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Forum Post: Introduce a new economic system

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 3, 2011, 6:53 a.m. EST by Wolfgang5463 (10)
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i heard on the european TV about your movement and i want to contribute some critical information about the issue. Please double check the facts before you criticize it,s the view of my world but i hope my world fits in your world as well.

If we really want a change for the better in economy we have to abandon the criminal FED system in the USA because it sucks all wealth from all over the world like a black hole energy. We have to give back the privilege of printing money to the congress because it,s much cheaper for the taxpayer. Needless to say that the last real president (Kennedy) was assasinated due to the fact he had plans to dismantle the FED and end vietnam war. Our current economical system is based on debt expension in conjunction with interest rates. It is system intrinsic that the USA nor greece are not able to pay back their debts due to the exponential grow of interest and compound interest.

The only thing we can do is to make negative interest rates (money circulation tax) for people who hoard big amounts of money in their accounts (wealthy people) so they are forced to facilitate it again to the economic cycle. The same when you are parking with your car in the heart of a big city it,s very expensive so you don,t block for a long time the parking lot and other drivers can use it as well.

Silvio Gesell a self taught german economist had this genious idea at the beginning of the last century and there where tests in the 1930 that where very successful (wörgl miracle). If you have to by demurrage stamps for the money on your account you will give it free of interest rates to a business founder who is in need of money for his new business. Some of this founders can create tremendous wealth for the society if their invention works out well. But nowadays most startups are not able to get money from the banks.

The wörgl miracle proved that this system is a real inflation, deflation killer which stimulates local business. This could limit banks in the future for what they are should be to supply money to the economy. I want the glass ­steagall­ act which was abandoned under president clinton to be reinstalled again to protect the taxplayer in the US to be looted from a bankster oligarchy.

The USA also needs a new third party (not a duopoly like today) who cares about the need of the avarage citizen. The global warming is a big worldwide scam who kille tousends of jobs and the people have to stand up to avoid that this legislation of the redical internationalist passes congress.

Please consider to have a look at the following documents to see what is really going on:

Alex Jones - Endgame (master plan from bilderberg for global enslavement) http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=1070329053600562261

Alex Jones - The Obama Deception (puppet of the global bankster elite) http://video.google.de/videoplay?docid=-677452080360739397

Alex Jones - The Fall Of The Republic (how banks are looting the republic) http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VebOTc-7shU

The Wörgl Miracle (make free money work for the benefit of the citizen) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/W%C3%B6rgl

Silvio Gesell (founder of free money) http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Silvio_Gesell





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[-] 1 points by Wolfgang5463 (10) 12 years ago

i would like to stress another fact that is directly connected to our interest based money system. If you lend money you have to pay back the loan and as well the interest rate. But to assure the anual interest rate grow economy is condemned to grow every year to produce physical goods as underlyings for the growing interest for a loan. The interest rates are the reason (with all the negative evironmental impact) that this system has to grow every year to survive. If we abolish the interest rates we can offord that the economy does not grow and anyone would lose nothing. If we suppose a 2,8 percent anual grow of the economy in 25 years GNP has to double and to quadruple in 50 years. If we abolish interest rates 99 percent of the poblation would lose nothing because you pay already 40 % anual interest rates that are in the products you use every day. So at the end of the year when you bank pays you your anual interest rates (if you have money on your account) you have lost money. Only for very wealthy people with more than 1 million dollars on their accounts interest rates have a positive inpact. So ponder on and find out for yourself with other sources but interest rates are only beneficial for the rich people. If we switch out interest rates we can leave the path of exponential grow of debt because this is a real critical issue. If we don,t change this system the national debt will explode and already we have reached the point of no return because of the exponential function of interest and compound interest rate.

[-] 1 points by Wolfgang5463 (10) 12 years ago


that money hoarting of banks and wealthy individuals is a real problem for the economy especially in times of economic turmoil and can cause severe problems of deflation. All the more rapidly the money circulates in a economy the better the results. On the other hand the money owner with that system is not able anymore to wait longer because he has to face a loss if he waits to long. Today a food producer has to sell his production fast because the stuff can perish and money does not. This is the real problem of all economic crisis because the money holder (who prevents that money works in the economy for the benefit of society) has an edge in comparation of the tangible goods producer. This advantage has to be cut to have a real and just competition in the economy. You can read the 1929,s book (the natural economic order) from Silvio Gesell online. We are the only ones who can defeat the worldwide banksters cartell we are in charge to do something until all is going to waste. Invest some of your precious time to find out and do something good for the future of your children and future generations.

Silvio Gesell - The Natural Economic Order http://wikilivres.info/wiki/The_Natural_Economic_Order

[-] 1 points by radicalchange (5) from Hampton, GA 12 years ago

It is true that corporations laid off millions and since have collected record profits. They sit on those profits rather than hire back workers. Banks have also took billions in federal money and sit on that money earning a small but risk free interest while they choke off commerce by refusing to loan.

[-] 1 points by Wolfgang5463 (10) 12 years ago


i have forgotten to say that the money creation process has to made with a fourth power in the state who has to be independent like legislation (monetative power). It,s not acceptable that private owend banks are able to create money out of nothing (creation of deposit money).

