Forum Post: In Oakland ... protestors could be heard yelling “Kill the police”
Posted 13 years ago on Jan. 29, 2012, 11:41 a.m. EST by pedro01
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
OWS is nonviolent i swear; this must be a mistake -- a republican plot, yes its a conspiracy against OWS! Please turn in any conspirators you see!
that may have been distorted
B. Dolan - "FILM THE POLICE" ft. Toki Wright, Jasiri X, Buddy Peace, Sage Francis
After watching no fewer than 5 streams yesterday, I saw no violence from anyone but police. Video or it didn't happen. This wouldn't be the first time Oakland mayor and the Oakland PD have been caught lying about it.
I too watched The Livestream yesterday (28th Jan.) and saw evidence of well Over One Hundred arrests & OPD's 'riotous behaviour' !!! Pay no heed to the Lies, Trolling and Dis-information !! ad iudicium !
stream protester of oakland are well prepared
Threatening to kill the police is unacceptable in any capacity.
RATM said "Fuck the Police"...... quite loudly and clearly I might add ( )... does that mean they....?
Police could be head get the M Fs .Shoot the M Fs Club the M Fs. Gas the M fs Pirotech the M Fs
I assume that you mean 'could be heard' not , 'could be head' . but either way you lie.
By whom? Do you have any sources? If not, this is more propaganda from pedro01.
what do i look like a journalist? its in the news watch it.
I'm not going to sit here and watch videos waiting to hear "Kill the police." I thought, since you posted this, you could help me out with the source.
don't be so
Thank you.
you are welcome
Yeah probably like the time they tried to pin the actions of Black Bloc on the OWS protesters that actually tried to prevent them from breaking windows and such. Standard spinning of misinformation or you're blowing out of proportion the voice of 1 or 2 people in a crowd of hundreds.
It's like trying to justify the police attacking 300 people with tear gas and rubber bullets because one person threw a rock. According to law, that 1 person should have been arrested for throwing a rock and the 299 others allowed to continue exercising their rights.
The Oakland vandals are an embarrassment to OWS and the 99% of the Oakland community who are trying to be part of the solution.
Just because a group says it promotes non-violence and has no leaders doesn't mean it's true. Occupy has been preparing for violence since its beginnings. Iv'e been writing about this for months now. The majority of protesters are peaceful, but they are not in control of what happens in the GA. The anarchists are. I strongly recommend that all protesters who care about peace and that do not wish to create a civil war take part in GA to make this clear. Peaceful protesters must take control of Occupy. You must attend GA in large numbers if you wish to outnumber the anarchists who are currently leading the Occupy show.
"Occupy has been preparing for violence since its beginnings" : WTF is your evidence for such an incendiary statement ?!
Evidenced above and elsewhere, your postings have now gone on to another level of BS all together and there can be little doubt about what you are or the nature of your reactionary, querulous, pretentious, objectionable, negative & mendacious posting.
You are an absolute dark influence on this forum and your work, purpose and modus operandi here, make you de facto if not actually, a disinformation agent and therefore a (albeit 'high functioning') Troll !
From your lair in Bali, Indonesia amongst the 'psychedelic-sexual demi-monde' of the western expats ; you sit in your soulless, neo-feudalist splendid isolation - pontificating, insinuating and busily 'muddying waters' for people on or closer to - the front line of trying to work for positive change !!
"Your 'Multiply Disordered Personalities' are way out of control" !!!
Read this : , look within and ask yourself 'The Grail Question' - "Who Do You Serve" et ...
Cui Bono ?
Brilliantly put!
Thrasy needs HELP, I have been trying to convince him to get it ASAP.
T : I'm not at all sure that any comments you make will be untouched by 'The Trashy Bot' (cf. ) and frankly perhaps stop trying "to convince him" of anything and reserve your psychological strength & abilities for OWS and its 'raison d'etre'.
"Keep Posting & Hard" on the issues as you see them, as The 'Trashy-marchus / Glauco-cePhalus / Socrate' Continuum, is a 'psychic energy vampire' and is someone who basically doesn't really like other people who he sees as 'beneath him' and he's weary of his fellow humans !!
Thus the logical question is : What does he think he is doing on this forum especially as he says, "Whatever is said here does not have a profound influence on Occupy. It has very little influence, if at all." ?! No doubt, he'll regard that as some kind of "logical fallacy" too but ipse dixit, lol !
"a lasso rixa quaeritur" ...
You need to take your medication. There are no disinformation agents on this forum. Whatever is said here does not have a profound influence on Occupy. It has very little influence, if at all. If there are disinformation agents, they are writing articles in serious publications.
In any case, Occupy is doing a good job at hurting their own self. The latest OWS article is marketing suicide for a non-violent protest currently in the process of rebutting accusations of using violent tactics. You might want to tell OWS news reporters that it is unwise to use an image containing an explosion beside the word "cops" with a header that reads "Wear Black Fight Back" if they want their reputation to remain untarnished in the are of non-violence.
... & you need to get your busy little head outta yer (x) !!
All ad hominem, as usual. Flurries of logical fallacies that do nothing to counter my arguments.
You have no arguments ! Only IT savvy "BOT Skills" ; pompous opinions and unsubstantiated assertions, which you hope will stick if you can repeat them often enough !! Gnothi Seauton ...
[ps : Re. your 'ass'ertion, "There are no disinformation agents on this forum." ; LMAO !!!]
Brilliantly put!
Thrasy needs HELP, I have been trying to convince him to get it ASAP.
(NOTE : The above so displeased His Majesty Thrasy that he broke a personal record, collapsing the comment to MINUS SEVENTEEN. C'mon, Thrasy, you can do better than that... Aim for MINUS THREE HUNDRED AND THIRTY-THREE next time! I want to be in the Guiness Book of Records... :)
violence has always been the aim of the ows backers. from civil disobedience to civil unrest to violence. just in time for the november elections.
Yea Im sure every kid out on the streert has a direct link to the DNC and the RNC. GO Oakland
you're cheering on the destruction of America.
No your Goverment is corrupt and has enabled the corporations to impoverish us. It has allowed Wars without end. And has militarized it's Police in a manner fitting of a totaltarian state.Then little Ra RA Sheep side with those who de$troy the American people. For God's sake Wake up and Look what has been done to our once grea nation.
you mean what obama has done.
Yes .But you must include All. Not one party but both! ThisCountry needs a good enema,
400 arrested in oakland, ows people trashing whole food , govt building, burning the us flag and attacking banks.
U$A! U$A!
To tell you the truth, your claims sounds like a conspiracy theory. If you have evidence, provide it. But really, I don't think it's that planned or complicated. I'm convinced it was started honestly by AdBusters and anarchists. I don't believe they were thinking about the upcoming elections. They started the protest after the Arab Spring ones. That's how the timing occurred.
geroge soros. take down the constitutional republics of the usa. he backs adbusters. suspend elections, declare martial law. both are related. muslims extremeists are now in control of the egyptian govt.
That's a lame conspiracy theory. It's been debunked ages ago. Please.
You're looking for complexity where lies simplicity.
Does the following mean that now one of your numerous alter egos will have to 'Troll' / pursue another ?
1) "Occupy has been preparing for violence since its beginnings." ;
2) "To tell you the truth, your claims sounds like a conspiracy theory. If you have evidence, provide it." &
3) "That's a lame conspiracy theory." !!!
Ipse Dixit !!
it's ongoing.