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Forum Post: Is there a Phase 2 to the OWS movement?

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 21, 2011, 9:02 a.m. EST by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Or will it continue to be an amorphous group of park squatters?

My hope is that OWS will use some of the money that me and others have donated as seed money for Phase 2.

Unlike the Tea Party, that seems to have been co-opted and funded by a handful of billionaires, I would like to see the OWS movement spread and grow, with the aim of blunting the corporate moneyed interests that are like a cancer on our so-called representative democracy.

None of the issues that have been discussed here and other other Occupy blogs will ever be addressed unless our representatives "get it."

And they won't "get it" if we sit on our thumbs, fail to turn out highly qualified candidates, and then turn out at the polls to elect them.



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[-] 2 points by unimportant (716) 12 years ago

The message from the Occupy Movement to our legislators

The message is simple and clear and one that I see no disagreement with.

"One of these things will be removed from the Electoral and Legislative processes, big money influence or the legislators."

Currently it is the legislator’s choice, however, that is subject to change from one moment to the next.

Can there be any consensus on this? Could this be adopted as the message that needs to be sent to our legislators.

[-] 2 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 12 years ago
  • Yes.

  • I completely agree that this message is a fundamental core value I have heard from the OWS protestors.

  • It will go a long way toward fixing a broken government.

  • Witness the current stalemate in Congress.

  • It is completely due to legislators being held hostage by big money and corporate interests.

  • Congressional "representatives" now must raise an astronomical amount of money every day, for their next election.

  • This distracts them from doing the people's work.

  • This also forces them to become beholden to big money.

  • Big money can shy away if you break your pledge to Grover Norquist, a man who holds no elected office;

  • Norquist is a man who has built a lucrative tax-exempt and secretively-financed empire that is bent on shrinking government to the size where it can be drowned in a bathtub,

  • Norquist is oblivious to the problems of America's growing population, aging population, growing rate of poverty, deteriorating roads, schools and universities, and growing threats around the world.

  • The GOP's fealty to Norquist is tantamount to outright contempt and disdain for the overwhelming majority of Americans, and a pandering to the multi-billionaires, like the Koch brothers and others who have profited greatly from the resources -- both natural and human -- that once made America strong.

[-] 1 points by AFarewellToKings (1486) 12 years ago

YES, that is the message. Is this the method:

I think OWS should morph into OLB, Occupy Liberty Bell or OIH Occupy Independence Hall. Have small peaceful assemblies all winter long spreading the word about the National General Assembly starting July 4th in Philadelphia. Ask the people of Philadelphia to invite their fellow Americans into their homes for the NGA and coordinate this all winter too. Have occasional "occupations" throughout the winter, growing in size as the spring approaches, the WE ARE THE 99% growing louder with each event. This keeps the light shining and the movement looks smart, smells like a rose. Imagine the city of Philadelphia's population doubling or tripling for four days in July 2012. Some ideas are just plain better than others.

NGA NOW all roads lead to Philadelphia https://sites.google.com/site/the99percentdeclaration/

[-] 2 points by soapbox (14) 12 years ago

Step up and suggest stage 2...this movement is being led by it's members, stand up and be a leader.


Shout it loud, shout it today!


[-] 0 points by communistbob (0) 12 years ago

Communism is the next stage. It's finally coming. America has woken up FINALLY

[-] 1 points by Toynbee (656) from Savannah, GA 12 years ago
  • Keep up the propaganda Bob.

  • You obviously are not paying attention to OWS.

  • OWS does not want communism or fascism or anything extreme.

  • The game has been rigged against the middle class and poor.

  • Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.

  • And the too-big-to-fail corporations that were just bailed out, and then paid themselves disgustingly large bonuses, are one small example of the problem. Bob. Do you get it? If not, just continue reading the blogs.