Forum Post: Is Mitt Romney monogamous or polygamous? (Mormons have been known to lie about such matters).
Posted 12 years ago on April 10, 2012, 8:30 p.m. EST by frogmanofborneo
from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Mormons are not the most honest folks you are likely to meet. LDS says they no longer practice polygamy but this is one matter on which they have historically lied flat out.
Dallin H. Oaks, Apostle, "Gospel Teachings About Lying", Clark Memorandum BYU (Spring 1994 pg. 16-17). In this Oaks acknowledges 'Lying for the Lord' by early Mormon leaders. Joseph Smith lied about many of his activities and the overwhelming historical evidence forced Oaks to admit the lies. Among Mormons and former Mormons it has become known as "Lying for the Lord". Bribery was OK: Journal of Discources vol. 9:4-5
Mormon killing of women and children: Mountains Meadow Massacre 29 Sep. 1857, which was consistent with Mormon teachings of blood atonement. This is well described in the book by the same title by Juanita Brooks, Stanford University Press 1950. The Circleville Massacre (Utah Historical Quarterly, Winter 1987 pgs 4-21). This describes Mormon militiamen shooting males, while slitting the throats of women and children, identical to the pattern of in the Mountain Meadows Massacre. " 'Wild Bill' Hickman and the Mormon Frontier". Signature Books 1988. Adulterous relationships later revised to be plural marriages.
Given Mormon propensity to lie especially about polygamy how do we really know that Romney is monogamous?
Much unsaid as Romney cites his tie to Mexico By Michael Kranish Globe Staff / January 31, 2012 E-mail|Print|Reprints|Comments (151) Text size – + 60 1 ShareThis1509
MIAMI - Mitt Romney, who rarely discusses his ancestry, has repeated a striking comment in Florida in recent days to soften his rhetoric about immigration and woo the crucial Hispanic voting bloc. RELATED PICTURES Republican presidential candidates in Florida Much unsaid as Romney cites his tie to Mexico Fla. primary's big prize likely to go to Romney Romney confident as Florida prepares to vote If Gingrich loses in Fla., can he come back again? 'Super' PACs set to disclose big donors Tuesday Gingrich making final push for Florida primary votes A look at Florida as it holds its primary Fla. broke rules to gain influence on nomination Boston lawyer keeps steady hand on Romney’s funds Romney reaches out to Hispanic voters | Video Ann Romney provides more than silent testimony Polls | More Politics coverage Raise Your Voice Click to write to the presidential candidates. “My dad was born in Mexico,’’ Romney says at many campaign stops, as he expresses empathy and solidarity with immigrant families. It follows sharp rhetoric in places such as Iowa, where he decried what he called efforts to provide “amnesty’’ to the nation’s 12 million illegal immigrants.
The story of Romney’s father, George, is one that many Cuban-Americans can relate to in this city of immigrants: A revolution sweeps through the homeland, prompting an exodus of people who, in many cases, left behind everything to come to the United States. But in this case, George Romney’s country of birth was Mexico, not Fidel Castro’s Cuba.
The issue of immigration is especially sensitive in Florida, where Hispanics make up 11 percent of the Republican primary electorate, and could provide the key to victory in today’s primary. Romney’s chief challenger, Newt Gingrich, has called Romney anti-immigrant; Romney said the charge was repulsive.
It is in this context that Romney has mentioned that he is the child of a born-in-Mexico father. But he usually ends the story there, failing to explain the circumstances or, even more strikingly, why it might be relevant to those he is trying to win over.
Were he to tell the rest of the story, it doubtless would resonate with many here: George Romney was born in Mexico and was 5 years old when a revolution forced his family members in 1912 to flee their Mormon colony and seek refuge in the United States. The Mormon exiles lost their homes, farms, and most of their belongings, were welcomed by the United States, and benefited from a $100,000 refugee fund established by Congress. But there are other elements to the Romney story that may explain why he doesn’t tell the full tale on the campaign trail. The reason that George was born in Mexico is that his grandfather - Mitt’s great-grandfather - had taken refuge there in order to escape US laws against polygamy. It was this family patriarch, Miles Park Romney, who established the colony and lived there with four wives.
