Forum Post: It is the same few corporate tools posting nonsense here, over and over.
Posted 13 years ago on Nov. 13, 2011, 12:51 p.m. EST by jph
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
There seems to be a lot of dissent in this forum, well at first there does, till you look at the posts. It is the same few dimwitted losers, just posting over and over again. The same group keeps bumping useless posts, with more nonsensical comments. I have no problem debating any issues, however these mentally challenged half-wits have no points to make. They take no actual side on any issue and just keep yelling insults and lies.
"Go home and get a job!" is not an argument.
"I don't understand what you are protesting about." is just a statement of your self-chosen ignorance.
These people, not surprisingly given their infantile mentalities, seem to be very interested in poo poo, and pee pee. Bodily functions seem to entertain these children.
You may be loud and spam endlessly, however you only belittle yourselves in the process. If you don't like the movement don't participate. If you have a critique, state it without name calling and insults. If you are only here to spam and attack with no logic or reason, you are the ones I am taking about. You can not stop, or even slow, a people's movement using the only tool you seem to have, namely idiocy! You have already failed, and you are too dumb to know it. Thanks for playing.
It's hard to understand why we call them "elite"
The negative/disruptive posters are hardly "elite" they are more likely just trouble and confused working class folks on the lower end of the of the wealth divide. They perhaps believe that one day they COULD be rich and powerful, and therefor support the policies of the 1%, against their own self interest, and that of their familes. It has always amazed me that people are such suckers for the meme of the "american dream".
As George Carlin said; "Its called the American Dream, because you have to be asleep to believe it."
Do you mean decent, dissent, or descent? I can not understand your post until you clarify.
dissent,. typo.
You're right, this forum is overrun by foul-mouthed, hate-spewing, sex-obsessed, grammatically-challenged, anti-American PAID TROLLS.
To understand WHAT MAKES A TROLL TICK - AND have a chuckle while you're at it - go to:
Do you shit by the tree or out in the street?