Forum Post: Illegal Invaders, not "Immigrants" or "Undocumented Workers"
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 6:41 p.m. EST by DeportIllegalsNow
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Label them correctly. Anyone sympathizing with these foreign invaders is an enemy of America, plain and simple.
When they come to "make a better life for themselves", they make a worse life for the citizens of this nation.
You really like this change in Demographics?
Diversity creates Adversity! Think about it!
This movement is doomed with this crap on here, The people will never get behind this movement in numbers until ad-busters censers these racist childish post's so these people will go play somewhere else.
Censorship is not the answer. Everyone should be free to form and reform their own opinions based on their experiences, and information that is provided. If you disagree with someone Else's opinion; instead of urging for censorship, tell us why this person is wrong to think the way they are thinking. And sometimes it even helps to share relevant links or videos to back up your comment.
[-] betuadollar 1 points 0 minutes ago
Yea, I'd agree with that. More, if they're gathering to protest I think INS should round 'em up.
Right on, I'm glad that you're on board with many of us. To answer to your question yesterday I went Downtown Manhattan at Zuccotti Park. I thought that there would be a meeting with the GA ( General Assembly) or some other gathering of importance. Instead I found a bunch of ugly Spanish-speaking people demanding legalization/amnesty. There were also Chinese and others.They were claiming ,in Spanish, that it was their Civil Right to be allowed to stay here in this Country. What a nerve!!! The City Police was there but they don't arrest nobody here in NYC. Of course, the immigration people were no way around.
We have to kick these skunks out of this Country before we become gypsies in our own Country.
The recent wave of massive Carbon footprints and garbage heaped upon our once great country is beyond sustainable. The killers and rapist flooding through our borders are filling our courts and jails. The illegals are causing America to become a wasteland. The leave massive garbage and suck up all our water resources.
America became the greatest country on earth because of its immigrants. it is a nation of immigrants. its lost its strength when, the greedy 1% wanted an ever more piece of the pie. the 1% are pointing the finger on Mexicans for our economic problems - where in fact its them who are to blame- lets get them. We steal the money from the rich. training web page
this post is by a troll who joined the forum yesterday
I completely disagree and I feel you lack perspective.
Personally I know a friend who is at risk of deportation. She has been here since she was two years old. She is hard working, but struggles to keep a decent job because she has very little in the way of worker's rights. She has no way to stand up for herself.
Please clarify your position and think deeply about the "whys" How do you feel that immigrants are worsening American life?
who you talking about? Mexicans? they was born in America! Europeans? africans? asians? -come on men, give as a break
Read the Rules [-] OccupytheNews (Bremerton, WA) 1 points 0 minutes ago
I completely disagree and I feel you lack perspective.
Personally I know a friend who is at risk of deportation. She has been here since she was two years old. She is hard working, but struggles to keep a decent job because she has very little in the way of worker's rights. She has no way to stand up for herself.
Please clarify your position and think deeply about the "whys" How do you feel that immigrants are worsening American life?
Well, if your friend is White-European no problem as he/she will be a civilized and contributing member of this society. If not White-European I do not want them here because this Country was never meant for non-Whites. The USA was built by Whites from the ground up for Whites only. All the institutions,everything you see, the way we behave,the way we relate within each other,our morals it's all European based and we have to keep that way.
In addition non-Whites have displaced Whites causing what is known as White Flight from all the Cities. Whites have had to abandon all their millions of houses, apartments, all of them displaced,friends displaced,lost millions and millions of jobs in the move,their lives have been overturned by isolation. Moreover, the new ones,non-Whites have created a lawless environment,indulge in welfare dependency, out of wedlock birds without any shame,total dependency on the government . I could go on.
I do not want none of the non-Whites here. Those who are here never integrated within our people and within our culture and I never heard of one single person who ever said" Thank You Whites for having allowed me to be here". Never. They all say that we're the Devil!. I want all of them out.
You really like this change in Demographics?
Diversity creates Adversity! Think about it!
No I don't like the way the United States looks like now. It's like a third world country and a few years back a was beautiful! The problem is that if we don't totally stop this non-White invasion we're going top have deep trouble ahead. The USA will turn into another Rwanda and I don't want to even think about it . This is why we have to kick all those bastards in Congress out before it's too late to save anything. There is only one solution and this solution it's not going to be a political one . Those damn traitors in Congress who have sold us out by allowing this non-stop third world invasion into our civilized country will have to be jailed for life. I do not favor the involvement of non-Whites in this Global Revolution-OWS uprising. Nobody invited them and somebody has to tell them to get away. These ugly people have no place with our beautiful people. They have their own agenda and runs against everything we believe in. This is our revolution and not theirs.
BTW, whether illegal or legal it doesn't make any difference. What do and others think that if these people were all legal that it would make any difference? Not at all they would still behave the same way.
Yea, I'd agree with that. More, if they're gathering to protest I think INS should round 'em up.