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Forum Post: It is so hard trying to remain optimistic for the future

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:27 p.m. EST by doninsalem (74)
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of this great country of ours when we are told (and already know) what we have to do and then have to ask when are we going to do it? Each one of us are looking for that one little bit of inspiration that's going to make all the ridicules mundane mumbo jumbo seem like it never happened. From trying to express that yes we as a community of sane good people do understand that there have to be sacrifices, but how does one explain anything when instead of trying to come up with a com-posit to replace water bottles (oil product), or not coming up w/ new road material instead of hot top (oil product), or not putting our best minds together to develop a modern day kind of Terra per-ta (the Mayan answer for growing nutritious foods in poor conditions/ 6ft. of fertilized soil that doesn't need turning even today 1,000 years later) that would drastically reduce the need of soaking our farming products with fertilizers made up w/ the stuff. For half a century our best reliable scientists have wanted hydrogen as a major clean, reliable, renewable fuel and power source, then some fool will bring up the Hindenburg and by the time we get done explaining that it has already been established that it wasn't the Hydrogen that exploded (FYI hydrogen only explodes/ burns blue/ not bright orange and yellow) but the skin of the craft itself they admit it only when every adult starts to fight about something else. Instead of the implementation of solutions what do we see on t.v.? Everybody has to do their fair share but as usual it is the majority scratching to survive that we see any so called needed changes. After all of these great meant to unify and rally speeches we cut to commercial and see an oil company add praising technology, further exploration, and fueling 9.2 million of America's jobs when the people really don't want it anymore (not even for a dollar a gallon) so somebody should tell them to save any announcement on any major discoveries, it has served mankind well but it's time has passed, the course has been set. As usual we have to do these things and where do they start as well as end? The real average family's throats (and that's all folks!). If it keeps up the best case scenario we can hope for is that there isn't anything bad happening when the Speaker of the House John Boehner is making one of his speeches on how he can't visit schools because he can't look our children in the in the face (the whole time crying like a baby), that would only inspire any third world moron to try and invade with some kind of new stealth wicker tank.



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