Mitt Romney has decried what he has called the “awful’’ practice of polygamy and has never visited the colony, even though several dozen of his cousins continue to live there.
Romney’s new emphasis on his father’s roots drew the attention yesterday of a host on “Fox and Friends,’’ who said during an interview with Romney that it was the first time he had heard the former Massachusetts governor discuss that aspect of his ancestry.
Asked whether the discussion was “helping you with the Latino community in Florida,’’ Romney responded, “You know, I wish I could claim that I’m Hispanic and that would help me in the Latino community here in Florida and around the country, but my dad was born of American parents living in Mexico. So he was Anglo at the time and yet, I’m very proud of the fact that he came to this country at a critical time, was helped to get on his feet by folks in this country.’’Continued...
Who gives a fuck? Really?
Why are people so hung up about the personal lives of politicians? Does it really matter if Bill Clinton lied about a blow job, or if Dick Cheney's daughter is gay?
How about the arms Clinton shipped to turkey for ethnic cleansing against the Kurds? How about Cheney's being complicit in the Bush admins war-crimes?
How about the fact that Mitt Romney and Obama both accept massive bribes for Wall St firms?
That certainly seems more relevant than their sex lives.
Right on. It's just a distraction, a way to keep us from focusing on the real issues. No rational person would care at all.
It really doesn't matter to me at all UNTIL they go around imposing morality on others while all the while living by their own and different interpretation. Then I get really super ticked. I've never figured out why any of them can't keep their damn personal views to themselves anyway. you would think that they would not even want to touch on moral issues, given that it would then also apply to them? Or is it that they are narcissistic sociopaths who believe that they are above God's laws?
And pray tell, why should YOUR personal morality of monogamy be imposed on others? Who are you to try and snidely attempt the very same thing you decry, not to mention determine what consenting adults can do with their lives?
The kettle is indeed black.
What is my personal morality of monogamy?
Are you pointing out the hypocracy of Romney preaching something different than the practices?
Yes, but not Romney necessarily ( I don't think he's been caught misbehaving yet :D ) I was referring to any politician that attempts to impose and legislate moral code based on their own interpretation of Christian or other religious dogma --and especially those who obviously have a double moral code for themselves and one for the rest of us. There's only one constitution, not one for them and one for us. I think it's a complete waste of time and tax dollars and very unconstitutional to concern themselves with abortion, birth control and gay marriage- issues that do not belong in any political arena.
Hey, let's teach pops a lesson. We'll shack up for a good ol timey "weekend marriage" and fornicate, A LOT.
Sounds mighty good to me but please don't tell anyone. I wouldn't want to tarnish my sparkling reputation. Can we bring our ex's along just for moral support?
Hey honey! I'm THE JanitorInaDrum, my lips are sealed.
I like the idea of the ex's and we can even turn our mattress thrashing romp into a judged performance like American Idolatry.
Are you good on zip ties and duct tape?
I prefer velcro if that's not too much trouble- white or black is fine. I think we should reserve the duck tape for the other 2 since I'm not so sure that as judges they will be objective enough to cast a fair and balanced vote without some sort of coercion or compensation. This IS America after all.
Of course I was talking about the ex's regarding restraints and forced fairness. Are we going to limit ex's to just one each? Lemme know and I'll get Greyhound to unbook the two and counting buses.
BTW, you bring the supplies...birth control, preggers test, breath mints, HIV test, DNA test ( might as well get that done too in case Maury invites us to his show in a few months)...I feel like I left something out...gosh I hate it when my dementia kicks in gear. Oh yeah, the prenup and non-disclosure agreement. Walgreens is having a by one get one free on their home test kits ( politician special).
Chocolate syrup and blueberry preserves.
I hear you on the dementia and since this will be a judged event, just nod in the direction if it becomes clear that I forgot which armpit it's under.
