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Forum Post: I'm visiting union square today

Posted 12 years ago on April 13, 2012, 9:20 a.m. EST by idontexist (24)
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should I bring cookies?



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[-] 1 points by idontexist (24) 12 years ago

theirs nothing in Union Square?

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

I think there is. I'm just saying that they've also actually occupied the sidewalks on Wall Street, so, might be interesting.

[-] 1 points by idontexist (24) 12 years ago

cool, thx

[-] 1 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

Sure. May I ask why you chose your moniker, I don't exist? Just curious.

[-] 1 points by idontexist (24) 12 years ago

IDK, why yours

[-] 2 points by beautifulworld (23772) 12 years ago

LOL. You don't know? Mine because it's my wish for all of us.

[-] 2 points by idontexist (24) 12 years ago

