Forum Post: "It is not the young people
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 26, 2011, 1:12 p.m. EST by yasminec001
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
who are destroying the rain forests. They are asking you to stop it. It is not your young people who are depleting your ozone layer. They are asking you to stop it. It is not your young people who are exploiting the poor in sweat shops all over the world. They are asking you to stop it. It is not your young people who are taxing you to death, then using the money for war and machines of war. They are asking you to stop it. It is not your young people who are ignoring the problems of the weak and downtrodden, letting hundreds of people die of starvation every day on a planet with more than enough to feed everybody. They are asking you to stop it.
It is not your young people who are engaging in the politics of deception and manipulation. They are asking you to stop it. It is not your young people who are sexually repressed, ashamed and embarrassed about their own bodies and passing on this shame and embarrassment to their offspring. They are asking to stop it. It is not your young people who have set up a value system which says that “might is right” and a world which solves problems with violence. They are asking you to stop it.
Nay, they are not asking you.......they are begging you."
send more messages to Europe, our media diminishes the importance of your
I believe you got cut off but I understood the basics of your statement. Yes, I believe this. The media has direct influence on the general population.
I'm going to try.
How about looking to energy that is never going away like the incredible power of waves in the ocean? How about geo-thermal energy that can be tapped into? Fresh water wouldn't be an issue if we had better ways of desalination! If we put our minds into coming up with new and efficient ways of collecting the natural energy our Earth gives us, we wouldn't have to worry about running out of anything! We really need to focus not only on our financial future, but humanities future on Earth! Where will we be as a planet in 100 years if we don't stop the wasteful ways the elite make money?
Yes! Agreed! Solar energy, hemp fuel, natural and environmentally-friendly solutions to our multi-dimensional problems can be equipped. I believe they have not been because someone(s) will lose out on money.
A lot of what is happening I believe IS due to a generational divide. Things are changing so rapidly and the older you get, the less you like change. I'm in my late 20s and I have a hard time relating to those 10 years younger than me. It didn't used to be like this. If you were born in say 500, died and came back in 900, the way of life was nearly identical. The same technology, same beliefs, systems, etc. Our present time is really the only time in human history where there has been this type of tension between age groups.
I'd be willing to bet that the majority of the "get a job", "grow up" comments come from older generations. The baby boomers, etc. They've been living their lives in a certain way for so long that they can't see anything different. Some of it I suspect is bitterness, which I think is normal, but overall bad to society. They are not really open to ideas that are outside of what they consider "normal", and normal to them is what they've been doing for the past 30 years or so.
Also when I look at the 'authorities' who are saying those things - I agree, they are the boomers, they are the gen X'ers and they are the ones who have screwed up the system, started the wars, incurred the debt, etc. - yet they want to pretend like some American Dream is still attainable. Like if you only pulled yourself up by your bootstraps hard enough that it wouldn't matter that they've destroyed the currency, that they've let all of these criminals walk free, that they keep spending and spending on a drunken binge because they know we'll never pay back the money. The hell with the future, they say! The hell with youth!! We'll reinstitute the draft! Let's start WW3. Let's take down the next dictator under the false pretense of building democracy!
What I can't understand is why more establishment people don't STOP PRETENDING, and say hell, no! My kids and grandkids are not going to have to live in the nightmare we've created. It's not like these people don't have families (well most of them, anyway). Do they think they have a golden government parachute that will secret them away to safety? Where are you going to run to if Fukushima fouls the whole northern hemisphere??
The world has gone mad. Absolutely mad. Open corruption and looting - it's all here, folks...
Yep! What worked for them can't and won't work for us. A lot of them are miserable and misery loves company, so they push the same lifestyles onto us without taking a good hard look at the state of our society, and all the advances we've had over the past years. If I was them, I guess I would probably feel the same way, so I can empathize with them.
You've got one face of the problem correct. It's multi-faceted, like a diamond, imo.
There has been a boom in our technological advancement. There's so SO many things wrong that it's hard to even skim the surface and not feel intimidated.
And yes, I believe that is so. One person has their individual view of life given the knowledge and experiences they gather, but there will always be 'more', be 'different', be 'other'. I don't know if you understand that, but I hope so.
I agree! I guess you haven't seen a lot of my posts on here lol. I'm one of the biggest posters of "job automation" threads. Check out these links:
Those three links are kind of my calling card on here.