Yes, you are right. But then again look at what actually moves people. Stuff like Monica, I think.
Romney, for his all problems as a (R)epelican't is not the proper kind of conse(R)vative for some folks. so they pick on his rather odd religion, as if they all aren't a bit odd.
It doesn't matter to me, they all have an (R) after their name, and they all do pretty much the same thing.
Indeed! It also seems merely having a (R) IN THEIR NAME, like Demonc(R)ats, puts them in the very same club!
Of course, slowtards will deny this until their last gasp for breath.
As is usual for a user unable to think outside his tiny drum.
You got it wrong....................:)
The significance of the (R), is that no matter whether you vote conse(R)vative, libe(R)tarian, teabagge(R) or plain old (R)epelican't, you can find it on the ballet by the (R).
It's the same rotten thing no matter what.
OK, you can climb back into your tiny drum now, and don't forget to put the lid back on real,real tight, we don't want anymore of your limited brains to drip all over the forum.
I know, the last thing your DNC shilling sack of shit ass wants is for people to wake up and see D or R means same shit different day.
You are merely one of many on the payroll of any number of D's.
Where's my check???
I hope you put the lid back on tight enough.
So the dead beat thieves are fawking you too now, that's so rich! You knew they would.
It's a shame, you really work your idiot ass off pimping them as if they were golden whores ready to finally unleash true democracy and justice onto the voting public.... if, AND ONLY IF, they could just inhabit 100% of DC as a result of enlightened and intelligent voters.
The only one pimping anything is you!
Pretty much every post so far.
You've even gone so far as to issue veiled threats, because you know how lame you really are.
I bet you get invited to lots of parties and are regarded as a pillar of your gated community.
As you are in yours.
Your lids still loose. You should have that checked.
Not at all, my lid (about 4 fingers worth) is sealed up nice and tight,
But...but...LESSER EVIL!!! OMG! Do you want Romney to do something crazy like kill Americans citizens without a trial or slash Social Security!?
That makes me feel much better. Voting for the hopefully less corrupt crook. I suppose Obama sure set Romney up for killing of Americans with no trial... nice... that makes me really trust all of them.
I don't give two shits if SS is slashed, maybe if it were, people would get their lard filled heads out of their accepting bi-party asses and do something about their corrupt government other than to wait for the next election.
Right. As opposed to having a (D) after their name. The (D) would absolve them of all their crimes, right? Cause' not matter what they do---at least they'll keep the Republican boogeyman away!
OP eds? Really?
Romney looks better on TV than the rest of the (R)epelican't candidates, I knew he would get the nod as soon as the field was filled.
They just hope he doesn't blow the lines they are writing for him.
"OP eds? Really?"
You aren't disputing the facts though, right? That the Obama admin received more bribes from Wall St than anyone else in American history? That his Administration is filled with lobbyists for goldman sachs? That there is a revolving door between his (and every other) administration and the top banks/conglomerates? That he used his influence to shield them from prosecution?
"Romney looks better on TV than the rest of the (R)epelican't candidates, I knew he would get the nod as soon as the field was filled.
They just hope he doesn't blow the lines they are writing for him."
It's all theater comrade. Politicians are crooks. It doesn't matter what letter is next to their name. They are shills for the 1%:
Yeah, they're all crooks, some are just bigger crooks than others.
Especially the party of " I am not a crook" notoriety.
All the youtubes in the World won't change that.
"Yeah, they're all crooks, some are just bigger crooks than others."
You know who holds the record for all time biggest crook/Wall St. puppet currently?
You know who went above and beyond even the Bush administration's attacks on our basic liberty?
There is no "lesser-of-two-evils".
It's a Good Cop/Bad Cop routine. It's fake.
We don't need to vote---We need to ACT.
Cool, you probably shouldn't vote anyway.
What kind of act are you planning to put on instead?
"Cool, you probably shouldn't vote anyway."
But, you should right?
"What kind of act are you planning to put on instead?"
Direct action. Strikes. Protests. Civil Disobedience. Outright Riots. Advocating for Insurrection.
