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Forum Post: If you have a dog in the fight you'll care how the fight turns out.

Posted 12 years ago on Aug. 28, 2012, 4:16 a.m. EST by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Who is trying to suppress black voters? - Republicans.

Who is turning the discourse about women's reproductive rights back sixty years? - Republicans

Who is running a "dog whistle racist" campaign meant to appeal mainly to older uneducated white men who have not let go of their racialist prejudices? - Republicans.

Whose plan will destroy Medicare and medicaid? - Republicans.

Who is being represented by a bishop of a cult that still maintains that dark skin is sign of a curse from their god? - Republicans.

Who is being blessed by Cardinal Dolan, a dress wearing celibate who has defended his compatriot child rapists and who blathers about women claiming false rape? - Republicans.

Who has picked a fake and unprincipled fight with Obama around womens' right to have contraceptives? - Republican blessing Dress wearing rapist coddling Timothy Dolan.


Who is the candidate that is personal friends with Bibi Netanyahu? - Romney.

Who is being financed by Sheldon Adelson while Adelson is also financing Netanyahu? - Romney

About Adelson, called a "casino magnate" by some fawning journalists.- He's under several investigations in the US and China regarding money laundering, prostitution, bribery- so bad that the New York Times urges Romney to run far away from him. http://www.nytimes.com/2012/08/17/opinion/in-thrall-to-sheldon-adelson.html?_r=1

And at what convention is Adelson an honored guest?


Now, this Adelson connection is important. For one thing it shows up the phony piety of bishop Romney whose "church" opposes gambling (but whose leaders own casinos http://www.topix.com/forum/religion/latter-day-saints/TU2BMLM7SEOJH5GD9 ) and whose banks held the Kosher Nostra build Las Vegas.


  1. Mormon Banks Finance Mob-Owned Hotels and Casinos in Las Vegas

In 1954,a small Mormon backed bank called the “Bank of Las Vegas” loaned money to the Sahara, the Fremont, and the Stardust, all of which had one thing in common; they were all Mob-owned by Mafia Kingpins like Frank Costello and Myer Lansky. Legitimate sources of money to build the Mob’s Casinos has not been available until the Bank of Las Vegas allowed them to access “Legal Money” which until that time had never been available to them.

Everyone made out; the Mormons made millions of dollars in cash and tithes and the Mob was able to access “Legitimate Loans” which had eluded them in other areas of the nation. The windfall in tithes came from a large community of Mormons who worked in the casinos and lived in Las Vegas. (The rank and file membership of the Mormon Church are known as some of the most trustworthy people in the United States and are highly sought-after by many of our alphabet agencies, especially the FBI, and they still maintain a commanding presence in Las Vegas Casinos).

What party is for the rights of same sex couples to marry?- Democrats.

What party is led by a member of an oppressed minority?- Democrats

Who's scared shitless of an Obama second term? One is Bibi Netanyahu. http://tinyurl.com/99dkyvm

Don't believe that Obama rose from a neighborhood ward heeler to president of the USA in eight years by being a pushover who easily suffers humiliation.

So, if equal rights for all, no to gay bashing, women's reproductive rights, freeing US middle east policy from the grip of extremist right wing Israelis and their operatives, and plain ethics matter to you vote against Romney the only way possible that matters.



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[-] 1 points by ogoj11 (263) 12 years ago

Who attacked us in DC? Obama

Who coordinated a nationwide crackdown on Occupy? Democratic liberal mayors

Who bailed the banks?

Who maintains "defense" outposts all over the world?

Who hypocritically accepted the Nobel Peace Prize but continued war, bombing and droning, and forcing young people into the military by allowing the cost of education to skyrocket? Obama

You dems are fools. You remind me of that stupid priest who begged the czar for bread on Bloody Sunday. Were you paying any attention at all last week when the 'black' SA government murdered striking miners? Obama gives the system the legitimacy necessary to murder at will.

