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Forum Post: Israel Attack On Gaza Continues

Posted 9 years ago on July 18, 2014, 5:41 p.m. EST by turbocharger (1756)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

A full scale war declared on a people whose land was stolen from the get go.

Absolute. Fuckin. Bullshit.

Occupiers from all over participating in protests globally over this absolute violation of everything we hold decent.




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[-] 6 points by trashyharry (3084) from Waterville, NY 9 years ago

This forum is covered wall to wall with an assortment of your trolling techniques.Every thread Every day.24/7.All that profanity.All those ad hominem attacks.Unfounded accusations.Inflammatory proposals such as summary executions based on vague or nonexistent justifications.Absurd insults.Hyperbole.Misinformation.Absurd or misleading argumentation.Question begging,mendacious and fallacious argumentation.All of that and more.This is what you have to offer our forum,and it seems you spend a great deal of your time on all that.It's your life-do what you wanna do.One of the few smells that can be transmitted over The Internets is the Smell of Desperation.Meanwhile your posting behavior can be used as an exemplar when teaching students about what cointelpro looks like on an internet forum.So maybe your contribution is worth something after all.Thank you for your attention in this matter!

[-] 5 points by gnomunny (6819) from St Louis, MO 9 years ago


This forum's almost become parody. All that's missing is the laugh track.