I'm sorry to come off uneducated, but could you explain to me what Job Automation is? I'd like to understand that to better understand you.
The first link speaks truth. I really would love to see more positive jobs out there that focus on bettering humanity. I'll check out the others now.
The 3rd link (youtube video) explains it pretty good. Basically, it is technology (computers, robots, and other machines) doing jobs that humans used to do. Self-check outs, robotic machines in factories, ATMs, are a few examples.
The only thing that scares me is if we dabble too much in mixing biology with artificial intelligence. There are still alot of things we don't understand about life and 'intelligence'. Otherwise, would this not mean that many jobs available to people now will be virtually nonexistant in the future?
Yes, that's what it means. We're the seeing the beginning of that now and in the long run that will increase.
Time for begging is over...
Agreed. It was meant to come from a sensitive approach. Maybe to appeal to the humanity in our hearts.
Do you deny these things occur? Or that it is the young people who are asking for a change? (Rather, demanding it).
I believe you have stated it poetically, but as the earth gives itself up to our many abuses without complaint, and tries to nurture us though we often treat her wrongly, even though we witness those in control hurting our future, we still can not force them to change, we must stand our ground, and like the earth encourage them to change for the better, please change for the better, please.
Oh. I thought you said "Please" as a sarcastic response. I'm sorry.
What you said is poetic, too.
And I agree. Nothing sincere will come of force.
Well with 30 years of oil left on the planet and the 1% getting richer by the day, something needs to change. Older folks can either help us, or hate us, either way it is OUR earth that we are inheriting from past generations that didn't care about us at all! The Earth cannot survive much longer with this attitude! Blaming and whining doesn't help, only solutions will. Careful that you not judge people as you could be the next one in the unemployment line and trust me, the 1% isn't gonna care or help you then!!
I've already been unemployed, homeless, experienced several near-death experiences, starved, etc. I haven't done it all, but I know a little something about this.
Yes, we are inheriting this planet and we need to love it. Not doing any blaming or whining, just trying to keep a certain morale or attitude around that things still need to change. That we can't keep ignoring it because there's problems behind problems behind problems.
dur . . ., let's divide the movement with agism
I'm 45 years old
It's a quote.
and that's my response
Cool. Thanks.
The older generation was brainwashed by Ronald Reagan into becoming a load of kiss asses for the wealthy.
Our best hope is to just wait until the old farts die so we can try to repair the planet they destroyed.
Well, that's pretty straight forward and I'm not sure about all the details, but I agree with the premise of your conclusion.
They say that in 2050 there will be about 9 billion people on this planet. Imagine what the competition will be like for the rainforests, oil, food, and water when you add THREE more China's into the mix plus nuclear weapons all over the place!!! Its gonna be real fun this future of ours. Face it folks, we are bankrupt and screwed. Glad I'm old and not gonna see this disaster unfold.
Why has it gotten to this point in a matter of centures, compared to our planet's actual age?
The people who make the 'big' decisions that impact our planet are obviously selfish and obviously don't want to do what's right.
If we do what these young people ask we will all be out of work, and starving to death. Then we will all need earplugs from all the whining they will do then!
It must be nice to be so incredibly naive
We need to change, unless you're fine with the idea of our very planet dying slowly from the inside, out.
Get a job, any job. Work at building a house, pulling weeds in a field, or washing cars. Quit complaining and get to work like the rest of us Americans!
Get a job, any job. Work at building a house, pulling weeds in a field, or washing cars. Quit complaining and get to work like the rest of us Americans!
I go to school full-time and work full-time. I have been homeless for months and had to defend myself from the drudges of society. I have talked to people in low places and asked how they got there. I have challenged these people in every which way to get them to confess that it is their fault that they are in that predicament. Nothing was their individual fault.
It's not about forgettting the troubles of the world by being able to have a job, it's about changing the world.
" I have challenged these people in every which way to get them to confess that it is their fault that they are in that predicament. Nothing was their individual fault."
Just like criminal are all innocent if you ask them.
No, not all criminals are innocent. Every individual is different. But, when you truly do find a way to weed out most of those 'criminals', they were doing those things to support themselves or their families.
I've had the privelage to talk to some of these people in an environment of trust, where they can talk to me openly, and my eyes are opening.
No, not all criminals are innocent. Every individual is different. But, when you truly do find a way to weed out most of those 'criminals', they were doing those things to support themselves or their families.
