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Forum Post: Is this just some anti-establishment movement?

Posted 12 years ago on March 21, 2012, 3:33 p.m. EST by poltergist22 (159)
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it's a fact that "The man with the gold makes the rules" its the quality of the character of the man with the gold who OWS is protesting about.Or in this case "The MEN with the Gold". To me the simple solution is to get control of the "gold" or the people who have or manage the "gold". The solution to that is to elect or influence people who genuinely care about people...real public servants...or to find/create your own gold...or both...why not create a nationalday....influence 7 members of the Senate on the Budget Committee/Super Committee/nationalday Committee and sacrifice one day a year. One day of work to ensure social change , bring jobs and reduce the deficit . The company's and corporations would do it if they seen more jobs and business, the government would do it if it made them look good and helped THEIR people, i would do it (and have every September 11th} and i think 99% would if it changed predatory practices kept good social programs and kept America strong if every country did it it could eliminate poverty. www.nationalday911.org adopt this OWS


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[-] 2 points by lancealotlink (147) 12 years ago

The answer is to run for congress employmentforthe99.com

[-] 1 points by calliope (25) 12 years ago

I always dreaded having to go to the DMV because they seem a little too smug about their job.

[-] 1 points by Quark2 (109) 12 years ago

It may be that they are not "rare" but don't have the "right look". Politics is more of what you like than what a person really is. Since, the idea of beauty is becoming so narrow minded most people are just too "ugly" (lack of better term) to run in politics.

[-] 1 points by poltergist22 (159) 12 years ago

Quark2 I understand what your saying but most Politicians aren't movie star looking to me...what do you think about the nationalday idea?

[-] 1 points by Quark2 (109) 12 years ago

I like the way you think. It is a simple, powerful, & beautiful idea. Thank you for the enlightenment. Solidarity!

[-] 1 points by RayLansing (99) 12 years ago

"The solution to that is to elect or influence people who genuinely care about people...real public servants"

Alas, these types of people appears to be increasingly rare.

"why not create a nationalday....influence 7 members of the Senate on the Budget Committee/Super Committee/nationalday Committee and sacrifice one day a year. One day of work to ensure social change , bring jobs and reduce the deficit"

Good idea but based on all efforts to influence senate so far, would this be feasible? This would also be against the fact that they are already taking action on those issues.

"To me the simple solution is to get control of the "gold" or the people who have or manage the "gold"."

A simple solution but implementing this solution is not as simple. The majority would like to take back power from the 1% and this resulted in the current political and social power struggle.

[-] 1 points by poltergist22 (159) 12 years ago

I agree but...I hate saying but.. but that is the only way to do this within the system..and it can be done...If people will give their lives (all the military who signed up shorty after 9/11) Why can't we give up one day of work for the common good? These people are rare if they don't see the flip side of poverty they need to be in touch with people not money or the threat of losing their jobs thru non-contributions if they vote the wrong way. it is a good idea and the best part is it actually puts power back into the 99% it would create jobs and it would rebound the global economy once we start working. Sometimes simple is what it is..........implementing it your right would be a chore .The practicality of it I think would convince most people. As far as them (our leaders already working on these solutions, well there is a battle going on that might take decades)......you have children in school?How about yourself? What if they don't get that opportunity that comes along so rarely because of the haggling in the Gov't? To me its simple pay the bills ,unite people,take care of your own first. WE were not prepared for 9/11 WE created an agency that has cost almost 3 TRILLION dollars to create, then fought 2 wars from the paranoia of 9/11 which cost another 4 TRILLION dollars (and the costs long term from wounded and lost equipment has yet to be calculated)That's half of our deficit And they raised NO Taxes they Lowered them???????????????? That and the housing crisis they implemented (with the best of intentions I'm sure) have just been bad managing. We need to step up and get this under control .I trust them to an extent but the world is changing.

[-] 1 points by RayLansing (99) 12 years ago

"WE were not prepared for 9/11 WE created an agency that has cost almost 3 TRILLION dollars to create, then fought 2 wars from the paranoia of 9/11 which cost another 4 TRILLION dollars (and the costs long term from wounded and lost equipment has yet to be calculated)That's half of our deficit"

I can't argue against this because it's true.

"And they raised NO Taxes they Lowered them?"

To be fair, this decision was made under a significantly strained economy. It was and still is political suicide to raise taxes across the board. Of course the republicans would also oppose raising taxes for just the wealthy.

"That and the housing crisis they implemented (with the best of intentions I'm sure) have just been bad managing. We need to step up and get this under control."

You speak the truth here too. The housing bubble was a factor in causing the economy to regress. The lack of proper controls in this sector allowed for this to happen. You are right, we need to figure out how to get this under control. This should be a goal for our politicians and is a vital point to discuss in these forums.

[-] 2 points by poltergist22 (159) 12 years ago

You want to hear weird Ray...I'm getting as many hits on the www.nationalday911.org web site from CHINESE import companies as I'm getting from people (Americans)taking a few minutes to read a possible partial solution to the debt/economy

[-] 1 points by RayLansing (99) 12 years ago

After all the political BS in our media these days, people are getting desensitized to politics. Ignoring possible solutions is part of this ongoing epidemic caused by desensitization.
