are Tea Party people too. They know government has a lot to do with the problems America faces and there isn't much anger at the government in OWS, just hating on the banks seems a bit odd to a lot of them.

There are/will be serious problems making this a truly "99%" organization, you're going to have to get middle America by the balls and their hearts and minds will follow.

[-] 1 points by entarage (36) from New York, NY 12 years ago

but middle america IS already being grabbed by the balls, they are just being brainwashed that it's their own fault.
just curious. what's the difference between east and west coast hippie vibe? (not being an ass, just wondering)

[-] 0 points by foreverleft (233) 12 years ago
