Forum Post: It's Settled - Friday Rulz!
Posted 13 years ago on Feb. 2, 2012, 10:08 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll
from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Best Comments Today
PoIemarchus No Profile Information
- 23 points 1 hour ago by GirlFriday (3261)
CephaIus No Profile Information
- 23 points 1 hour ago by GirlFriday (3261)
PoIemarchus No Profile Information
- 22 points 1 hour ago by GirlFriday (3261)
DJStarDust No Profile Information
- 22 points 1 hour ago by GirlFriday (3261)
Socrate No Profile Information
- 21 points 1 hour ago by GirlFriday (3261)
florian No Profile Information
- 21 points 1 hour ago by GirlFriday (3261)
Adeimantus No Profile Information
- 21 points 1 hour ago by GirlFriday (3261)
Friday dominates the leader board with all 153 points and sweeps the comments!
You go girl!
Is It Me OR are things a bit weird round these parts here today ?! I'm ill, febrile and feel fit to explode with all the BS on this forum at the moment : !
Will Y'all Step Back From Your Positions Please and listen to the laughter of those who wish you, me and us all ill will ?!!
C'mon folks : Get a f*ckin' Grip & "Stop Pissing The Night Away" !!!
fiat pax ....
so your the one responsible for that - I always knew there was something funny with that score - I mean, after all,
wait . . .
. . . wait . . . .
. . . wait . . . .
come on...this is about you,
bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .bwa hahahaha . . . hahaha HEHEHE BWA hahaha . . . hahaha . .
< ahem >
I see your forum post is doing just fine.
carry on . . .
you seem like your high?
Now Things Are Totally Wierd ... coz I'm in agreement with 'LaraLT' for the first time in human history !!
hey waz up? We can find common ground on some important issues. ie. Zendog posts some wacky, meaningless stuff. have a great weekend.
hey...what is up? Some of this stuff zendoof is posting is wacked. I think he lives alone in the woods in Vermont....sniffing airplane glue?
wear that -234 with pride, lara
Thanks bon bon. I don't understand these scores.. I get that I am negative 234...and I'm not popular. But how is this stuff calculated?
I guess it can be beneficial to be attacked relentlessly?
She is tough and can take quite a lot would be my guess. That does not make it right. Let us all who care lend support and share good thoughts for our beset-upon Girl.
It is bull shit - and probably stands as one of several reasons why so many supporters of the movement aren't around here anymore.
trashy always said he didn't support the movement. Only so much nonsense from such people should be tolerated - then they should get the perma-boot
I absolutely agree. I should think that there would be a process to identify and eliminate losers.
I mean it is one thing to have legitimate status-quo supporters ( losers ) making attacks. That shows they are properly concerned with our movement. It is a whole different kettle of fish to let some psycho fuck around with the forum.
I suspect that in this particular forum, 90% of the time, there is little difference - the losers are all engaged in a charade. Very few of them come here without an agenda.
That is all fine and good.
They would not bother if this forum was useless. If Occupy and 99 had no legs to stand on.
they are paid by control freaks?
terrified of the potential embodied by an online presence?
with the right kind of tools they may be able to harvest quite a bit of intel on the users - still hoping to identify leaders?
a dedicated mind set that stipulates any and all opposition must be crushed?
I don't really know - but at this point I do suspect they have over estimated the value of the forum. I could be wrong.
I know the first few times I posted on global warming I was getting pm's suggesting I stop. They are vulnerable on that point. It's their lie, and they still stand on it.
I wish some pretty girl would stalk me... ;)
hehehe... I don't care... don't do msgs ... ;) but, Jjons honestly... I'm a programmer too ... tcp and all ... bot's are fun... but this might never end... and I don't know you .. but you seem smart as hell ... wouldn't we benefit more from your postings ? ... and think about GF... if she is so passionate about the movement to spend all that time stalking you... maybe she;s good for the movement... maybe better for us to get her to stop it.. no ?
well ... I bet she got the message now ,,, ;)
off topic, but am curious how GF got all those votes. Am sure she doesn't have that many fans. When I saw it I thought you f'd up. lol
you are funny. I don't like her at all. She says really vile things to me.... I think she is low class....and rather ignorant. So unlike you and I.
agreed, but this funky forum made you think I was replying to you, I guess. Whatever, I love you, LL!!! i thought our botman had gone after GF but his bot got away from him!
hehehe... smart
Inasmuch as jart banned you, wouldn't she want GF around to annoy you?
You only get attention ( concerted attacks ) with any intelligence attempted ( and vehemence ) whatsoever when you bring up major concerns. Major concerns that they do not want explored ( thought about or considered ) by the public at large. Initially they may try to ignore the post to see if it will go away on it's own. That is where you can recognize some of the true dissenters of your opinion and where you see real concern of the status-quo ( greedy corrupt manipulators ) they will almost immediately pile on the attacks when they notice interest being paid to a post that they don't like. As for overestimating the Forum? It is honest dissent and concern being expressed over the internet.
that they don't want to go viral of course.
I keep hoping my tweet that links start showing up all over the world - I'm sure they will freak - and if I understand how the coding works it'll all track back to my website as the referrer . . .
I hope and cheer for your enjoyment and satisfaction if they ever do.
the repelican party is DONE I said.
