Forum Post: In the name of ALLAH!
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 14, 2011, 9:39 p.m. EST by stuartchase
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
This goes out to all of our muslim brothers and sisters. Please bring down these two companies in a non-violent way. They are the tools of the Great Satan. They must be destroyed!
Allah be praised for our glorious victory over the Great Satan and his Night Slaves!
The Revolution starts here!
Here is the censored version of this post. It seems the OWS doesn't like Allah. :(
"This goes out to all of our muslim brothers and sisters."
What if I'm not Muslim?
This message is not meant to exclude anyone, it was posted because I was asked to post it in such a way by a nice lady who happens to be muslim. She that it would be a nice way to get people's attention. She would have done it herself, but she was one of the unfortunate one's who bought a Toshiba.
If you have a special request for a post about Toshiba, Enterprise, or both, I'll do a BlueRose post. :)
Ok thanks, reply was good enough.
It looks like OWS is censoring this post. I don't think they care for anything to do with Islam. Oh well. Thank you so much for your support. :)
Oh really? What got censored?
Look on the forum. you won't find it there. Right now it should be near the top when I send this to you but you won't find it. :(
I guess I finally found something OWS won't support. Not the end of the world. I'm not going to repost it because the OWS' fears our legit, and since they never gave me a hard time about anything else, I'll just turn a blind eye.
الإسلام هو الاوساخ من جميع الأديان. محمد هو قطعة من لحم الخنزير.
I'm glad you like the post.
تقتل امرأة الخاص بك. كنت تعامل النساء مثل الكلاب. أنت حثالة الأرض. يأكل بعض لحم الخنزير. اللعنة عليك.
The KTC welcomes you with open arms.
The Revolution starts here!
The KTC welcomes you with open arms.
The Revolution starts here!
The Revolution has a new theme song!
The Revolution starts here!