I've had the privelage to talk to some of these people in an environment of trust, where they can talk to me openly, and my eyes are opening.
yasmine, you're young aren't you? (or maybe more trust than I have.)
Reason I ask is that is that you say "I've had the privelage to talk to some of these people in an environment of trust, "
You might trust them. But they will NOT give you the real deal. Believe me, there is no better liar than an abuser. I was an addict, and I would lie to your face without batting an eye. I never took responsibility for my actions before. We know how to scam people like yourself.
(ps - no ill will intended. If you want to further this conversation just send me a message)
Some of us are really, really trying to stop it. Some of us are teaching our children to fight for a better world by example. Compassion, understanding and mutual consideration...beautiful dreams. Here's to making them come true for all of us!
I am, too. My little brother inspired me to make a school for needy children with no families. I want to teach these children about love and wisdom, about spiritual growth and happiness.
But I want to impact the whole world. I hope they do come true, however hard we need to work for it. :)
And it will be our children and grandchildren asking why we didn't.
I hope that never has to happen..
People don't get that unless we get very busy right NOW that we will either follow Greece down the drain or leave the children of tomorrow in such a mess that they will never have any chance of close to what our generation has.
Look at it this way: What if your grandfather bought several very expensive houses, cars that he could not pay for. Instead figuring out a workable budget he borrowed more and more money. He borrowed so much money there was no real hope of paying off. He could only pay the interest. He did this his whole lifetime. You were his only living relative. He dies and leaves all of this debt and the mess it has caused to you.
I just don't understand why those in power can't change the way they look at things or the values they place upon these wispy material things in order to sustain each individual of this planet. The very idea of 'debt' is just that-an idea. It's not real. It's like a game we are all playing, and we're starting to believe it's real and killing eachother for this simple game.
It's really not that hard to start all over, but now it is because there is so much people out there.
we have about 120 years of NatGas just here in the USA.
Run cars on Nat Gas
thats insane. we need all electric, not one more toxic pollution problem to keep energy as an expensive commodity.
how you gonna generate electricity for the cars?
geothermal power is by five orders of magnitude cheaper, 6 orders of magnitude greener, 4 or 5 orders of magnitude more accessible, and up to 10 orders of magnitude higher in yeild.
obviously, the solution to the problem is geothermal- which is why they always keep that off the table.
if you bothered to track back to links you would find that i have discussed this in depth.
and besides that they cause earthquakes and underground pollution.
The cost of geothermal is prohibitive. You are full of baloney.
Sorry. Fax are fax
Here is a fact.. Earth's oil is running out, I can't scream this loud enough! Our planet is at 7 billion people, and at this rate we are going to be out of oil in 30 years! China wants to now have the spoils that Americans have had and the Earth can't support a billion more people driving cars and consuming large amounts of resources. We HAVE to turn to energy sources that won't run out! The Earth has an insanely hot iron core and to my knowledge, that is an energy source that will not run out anytime soon.
nope, geothermal is 3 orders of magnitude cheaper than ANY other form of energy.
you telling me repeated exxon lies is hardly surprising, but only proves you don't know what yoyu are talking about and never checked your facts.
Geothermal power is in essence the same cost to install as an oil well, but it never goes dry, it never runs out, and it keeps providing baseline energy over geological time.
Installation costs are certainly high, but they are nowhwere near as high as nuclear power or other alternatives.
if we had gone to geothermal in 1970 as energy scientists then said we should the energy bill for al lof your private use including fuel for the car would be less than a dollar per year by now.
or hemp fuel
It is the young people who buy the newest and greatest smartphone/tablet/gaming system etc...and want their debt forgiven.
And who has put out that product, while keeping us all happy and thinking it is fine to buy such a thing? Who has shaped our very lives and social structures that surround us?
Do you take responsibility for anything?
Did they force you to buy it?
What degree are you working towards?
I'm trying to take individual responsibility for my life, and the shape of the world. If we all began to feel, act, think this way, as if we are all individually and collectively responsible for this world, we would make great impacts. Of course, that is the decision of each individual.
Nope, they did not force me. (Though I don't buy those products, never was into them) I pretty much live under a rock compared to most teenagers today who have phones attached to their hands. But that's the world they grew up in, with the environment and different sources of authority saying it's okay to do this. They look up to those people as youngsters. How are we, as children, supposed to know all these things?
I'm working towards Spiritual Psychology, Quantum Physics, and Child Psychology.