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Forum Post: Israel's right to exist depends on international law.

Posted 6 months ago on Aug. 30, 2024, 7:06 a.m. EST by factsrfun (8342) from Phoenix, AZ
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Israel's right to exist depends on international law. It is a violation of international law to occupy land that is seized in conflict. If Israel chooses to violate international law it's right to exist is forfeit. Here's a link to "Last Week Tonight" that disscussed this in detail. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NqK3_n6pdDY



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[-] 1 points by agkaiser (2560) from Fredericksburg, TX 3 months ago

Policy determines law, not the other way round. Power, ultimately military power, determines policy. If you want to change another's policy, you must have a police force or an army.

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 4 months ago

OMG & well, Well, WELL! The International Criminal Court has issued arrest warrants for Bendyermind Nutjobyahoo & his ex-Defence Minister, Yoav Gallant! So now what? Are ISR's US/UK guardians going to protect Benjamin Netanyahu's hate filled, fascistic murdering extreme nationalist ass - once again?!!

If he gets away with his Scorched Earth, Collective Punishment, Ethnic Cleansing, Genocidal Apartheid War of Annihilation, then please try to consider that: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O-L_hJAobAY !

fiat justitia - ruat caelum!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 month ago

Apparently The Tangerine Tyrant wants the U$A to "own" Gaza!!! Tail wags dog, and note happy smiles of Nutjobyahoo!! Canada, Greenland and now - G/\Z/\?!! It sounds like Dominionist Christian Zionism USraeli Imperialism and Hege'money' to me ... & probably not just me either, to be honest!

too madAF for any latin!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 weeks ago

"Trump has posted a Sinister AI Video of his future for ‘Riviera’ Gaza"!

"It needs to be seen to be believed: Trump statues; Musk dancing; Trump & Netanyahu sun bathing & drinking cocktails. Monsters rejoicing in their genocide and ethnic cleansing. It is truly racist fascism"!!

and so in reaction and analysis please see: https://x.com/caitoz/status/1894914618751107433

"Those who celebrate his defiance and sadism are as claimed by his logic as those who are paralyzed with outrage"!!

MULTUM in parvo ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 months ago

For this Rosh Hashanah, consider ...

this: "How can we begin to fathom a moral accounting of the genocide being waged in our names? Over 41,000 Palestinians killed in Gaza to date and over 95,000 injured, the majority of whom are women and children, according to official reports. According to one estimate ... the ultimate death toll may already be closer to 200,000.

"The violence of October 7 - did not occur in a vacuum. It was a brutal response to a regime of structural violence - that has oppressed Palestinians for decades. At root of this oppression is Zionism .. a colonial movement that seeks to establish and maintain a Jewish majority nation-state in historic Palestine.

"May we all play our part in bringing this book of the genocide to a finish. May it come to an end soon, in our own day. And when it does, may we come to understand it was only part of a larger story — an even greater book that will conclude with these glorious words: “Then Palestine was finally free, from the river to the sea.”

multum in parvo!

[-] 0 points by ImNotMe (1488) 1 hour ago

"No propaganda on earth can hide the wound that's Palestine: Arundhati Roy's PEN Pinter Prize Acceptance Speech":

"I refuse to play the condemnation game. Let me make myself clear. I do not tell oppressed people how to resist their oppression or who their allies should be." Also importantly, please try to carefully consider:

"A historian who exposed the New England Journal of Medicine's silence on Nazi atrocities - confronted the journal’s treatment of Gaza during a Harvard symposium." Further, and ONLY IF you dare, consider

"Analysis estimates death toll by end of June was 64,260, with 59% being women, children and people over 65"!

fiat lux; fiat pax; fiat justitia ...

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 5 months ago

Exactly what "right" in morality, ethics or even in "international law", do we really imagine Israel has?! Israel "chooses to violate international law" on a a daily basis & btw sadly your video speaks volumes and most Americans do not know this. Meanwhile, please consider the contents of following 3 tweets:

I think that most people on Earth reject race based ideologies these days .. but the U$/UK/EU/NATO coddling of a racist apartheid, settler-colonial entity is now enabling genocide, regional instability and may trigger mass migration & this really can't continue indefinitely!!

The last^link is a geopolitical analysis of why the United States, so strongly supports Israel ... with the Economist, Prof. Dr Michael Hudson discussing with the non-MSM independent journalist Ben Norton and tho' it was recorded in November 2023, it's still very deeply relevant in dark light of current events.

"Washington has maintained control over Iraq’s oil revenues since its illegal 2003 invasion, a financial and economic subjugation - that undermines Iraqi sovereignty and denies it access to its own national treasure." Meanwhile the mass murder, mayhem n' massacres are now unleashed on The Lebanon ...

fiat lux et spero meliora!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 2 months ago

Over a year on "Investigating war crimes in Gaza - Al Jazeera Investigations" ...

How can anybody really have a true opinion on events in Gaza 15+ months ago - without recourse to the information in these videos above, given the very deeply partisan nature of U$A's Main Stream Media?!! Finally & very importantly indeed, please try to carefully consider the consequences of the following info:

WHICH ... "One article describing the Israeli Prime Minister riding on an unbeatable wave of triumphs. These stunning military “successes,” its author Barak Ravid notes, include the bombing of Yemen, the assassinations of Hamas chief Ismail Haniyeh and Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, and the pager attack against Lebanon.

"The same author recently went viral for an article that claimed that Israeli attacks against Hezbollah are “not intended to lead to war, but are an attempt to reach ‘de-escalation through escalation.'” Many users on social media mocked Ravid for this bizarre, Orwellian reasoning - but what almost everybody missed is that Barak Ravid is an Israeli spy or at least he was until recently.Ravid is a former analyst with Israeli spying agency Unit 8200 & as recently as last year, was still a reservist with the IDF.

"Unit 8200, is Israel’s largest & perhaps most controversial spying organization. It has been responsible for many high-profile espionage & terror operations, including recent pager attack that injured thousands of Lebanese civilians. As this investigation will reveal, Ravid is far from the only Israeli ex-spook working at top US media outlets, working hard to manufacture Western support for his country’s actions." WTF?!

e tenebris, lux?!

[-] 1 points by ImNotMe (1488) 21 hours ago

Please consider "Never Again Means Never Again for Anyone"!

Re. Dr. Marek Edelman, one of the leaders of the Warsaw Ghetto!

respice et fiat lux!