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Forum Post: Israel's right to exist depends on international law.

Posted 1 month ago on Aug. 30, 2024, 7:06 a.m. EST by factsrfun (8336) from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Israel's right to exist depends on international law. It is a violation of international law to occupy land that is seized in conflict. If Israel chooses to violate international law it's right to exist is forfeit. Here's a link to "Last Week Tonight" that disscussed this in detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqK3_n6pdDY



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[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 3 days ago

Exactly what "right" in morality, ethics or even in "international law", do we really imagine Israel has?! Israel "chooses to violate international law" on a a daily basis & btw sadly your video speaks volumes and most Americans do not know this. Meanwhile, please consider the contents of following 3 tweets:

I think that most people on Earth reject race based ideologies these days .. but the U$/UK/EU/NATO coddling of a racist apartheid, settler-colonial entity is now enabling genocide, regional instability and may trigger mass migration & this really can't continue indefinitely!!

The last^link is a geopolitical analysis of why the United States, so strongly supports Israel ... with the Economist, Prof. Dr Michael Hudson discussing with the non-MSM independent journalist Ben Norton and tho' it was recorded in November 2023, it's still very deeply relevant in dark light of current events.

"Washington has maintained control over Iraq’s oil revenues since its illegal 2003 invasion, a financial and economic subjugation - that undermines Iraqi sovereignty and denies it access to its own national treasure." Meanwhile the mass murder, mayhem n' massacres are now unleashed on The Lebanon ...

fiat lux et spero meliora!