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Forum Post: Is That the Best You Can Do?

Posted 11 years ago on April 12, 2013, 3:45 p.m. EST by ZenDogTroll (13032) from South Burlington, VT
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I was eating a sandwich, in a sandwich shop. That is what normal people do, when they are in sandwich shops? Eat sandwiches? I think so, I'm not sure, I'm not sure that I have ever met anyone who is normal, or even know what normal is - but there I was, doing my best to imitate what I presume is normative behavior, and I was doing so by simply not thinking at all.

I no longer study to apply a blank expression to my features, it has become a comfortable mask. Studies have shown that a blank face will be interpreted entirely on the basis of context.

A man and woman came and sat across from me. Just before they were leaving a man in blue uniform entered. He wasn't a local cop, the patch on his shoulder was wrong, I could see that though I could not read what it said. He wore a 9mm in his holster, and four clips, not the standard three, on the left side. I wondered what he thought he could accomplish with 75 rounds, that he could not with three.

The man in front of me wore a red ball cap. He began to inquire about auto dealers in the area. He began to inquire about auto dealers, in a sandwich shop. Perhaps I don't know what normal is, but I have eaten many sandwiches at many different sandwich shops over the course of many years. This is the first time I have heard anyone make such inquiry.

He looked at me just before he rose from his table, and a shadow of fear flickered across his face. Mine remained blank.

I went outside, got in the truck, let it warm up a little. As I pulled out a blue full sized pickup, likely a Ford, cut me off. It's occupant had been sitting in it from the time I left the store.

Only yesterday, it seems . . .

Boycott KIA cars and Target Stores I say. And send a letter to Biden.



How Long

. z



Read the Rules



[-] 1 points by windyacres (1197) 11 years ago

If you are not suffering from paranoia, your post was brilliant. "They aim at the very heart of freedom and democracy itself." Only it's not just them, it's us. We are all part of this. The difference is some who happen to be in certain positions believe secrecy ultimately serves the best good for the masses. The question is not "Will They" but how soon will they use the powerful tools that exist now, and who is in control of them.

" Sure the tools are powerful, but they depend entirely upon secrecy. Public acknowledgement of what can be and what has been done would necessarily lead to widespread condemnation." This is true because "they" have decided the future should have many secrets to be managed by certain people. Fuck government secrecy! There are possible reasons for some things to be secret, but not many. All americans should have access to any and all videos covering government, and that includes all domestic drone video. This is the only way to insure any privacy in the future.


[-] -2 points by kandy4 (-81) 11 years ago

Just shut the fuck up and eat your sandwich zendoggie.


[-] 0 points by eviltrillionaire (-146) 11 years ago

You're a 50+ year old kid. Get back on your Thorazine drip and electroshock.


[-] -2 points by PerfectCast3 (-36) 11 years ago

Take a deep breath. your moorings are loose.


[-] -2 points by PerfectCast3 (-36) 11 years ago

Asinine? Those were honest questions. You are a loon, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah.

[-] 0 points by GirlFriday (17435) 11 years ago

hahahahaha you're a divisive jack ass. One that, oddly enough, you don't get nailed enough for.