It has a proven record of obtaining tangible results---unlike voting, which cannot, and has not, ever changed anything.
It's funny. Revolutionary politics are better at obtaining reforms than Reformist politics are. Go figure.
You're advocating violence. I'm not going there.
Besides, I have home obligations to tend to.
I don't know where you're getting this whole violence thing from.
I really don't. So, I'll vote because I can.
But hey? You're violent and don't want to. I'm OK with that.
<<<You're advocating violence. I'm not going there.
Besides, I have home obligations to tend to.>>>
If you aren't in a position to, that's perfectly understandable. The first 4 things in that list don't require any violence---the first three don't even require you to get arrested. There are all kinds of Direct actions we can do to bring about change. Much of the work the needs to be done simply involves building alternative structures and communities. To connect with people and reach-out to them.
<<<I don't know where you're getting this whole violence thing from.>>>
From History. From the reality of the world around us:
<<<I really don't. So, I'll vote because I can.>>>
Voting is worse than a waste of time. It's not just that it's completely meaningless. The whole ritual of voting is making things worse. It is an important part of maintaining the status quo. It reinforces the illusion that we live in a democracy and that we have a choice. It helps to pacify people.
"All it would take to keep the people enslaved is to keep them convinced they are free."
<<<But hey? You're violent and don't want to. I'm OK with that.>>>
You don't need to take the leap into violent Resistance, inorder to fight back. What are your plans for the General Strike this May Day? We need all the boots on the ground we can get. Even if you just show up and hold a sign. Every little bit helps.
We should vote but if you vote for Obama, you are voting against everything OWS stands for. Lobbyists, being bought by Wall Street, torture in Guan. Bay, loss of civil rights, etc...
Lilly Ledbetter Act - if a woman in the administration are being paid less, unfairly, they have the right to speak up about that, get the situation rectified by appropriate means. I'm sure the President doesn't have a whole lot of time on his hands to be reviewing the payroll distribution of his staff. Especially when N.Korea is launching test missles. But that certainly doesn't mean that he doesn't support fair pay for women.
If you really want to, you could cast a symbolic protest vote for a third party candidate. I don't think it matters much though.
The only other person that has a chance of wining, Mitt Romney, is going to push policies that are effectively identical to Obama's actions anyway. They are both owned by Wall St.
Voting is pointless.
Are you going to go to the voting booth and stand in front of it and stomp your feet like a three year old having a temper tantrum? A petulant, selfish and stupid act of a child.
You must be insane to advocate not voting. And possibly allow Mitt Romney to nominate a Justice or, God forbid, two to the Supreme Court. You are insane. Yeah, Obama can be a real dickhead. But no way in hell am I going to not vote. I would trust Pres. Obama's nominee far more than I'd ever trust Romney or any Republican choice given the current sociopathy in the Republican party. Look at the current Court. You want more of that?! Not very smart.
"Are you going to go to the voting booth and stand in front of it and stomp your feet like a three year old having a temper tantrum? A petulant, selfish and stupid act of a child. "
<<<<You must be insane to advocate not voting.>>>>
If you think your vote matters you must be missing something...
<<<<<And possibly allow Mitt Romney to nominate a Justice or, God forbid, two to the Supreme Court.>>>>
First of all it's moot. It's a forgone conclusion that Mitt Romney is going to lose. Neither of our votes are going to have any affect on that. You don't live in a democracy.
<<<<<You are insane. Yeah, Obama can be a real dickhead. But no way in hell am I going to not vote. I would trust Pres. Obama's nominee far more than I'd ever trust Romney or any Republican choice given the current sociopathy in the Republican party. Look at the current Court. You want more of that?! Not very smart.>>>>
Exactly how on earth do you think Obama is any different than Mitt Romney on the Constitution or the Supreme Court?
"can be a real dickhead"? Really?
