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Forum Post: Is there learning?

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 26, 2011, 11:31 p.m. EST by bugsy57 (4)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

What are we learning from OWS? This movement has been shaped by social media but what are we actually learning from reading the forums, the tweets, the status updates? Do you think the information conveyed via these ways is accurate and coherent? Is this a good way to learn?

What do you think? Share your thoughts....




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[-] 2 points by jacksonme (17) 12 years ago

Its the only way to learn- we will understand one another- then build a new world- a world where every one is free.

[-] 2 points by Calypsophia (74) 12 years ago

It seems chaotic doesnt it? But there is a natural order that can come from chaos. What's important is that forums like these, tweets, Facebook pages, etc.. they all get people thinking, they get them talking, and it is from the exchange of ideas that create and fuel the innovations of change. People are waking up! And I for one, have been thinking waaay outside the box lately. Along the lines of.. nothing is going to change the way people want and need it to change so long as we insist on using a monetary system of any kind. It's time for civilization to evolve beyond it and more about resource-based economies and get rid of this gross imbalance of things.. get rid of the greed and corruption. And it is the only way to effectively strip the 1% of their power over us and make us all truly equal.
