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Forum Post: Insurance Co. getting Rich

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 31, 2011, 8:17 a.m. EST by uhandleit (43)
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Makes no sense when Insurance Cos. make more than Dr. s and Hospitals on your health Care !



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[-] 2 points by gabond (2) 12 years ago

AMEN! I have been of the opinion that the "Occupy" movement had missed the boat because they were not addressing the health insurance issue. Our President who was going to fix our healthcare system was bought out by the insurance industry. All he did was increase their revenue stream! I have had BCBS health insurance my entire adult life except for one 2 month period. Just down and dirty, I figure they have received over $150,000 in premiums from me or my husband. I am facing this no coverage situation again simply because the other person at work, who made me eligible for group coverage, quit! See two people are a "group" but one person does not qualify a "group." It seems criminal that Blue Cross can sell me a product and take my money every month for 30 years and then because of something I have no control over can cancel my insurance. Now the same product will cost me over $3,000 a month or for a lesser charge, $1,500, I will be subject to pre-existing and a $10,000+ deductible with no copays! If a company sells a product, it should not be able to discriminate due to age, sex or if you are part of a large group, small group or an individual. It does not cost a penny more to cover me from one day to the next just because my group is no longer considered a group. Criminal is the word...CRIMINAL! The government passed regulation regarding housing, how is something as basic as health insurance any different?

[-] 1 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 12 years ago

What ever happened to honesty in Business? If you look at it correctly, everyone that has insurance with a company is a member of "that" group. That is where discounts used to come from. The larger the membership ( # of customers ) the cheaper the cost. Now days it is how clever can "we" ( Insurance Providers ) be to come-up with new ways to charge higher premiums.


[-] -1 points by FreeDiscussion1 (109) 12 years ago

What health insurance benefits does OWS provide to the protestors? OWS does offer medical benefits that they whine about corporations,,, dont they? They gotta. If not,,, protest and DEMAND OWS provide a resonable and humane healthcare coverage to those that support this movement. OWS is a 501c3 so they should provide coverage.... Tell us more about it and what great things they are doing.