Obama is a mass-murderer who has done more to destroy our basic civil liberties and Judicial system than even the Bush Admin ever dared. The Patriot Act is child's play compared to the 2012 NDAA. And it is exactly BECAUSE of the "lesser-evil" narrative the he's gotten away with it:
No republican would have ever been able to do that except in their wet dreams. But some people are happy to categorically support Obama no matter what because "the republican is worse."---enabling Obama to do worse than any republican ever could.
The Obama Admin is the very epitome of everything OWS is protesting against.
You seem to have the view that Pres. Obama and/or the entire federal government is acting as some separate and distinct monolith. This math is all wrong - 99%/1%. It's more along the lines of 50 million v 50 million.
There are 50 million shades of crazy that vote Republican. That is the real dichotomy. There are 50 million people that vote Republican Right Wing Batshit Crazy.
The 1% don't need to vote at all. They simply buy their legislation. That's a whole other discussion about public financing of elections.
There are 50 million other batshit crazy people out there that are pushing the government to : privatize education (and anything else public good they can get their hands on), elect Ayn Rand as a demi-god, fracture the earth 24 hours a day, rape women with medical instruments, overturn Roe, turn our government into a theocracy, leave the poverty stricken stranded in the streets to pull themselves up by their bootstraps somehow, give more tax breaks to the wealthy. On and on. 50 million batshit crazy people believe in these things.
It's not about any 1 person - Pres. Obama. Or the 1%. Or Good Cop/Bad Cop. Our problems have to do with 50 million batshit crazy people. Because that's what happens in a Representative Democracy. These 50 million batshit crazy people get represented. These are the minds that have to be changed. The election will be decided by a few million tipping one way or the other. Which way do you want it to tip? The batshit crazy way?
Drone attacks suck when innocent people get hurt. Drone strikes were going on before Pres. Obama, and will likely continue no matter who is President. You really shouldn't stay home on election day because of the creepy flying killing machines. There are alot of other considerations. 50 million batshit crazy reasons.
You're wrong. Pres. Obama's policies are not worse than Bush. And they are far better (not perfect - because, we're dealing with 50 million batshit crazy people on the other side who deserve representation too) than a Republican House, Senate and Romney will be.
NDAA, Wall Street, the takeover of the Affordable Care Act by the healthcare industry- those things get alot of attention. But there are other things that Pres. Obama has been able to accomplish, in spite of 50 million shades of batshit crazy opposing Left values.
Would a Republican controlled Congress or White House have given us any of these things:
Signed the Lilly Ledbetter Act, repealed don't ask don't tell, repealed restrictions on stem cell research, increased funding for Natl Parks, expanded Pell Grants, expanded hate crime protections.
Established CFPB, saved the auto industry, strengthened the EPA, that will clean up or close dirty coal plants, and will regulate carbon dioxide emissions, and increase fuel efficiency standards.
Established Next Generation school testing criteria (emphasizing critical thinking skills and STM), improved school nutrition standards, provided funds for high speed internet access for K-12, protected 300,000 education jobs, expanded Childrens Health Insurance for an additional 4 million kids.
Affordable Healthcare Act - say what you will, good or bad, no matter what you think, this is a major accomplishment considering 50 million batshit crazy people didn't want this. The fact that this legislation passed, moves the debate and creates awareness. Pres. Obama did this. No matter what happens with the healthcare mandate, healthcare for the uninsured will no longer be ignored.
Dodd Frank - say what you will, good or bad, no matter what you think, this is a major accomplishments considering 50 million batshit crazy people didn't want this either, let alone go back to Glass Stegall. Most especially the batshit crazy on Wall Street. The fact that this legislation passed, moves the debate and creates awareness. Pres. Obama did this. There is starting to be more noise, not the least of which is from the Federal Reserve Bank of Dallas who believes the big banks should be broken up.
Pres. Obama created more jobs private sector jobs than were created during the Bush years.
The fact is - 50 million batshit crazy people deserve representation too. I'll give you an example that is the most down to earth way I can describe it. My own US Rep., a Republican (unfortunately I live in a pretty solid R district) - on one legislative tracker website he gets a liberal rating of 21 out of 100 points. He's about as conservative as he can be. People, his constituents! go on his facebook site and rail on him for not being conservative enough. Batshit crazy people.
