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Forum Post: ill. sen, takes stand against BoA

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 10, 2011, 6:26 p.m. EST by Wonderer (16)
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DickDurbin.com | No Way, B of A! action.dickdurbin.com



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[-] 2 points by gobrewers (22) 12 years ago

Dick Durbin is the author of the piece of legislation that changed the way banks charge for debit transactions. He was warned by economists numerous times that his law would have the unintended but very real effect of actually RAISING bank fees, rather than lowering them. He went ahead anyway. Now he is trying to spin this to cover his ass.

[-] 1 points by April (3196) 12 years ago

However, he has proposed Election Reform legislature. Big thumbs up in my book. Get the money out of government! End the corruption of our democracy. http://fairelectionsnow.org/

[-] 1 points by TheRealCitizensUnited (33) 12 years ago

I left B of A last week because of all of their power and money grubbing and their audacity at actually thinking that as an American, that I am too lazy to just switch bank accounts!!!. Went to a credit union. NO MINIMUM BALANCE, NO FEES PERIOD!! Let's face it, any politician who does try to stand up even once for the 99% is immediately punished by the corporations who then use punishing the 99% as their weapon. Then they convince (money through the media and political parties) the American people to point fingers and blame the politician by saying "SEE 99%, YOU LET ANYONE FUCK WITH US AND YOU WILL PAY!!" This is part of why the abused 99% has stayed quiet in their rooms. They were afraid of being punished by Daddy and then found out that they got punished anyway!! Virtually every article I read by an economist shows their own tremendous fear of what the 1% is capable of doing to themselves and the 99%. They are so fearful that as the Mommy figure, they even then try to convince the 99% to go back to their rooms and be quiet. Like most abused children, we will only stay in our rooms for so long before we have nothing left to lose and will resort to rebellion to regain our individual freedom and fairness. (Children used as an analogy of course for those who need the explanation) I am 52!! I also left B of A just cuz OWS asked me to. I am supporting them in every way that I can find. I am so excited to see these kids come out from behind their video games (another means to keep the sheep in their pen) and fight for their future.!! And I am certainly not taking anything away from the older folks who are participating too!! But, I am so tired of hearing that this new generation was nothing but spoiled and lazy when they are trying to live on the same money that I did at their age 30 years ago when gas was 50 cents a gallon and let's not even discuss the difference in food prices!! THERE IS NO QUESTION THAT THESE CHILDREN ARE BEING ABUSED AND I ONLY WISH THAT MY OWN GENERATION HAD STOOD UP SOONER. FOR THAT I AM SORRY KIDS!!! STAND STRONG FOR YOU ARE STRONG!!!

[-] 1 points by usdarkops (51) 12 years ago

All politics a aside, he tried to stick it to the banks by installing tougher regulation in favor of the people plane and simple. Banks seen this as an assault on their profits so naturally they raised fees on customers. the beauty of this is we don't have to do our business with these banks that's a personal decision we can make. Look at netflix! they raised prices and they lost a million customers so they switched it back. The same can happen to banks.