If global warming doesn't do it, then they truly are, as someone else has said,
I wish your wasted, lame ramblings were done. Go Conservatives !!!
Now that's an oxymoron for you.
"Conservatives" can only go in reverse.
To "go", means to "go" forwards.
More correctly, it would be, go backwards conservatives.
Of you prefer...................Forward into the past!!!!
Conservatives believe in self reliance, business iniative, small government. Lib's want a nanny, welfare state...That's your idea of forward? Liberalism is a mental disorder..I think they have medication for it.
insane ramblings . . .
the banking industry's entire approach to the matter of risk is absolutely insane
People perfectly capable of paying their loan at the initial rate, yet not at rate that balloons higher in 3-5 years, get shafted . . .
How you ask? I know you are on the verge of spinning the bullshit to maintain control of perceptions as soon as I post -
the banks didn't complete the paperwork demonstrating ability - or inability - to pay. Then they paid the mortgage writer, for writing the loan. They gave bonuses for every one. This in part encouraged the lender who dealt with the customer to lie - and lie they did - assuring the skeptical that this type of loan would be just fine for them - of course the borrower in such cases had no idea the lender would bundle their bad loan with hundreds of others and sell them on the open market - and to help overcome any hesitancy on the part of the borrower, they offered to loan up to 98 % of the property value.
The fukers shot themselves in the foot - and everyone else too.
And much of this behavior stems from their perceptions of risk.
and yet their criteria for risk evaluation only tells part of the story - as is clearly seen with the results of their own behavior. Of course it was risky to lend far and wide knowing the loans were bad - Of course it was risky to sell so many bad loans on the open market . . .
of course the fuckers are insane
and I'd like to lynch the lot of the mutherfuckers.
it was a fuking paper scam perpetrated upon the people borrowing the money, and on the market that bought the bundles of bad debt.
these could be your neighbors, your neighborhood.
and all a you little righties blame the borrower, out of an abundance of racism and classism, stirred up by the fools who brought this economic meltdown on us all.
fukin nitwits
Entire communities devastated with nothing more than a smile and the stroke of a pen
and I'd like to lynch the lot of the bastards responsible in the public square.
Silly Lara, (R)epelican'ts don't do any of those things.
you have drank way too much koolaid...and entered an Orwellian like zone..
Related to cockroaches? They say nuclear fallout wont kill those things.
radiation may not kill a cockroach, but you can step on one . . .
lets step on repelicans and see . . . .
Is that not just what we are supposed to be doing here?
And not just the reprehensables but all of the corrupt and greedy!
Could it be that you are too busy with your own games?
No. The outcry against injustice is the cool trend.
You aren't being stalked Thrasy, April etc.
You aren't counter attacking. You are here specifically to disrupt and antagonize. That's your entire purpose. You wander into threads, declare them unsuitable with one of your alts and proceed to do everything within your power to hijack. You then bitch cry and attempt to justify your pathetic actions.
I will never apologize to you. Not now, not ever.
It's a public forum.
Excuse me, but how can you be stalked?
Is she sneaking around your house?
Use of a bot, is more than a bit extreme.
It's the innertubes.
Perhaps you should send all forum users a bot.
We should all be forarmed. Just in case.
We should all have equal deterrent.
A little MAD doctrine for the forum.
There should no super powers.
Oi YOU ! Trashy !! Haven't you got a wife or a life instead of all this 'ere strife ?!!!
Blatantly Bragging aBout your BS-Bots is most unBecoming Bali-Boy & very likely to get you into more trouble than you might be able to handle one day !!!
You need to calm down ; step back & ask 'The Mrs.' for some advice !!
Step Back ; Cool Off ; Go Read Some Marx : !
fiat lux ;-)
I am not afraid of you, Thrasy. Not at all. You are not a martyr. You asked for transparency. I ask for that back.
And then, I give it to you. But, you don't like that and you cry a lot.
So, don't play that shit.
I asked you repeatedly for that which you demand. Transparency. Your call for transparency is merely so that you can open them up to abuse. You are bitch crying.
Stalking is much different then offering honest criticism or the shouting down of lies and falsehood. I find it interesting to say the least that you can not continue to be yourself, but must continue to try and hide in alter egos. I say try as most recognize your style almost immediately. If they have seen your work before.
No it is like trying to hide in plain sight, rather than pursue a complete discussion to its conclusion. Dropping the games of intellect and just being honest. Then if at the end of it all you still have no common ground - you agree to disagree.
I never said that stalking was cool. Has GF ever changed identities on you? To what point? It is you and will always be you as it is her and always will be her. If you do not like her comments you can always disregard them. I have had plenty of participants on this forum disagree with me, and quite a few attacks on my postings, I choose to honor those as legitimate expressions of fear ( for the status-quo ) or recognize them as lame shits and giggles prank calls.
Are You Really Threatening People ?!!!
Because If you are, I've got friends in both Lombok and Surabaya who Owe Me Big Time Favours !!
Two Or More Can Play This Game & It's Never Nice !
Stop It & Grow Up : ...
fiat pax ...
It's the use of a bot I take exception to.
There are other avenues.
There's some who come here that have no idea what that even is.
Most don't want anything to do with them.
It just feels like overkill.
OH . . . I have no problem understanding annoying behavior, just look at congress.