Forum Post: It is time for an Article V convention!
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 28, 2011, 12:43 a.m. EST by Article5
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Article V "on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, [Congress] shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments"
The authors of the Constitution gave us two methods to amend it. We can either wait for Congress to propose amendments, or we can force a convention. The latter has never been done - it is time.
OWS, take up the call.
Our country is broken. Our government usurped. The Constitution has served us well, but it was written for a different country in a different time. Our forbears could not imagine the modern threats to our government let alone legislate against them. They are dependent on us to protect the country they bequeathed to us. They would not sit idle waiting for a corrupt Congress to fix itself. How can we know this? They gave us the tools to fend for ourselves.
They gave us Article V.
To learn more go to
do it
Yes, beautiful idea! Do you have a link with more info. OWS is the perfect group to do this. Congregate and gather your doers! It IS time!
The peoples' Article V convention is already being organized on the Internet.
All registered voters in the US are eligible to register as delegates. There is no cost. The convention will conduct a national Presidential Primary on President's Day, February 20. 2012 as a means of attracting delegates.
When 2/3 of the states are represented, the convention will be called to order, and will begin its work of drafting and considering constitutional amendments. It will remain in session until the Congress calls a convention under Article V.
More likely The Tea Party fueled by Koch and other big money, pushed by FOX and other media and very professionally led would steamroll Occupy right out of there. Not a good idea in my estimation.
Great comment! here's a piece that explores some of the most salient issues surrounding an AVC ~ Byron DeLear
"People are out in the streets all over the world. We’re fed up with the status quo, so we chuck our tribal spears—democracy in its most primordial form.
Where the Tea Party angst was co-opted and diverted toward traditional electoral politics—in the form of supporting Republican candidates—the Occupy Wall Street movement is playing the long game, and wisely so."
"Many dismiss the notion of a convention because they don't understand it, or they think it will be just as corrupt as what we currently suffer in Washington and Wall Street.
But the fact remains: what we have now is corrupt, and that's why we need to open new arenas through which our case for transformation can be heard. The old "change we can believe in" thing (i.e. electoral politics) is not working for the people any more—and many veterans within our sacred social change movement will readily concede that the mainstream political parties is where movements go to die, co-opted and compromised into irrelevance."
good suggestion .. let the people take part in the government. Say we get to vote on each and every bill passed by the house senate and signed by the Prez. then within one year we will get to vote up or down on every bill passed. Also every bill passed should be written so a non-lawyer can read and understand it in under 5 minutes. It needs to be written in plain English. And we the people need to vote on each and every bill that poasses all 3 branches of Government. Then we would really have a government of the people for the people by the people. We would get final say on everything. Then Corps would have to bribe each and every one of us to get legislation passed that would favor them over another Corp. THINK.
Yes, we need this convention and we need it now! I have the perfect venue for it!
The Revolution starts here!