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Forum Post: Is the leftwing driving away support for OWS?

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 4, 2011, 2:09 p.m. EST by foreverleft (233)
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Are the leftists so unused to dealing with non-leftsts they are driving the actual 99% away? The standard leftist approach to differing ideology is to demonize it in order to not have to deal with the concepts but reality is the 99% are not leftists so what happens when they come here?

They are called trolls for asking questions, expressing ideas that don't conform to leftist dogma and generally attacked and vilified. The self identified left never rise above about 22% of the population. Those identifying as Democrats average about 39% these days so if you want to build a broad based movement with real appeal you might want to think about dialing the hard left shtick back a few notches.

More inclusion and less twinkles.



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[-] 1 points by tumbleweed (36) from Bayonne, NJ 12 years ago

I wonder if us libertarians have totally turned everybody off. We are so aggressive and direct. And we have this universally haughty attitude.

[-] 1 points by Tryagain (300) 12 years ago

OWS IS the left-wing.

[-] 1 points by bugbuster (103) from Yoncalla, OR 12 years ago

This is the right place to discuss this question, not the chats. Challenging people's opinions there gets one labeled a troll. It happened to me two weeks ago.

Of course, in your post, you could have done a global replacement of "left" by "right." It's the way ideologues operate regardless of which side they happen, by pure chance and circumstances of their life unrelated to politics, to find themselves on.

This OWS movement will play out as it will, and only patience will allow cross currents of ideas to take hold in hearts and minds of OWS people as well as the observing public.

Saying things like "...dialing the hard left shtick" is hostile and will naturally not be met receptively, nor should it be. Fix your own rhetoric if you want to influence anyone.