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Forum Post: I'm the chick in the blue North Face tent and NO I DO NOT WANT TO HAVE SEX WITH YOU!

Posted 12 years ago on Nov. 5, 2011, 5:39 p.m. EST by hillary (252)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

How many times have strangers come into my tent showing me their "willy" and asking if i'd give them some poontang. Is that what OWS has turned into? A virtual cornucopia of hippie sex and NSA orgasmatron?

Sorry, I'm here for a cause, not for some unsatisfying sex from some 420-limp wannabe pornstars.



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[-] 2 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 12 years ago

This is what the dissenters have resorted to, posing as supporters?

Hilariously pathetic.

[-] 1 points by BrainC (400) from Austin, TX 12 years ago

NM, I read further down and saw the racist comment. Carry on.

[-] 1 points by BrainC (400) from Austin, TX 12 years ago

wow, what if she is not a troll, but actually a OWS protester? What if?

[-] 1 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 12 years ago

They aren't, I've encountered them before. She/he is incredibly close-minded, this is a perfect example of it.

[-] -1 points by hillary (252) 12 years ago

You say that of any woman that corrects the pablum you have been fed with the cold hard truth.

You then curl up and cry and claim i'm close-minded.

I'm impressed.

[-] 1 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 12 years ago

What have I been fed?

[-] 0 points by hillary (252) 12 years ago

Anarchist & Communist propaganda from those seeking a free ride after blowing their credit cards on vacations, cars, summer homes and hookers...

[-] 1 points by laffingrass (362) from Normal, IL 12 years ago

I'm a Conservative.

[-] -1 points by hillary (252) 12 years ago

Your seed is not for me, move on ....

[-] 1 points by EricBlair (447) 12 years ago

Just some grey/black propaganda: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Black_propaganda

Nothing to see here folks

[-] 1 points by metoo (18) 12 years ago

Ah, hippie sex...sounds like the news reports during the 60/70s concerning the peace movement. Although I was really young, I have not forgotten. So, I guess they are body painting, dancing, singing and experimenting with LSD too??? This sort of propaganda did not work then, and it will not work right now.

[-] 0 points by hillary (252) 12 years ago

Maybe you need to show up at Liberty Square.

[-] 1 points by sudoname (1001) from Berkeley, CA 12 years ago

and why are you posting this on an internet forum?

[-] -1 points by hillary (252) 12 years ago

In case the hipsters are using internet on their hip iphones.

[-] 1 points by tomcat68 (298) 12 years ago

Hello Mrs. Clinton

[-] 1 points by SirPoeticJustice (628) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Don't Flatter Yourself. I Definitely DO NOT Want to Have Sex With You!

[-] 0 points by Frankie (733) 12 years ago

It's your cankles. They drive men crazy.

[-] 0 points by roloff (244) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by VladimirMayakovsky (796) 12 years ago

What cause are you there for?

[-] -1 points by hillary (252) 12 years ago

Occupy. Duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuh!

[-] 0 points by tarzan322 (17) 12 years ago

I kinda wish I was in NYC just to see what you look like. You must be pretty good looking if your getting that much attention. But yea, that kind of crap only serves to discredit OWS. It needs to stop.

[-] 0 points by ShipOfFools3 (0) 12 years ago

That's right be a typical lib chick and hold out for some black cock

[-] -2 points by hillary (252) 12 years ago

I don't want AIDS.

[-] 0 points by happybanker (766) 12 years ago

Do you have a Mortgage on your tent?