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Forum Post: Is John Kerry Insane? A Fraud? Or Has Someone/thing Sucked Out His Brain and Replaced It?

Posted 10 years ago on Sept. 10, 2013, 8:21 a.m. EST by TropicalDepression (-45)
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Are we so far down the shithole of humanity that bombing people is no longer an act of war, but simply making a statement?

Now the Russians say they will grab the nukes and secure them, striking a deal with the Syrians. I can hear the right wing nuts now.. "Obama got shown up" "Russia is gaining control!!"

And of course the people -most of them that consider themselves involved at least- will line up on each side of the fence and sling shit at each other.

If the Syria conflict is over, does this mean we can back to a few small minor details in this country?



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