The election is not about drones. It's not about any 1 person. It's about Left ideology v 50 million batshit crazy people who will vote for, and believe in, Republican Right Wing Batshit Crazy.
Whatever long term goals you may have, doesn't mean you should ignore the short game. Because even if you don't vote, one of these ideologies will control the government - Left or Batshit Crazy.
The Ledbetter Act kind of sums up Obama to me.
I don't like everything Pres. Obama does. But Left is left (maybe not as left as we would like, but this is a result of the Right), and Right is wrong- sociopathic even.
I could say the same of alot of things, my husband, my dog, the list goes on. OWS even. I don't like everything OWS does or how it does certain things. But I believe some of the messages are legitimate and worthy. OWS doesn't work as fast as I would like either. We may not like everything Pres. Obama does. Maybe we think he isn't making change quickly enough. But it takes time to de-program the brainwashing that has happened on the Right. Left is left. Right is sociopathic. Having a Democratic Pres. and a Democratic Congress is important. This helps OWS. OWS is a Left movement, is it not? Think of it as diversity of tactics.
You think any Republican is going to even consider wealth inequality except to continue widening the gap? And continue the lie that trickle down works. As if some billionaire pissing down his leg is going to help? No. People get pissed on. When the Ryan budget plan gives a $265k tax break to millionaires? Who want to privatize public education? Who think Ayn Rand is a God? Who want to wage war against woman's rights?! Is this the mentality what you want in charge of Congress and the White House?
Like it or not, Obama or Romney, Dems and Repubs, will continue to run the country. You say it doesn't matter. It does matter. They're running the country. The best thing we can do is make sure it's tipped Left. The more the better.
If too many liberals have your attitude, Romney wins. Wall Street and other big donors would not be spending millions of dollars on Romney's campaign if they thought it was a forgone conclusion that Romney was going to lose.
If you choose not to vote, you are letting others choose for you. And if too many people have your attitude, believe in Left values (I presume you do), choose not to vote, Romney wins. The sociopaths win. If too many people think Pres. Obama is up in the polls and their vote doesn't matter, they want to be all pissy about it, stay home and thumb their nose at the system for whatever reason, and think thats gonna help make a difference - Romney wins. Do you have any idea how many sociopathic right wingers are out there?! These people are frightening.
George Carlin is wrong. Funny, but wrong. : )
Indefinate detention of an American citizen - if this provision were ever used it would be challenged in court.
OWS is right to put pressure on the system. Pressure can be brought in many ways. Including voting. How about show some solidarity with Left voters and help us out. : )
<<<<I don't like everything Pres. Obama does.>>>>
Like using creepy flying robots to commit mass child-murder?
<<<<But Left is left (maybe not as left as we would like, but this is a result of the Right), and Right is wrong- sociopathic even. >>>>>
Well then maybe you shouldn't support an extremist right-wing administration whose policies are often worse than the Bush administrations:
<<<<. Do you have any idea how many sociopathic right wingers are out there?! These people are frightening.>>>>
They are. If we applied the same legal standards to Obama/Bush/Clinton that we applied to the Nazi High Command at Nuremberg---they would all be executed for war crimes.
<<<<Wall Street and other big donors would not be spending millions of dollars on Romney's campaign if they thought it was a forgone conclusion that Romney was going to lose.>>>>
Wall St. needs to maintain their control over both "parties".
That's why they have given more bribes to Obama then any other person in history:
As it stand now, Obama is the single greatest enemy of everything that OWS stands for.
If you would just look past your fanatical party loyalty for a moment you would see that there is a difference between the pandering lip service that democrats pay to left-wing causes, and the reality that they are the most effective opponents of those causes---precisely because they are able to create that perception.
Can't you recognize a Good Cop/Bad cop routine when you see it?
Do Mormons tell us what they really believe?
off topic, but that Book of Mormon show is freaking fantastic.
Why the fuck would it matter either way?