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Forum Post: It Should be Illegal for Fox News to Lie; Not a legal Defense

Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 28, 2011, 2:39 a.m. EST by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA
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  1. It is hereby a criminal offence equal to treason to knowingly lie to the public and this shall from this moment in time forward be extended to any and all possible pasts in which government interacted with corporations or their representatives. Any and all persons who shall be found guilty of knowingly using mass media to knowingly lie to the public shall be incarcerated for life in a federal penitentary or put to death.



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[-] 1 points by sdkeller72 (26) 12 years ago

Fox News does not stand alone, they are all complicit.

I'm for going back to public hangings, I think it would fix our media almost overnight. What they've been doing for the past 20 years or so, is treason at the highest levels. I trust the 4th estate less than the government, and that's just sad.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

well. uhm. i don't know about public hangings... but.. i think we essentially agree on that point.

[-] 1 points by littleg (452) 12 years ago

No need of such harsh punishment. Just officially label them as liars like convicted criminals, that's enough of a deterrent. Fox news and it's associated fellows lie because they work for one of the biggest wealthy crook in the world whose greed has no limits. Until you don't curtail his greed for wealth through high taxes, there is no end to the thousands of these type of regulations. You don't treat the symptom, you treat the root problem.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

the root problems. they are all connected and they are all very complicated. Fox news is only one example. CNN, MSNBC even. Look it is ALL a liars con scam. Its so bad that most people now believe that coal and oil are cheaper than green energy alternatives- because of lying math which only compares them over an almost zero time scale and comparing only status quo maintaining their system versus installation costs. Meanwhile solar which is three orders of magnitude more expensive than geothermal is still as is two orders of magnitude cheaper than coal or oil. But you won't hear that from the government- they think coal and oil are cheaper because they believed energy industry lies. See? you have no idea how deep it all goes.

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

at what point in time was all electric cars feasible?

A; its not yet, john mcain says we need to have a billion dollar program to make better batteries.

B. Well, its recently become feasible but only over short distances.

C. Well, since about 1960, but only over very short distances.

D. The very first car was all Electric. They only changed it over to Gas because they wanted a consumerist driven fuel source to make money from.

Question 2. At what point in time did hovercar technology overtake wheel technology?

A. What? George Jetson? Star Trek?

B. Its an up and coming futuristic technology but its too expensive.

C. They had meaningfully functional Hover car tanks which they used in the Vietnam war. The only reason why we don't all drive Hover cars now is again government CONTROL and AGAINST the "invisible hand of the free market." Why? Can't have the proles driving around in hovercars now.. can we?

[-] 1 points by gawdoftruth (3698) from Santa Barbara, CA 12 years ago

I don't agree. I think that the punishment for treason should be life in prison. I think that using mass media to lie to the public in a democracy is treason. I think its clear that Fox and other media and the republicans and the democrats are all absolute chronic habitual liars. merely calling them out on it this time is not enough. The ONLY way to make politics honest is to make dishonesty at that level punishable at the highest level civilization punishes.