Forum Post: In the End
Posted 12 years ago on Sept. 4, 2012, 12:35 p.m. EST by agkaiser
from Fredericksburg, TX
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
Is there concern that bankster/speculator profit will increase the pain this fall if drought stricken Midwest crops fail this summer? Will those whose profit constrained employers can't pay enough to sustain life and the even worse off unemployed revolt if faced with starvation. Or will they lay down and die, so the ruling class can continue business as usual? Will the 'best and brightest' ever see that the people who will die if the government can't afford food stamps and welfare are their customers? Will anyone ever see that capitalism and the corruption of a free market that it sprang from are not good for most of us? If it fails to sustain your life it is a failed theory and should be replaced by one that works for all of us! We have the power. Will we use it? If we don't, we're stupid and we deserve to die. Whenever the final crisis comes, will we act to live or die for the well being of the ruling elite lords of Wall St?
In the short term, how will our leaders react to mass starvation, when it inevitably comes to America. Will they confiscate the ill gotten gains of the banksters and ϋber investors that bring it on, even if that wasn't the intent of the empty headed greedy fools who perpetrate such crimes against humanity? Will the people demand that business as usual be suspended to save our lives? Or will we allow our extinction, without a whimper, to save our free market capitalistic democracy for its owners? Just lay down and die is the only response permitted if as a result of the ultimate economic downturn we're priced out of life itself. Are we too stupid to know that democracy owned by the rentier class is not? The last has an answer of which I'm certain.
What else can we do but lay down and die in service to free enterprise? The profit of ϋber investors is the only thing that matters. The Republicans won't allow us to interfere with the market to save our lives and the Democrats are either too stupid or too co-opted to challenge the genocidal right wing fascist ideology of the Tory traitors. The economic theories of the 'job creators' has sent all the money to Wall St and the jobs to China. So if we starve as a result of our service to their profit, we only have ourselves to blame for not being industrious and smart like them. Don't even think about taxing them to get what we need to live. Taxes, not your death, are the only crime our tyrannical banksters care about.
The ruling class will raise the price on food as the market allows. Sustenance of the free market system by which they grow richer is the only priority. It must be allowed freedom no matter what the cost to you and me. If it kills today's consumers they can move their factories from China to Indonesia and sell to the Chinese. The Communist government won't interfere in the market there just like our fools let us die. [I'm not sure about how the Chinese government will react to the destruction of their economy and people for the profit of a few. But our 'best and brightest' assure me that now that the Chinese have a taste of 'free enterprise,' they'll never go back.] So don't worry. Your employer (or former boss as the case may be) will be OK. Only other than 'quality' people need be concerned and we don't have enough sense to see what's happening to us.
Read 'How Does That Work' at:
Wow this is such a weird replay of time in the circumstances that are taking place. Back to the end of the 10's and beginning of the 30's and the great depression ( pretty much identical situation of wealth and poverty economic separation as today ).
Dust bowl years 1932 to 35 approx.
2012 Drought Rivals Dust Bowl - Jul 16, 2012 – Get the latest weather news from A report released Monday says the 2012 drought now affects more land than any drought since ...
Should we be expecting another influenza pandemic like during WWI 1914 to 1918 (?) Bird flu H1N1 ? It has been talked about but has not developed - it was experienced world wide but no major number of deaths - But if I rememberisze correctly - back just prior to the 1918 pandemic there had been an earlier outbreak of flu like a year or two earlier - there were some deaths but again nothing like 1918.
Are we ramping up to WWIII ? Or is that what the current global conflicts could be called?
Anyway - I think the times we are in - are eerily like the times of 1914 thru 1930's.
Scary shit huh? Hang on boss, it's gonna be a bumpy road.
Let's hope we pull together and weather this Shit Storm better then we weathered the last Shit Storm.
We'll see. Only good thoughts and Karma man.
Spread the word of warning. Fast and far.
Did you know that the US drought may trigger a global food crisis? This dry, hot summer in the US has been relentless. The worst drought in the century threatens to wipe out as much as half of the US corn crop, sending global food prices to record highs. People living in poverty around the world are bracing themselves for rising food costs — and the fear that they won't be able to feed their families.
The paragraph was lifted from an Action-Aid appeal email. It illustrates the market solution to food shortage. The Gates foundation setup commodities futures markets in Africa several years ago. The aim, they said, was to stabilize the incomes of farmers. The result was speculator profit, small farmer land loss, neo colonial concentration of wealth and increased food prices and starvation. The market is not the solution. It's the problem.
Read 'How Does That Work' at:
No one can predict with certainty anything but the dead end of the bad road we're on.
You are correct to be concerned. Because the corrupt 1% speculators are taking advantage of the drought. The affects are only beginning to be felt. It will months before the full affect is felt. World food prices have already been projected to increase by 10%. So you are correct! and don't listen to anyone who downplays the corruption of these 1% speculators.
And your next article should be about whatever you want. And certainly don't shy away from those 1% criminal speculators.
Great post!
There. Have I earned my Food Stamps today?
judging you
You write some good stuff. I presume you're are familiar with the "Limits to Growth".
I've been ridiculed for suggesting limits to growth since before 1970. But I haven't seen the publication, to which you referred.
Infinite growth on a finite planet-can't happen. No ridicule from me. Seems obvious doesn't it. The first version was written in 1972. Since updated twice.
Thanks for the link to the video. I checked out the books at Amazon. the 1972 version and the update are available but out of my price range. Maybe if I sell a few copies of my own?
Read 'How Does That Work' at:
I looked at the chapter summary. It looks like it would be well worth buying.
The results of the drought have already weighed in. This was an interesting and obviously heart-felt article. Go check out the timeline for planting, harvest, ect. The nature of speculation is to take future events into consideration, thus the results are already in and the effect is what you see, not much. The problem is climate, and the potential for more dry seasons over the next few years and the foreseeable future. This should be the overarching point of your next agriculture related article.
you see the words but you don't see what they say.
You see my reply but it doesn't say what you want or expected to hear. You cannot base your argument for ant-capitalism on fear of rampant food prices from an issue that has come and gone without the rampant food prices your argument hinges on. Try again.