I believe Obama will be even worse than Romney because serious protest will be isolated and destroyed without apology. You dems will throw the rest of us under the bus. You're already warning us to behave well in Charlotte.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

I'm not a Democrat. I just happen to have a dog in this fight. It matters to me if black people have the right to vote here. That's what MLK was about. It matters to me if the Mormon Church gets a big shot in the arm because they are fanatical, organized, right wing and racist. It matters to me if women are forced back to coat hanger abortions and it matters to me if a person can't get a condom. We're dealing with Timothy Dolan and the Party of legitimate rape here. You're probably too young to remember when things were just like that and that's how they want it again. It maters to me if Medicare and Medicaid are wiped out. You probably are already convinced that youa re not going to have that. That's wrong, it's a lying self fulfilling prophecy.

It matters to me if Bibi Netanyahu and Sheldon Adelson take direct charge of US foreign policy in the Middle East, but i guess you aren't an Arab or Iranian so to you it does not matter.

I hope Occupy raises the roof in North Carolina and on September 17. The needs of the 99 must be pushed vigorously because the Democrats can't/ won't do anything they aren't pushed to do.


[-] 1 points by ogoj11 (263) 12 years ago

I love you Shube, but I just don't believe that your vote legitimizes the government. Widespread generalized disillusion with the whole process will scare them into more concessions than tamely voting for the lesser evil.

A while back I posted a story about how I have the following conversation with my mom. The guy I was writing to thought I was comparing him to the Nazis and got offended. But I only wanted to ask how bad do the dems have to be for you to say :NO.

I ask my mom if she lived in Nazi Germany and the Nazis held elections between the liberal nazis who thought 3 million gassed would be sufficient and the conservative nazis who favored 6 million gassed, what would she do? She always answers "I'd vote for the liberal Nazis." -and I lose the argument.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

"Widespread generalized disillusion with the whole process will scare them into more concessions than tamely voting for the lesser evil."

I don't think there is anything "tame" about what i am advocating. If "widespread disillusion" would scare the 1 percent into concessions the fight would already be over. Eight percent of Americans respect the Congress of the United States. That's disillusionment!

If you'd only vote for the liberal nazis then you'd (not you personally) be a liberal nazi. If you voted for the liberal nazis and helped the underground you'd be doing all that you could.

[-] -2 points by electron (-492) 12 years ago

The people on this website do not believe in the core message of Occupy, which is that the system is broken and that only we can fix it. They believe that Obama will fix everything if we pressure him to do so. They don't understand the concept of grassroots activism and the concept of building bottom up.

They came to Occupy to find a savior, but then Occupy told them they have to save themselves. After that, because they are lazy and have no confidence, they decided that they can't save themselves and went to look for another savior. They think they found that in Obama.

[-] 1 points by fiftyfourforty (1077) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Horsehockeys that have little to do with the post. Anyhow as a Canadian you have medical coverage. Since 1988 there have been no laws in Canada restricting abortion and I dare say there is no election this November that could result in that fact being reversed. Your right to vote as a French Canadian is not being questioned. There is no vote taking place in Canada this November that could result in Sheldon Adelson dominating your country's foreign policy. You don't have a racial minority member president whose right to even be in your country is being questioned. We do. You have no dog in this fight. I will say it as politely as I can. Mind your own damned business.

[-] -3 points by electron (-492) 12 years ago

I have dual citizenship. I will be voting in US as I currently live there.

[-] 2 points by fiftyfourforty (1077) from New York, NY 12 years ago

God help us. Another arrogant whiteboy.


[-] 1 points by Neuwurldodr (744) 12 years ago

Wow....I am so glad to understand that being the "underdog" doesn't necessarily mean you are always "politically correct".
The problems of today certainly can be blamed on Republicans, as well as Democrats and many other groups. Yet, I don't see any one particular group in either party putting forth real truths regarding this nation at all! It's all grand standing. I always vote, but I also know neither party has the inherent power to make a nation understand who they are, why they are, or help them understand the importance of their own birthrights, flag identity and nationality. Trust me...I already know your answers.....

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

So, if equal rights for all, no to gay bashing, women's reproductive rights, freeing US middle east policy from the grip of extremist right wing Israelis and their operatives, and plain ethics matter to you vote against Romney the only way possible that matters.

[-] 1 points by slizzo (-96) 12 years ago

Who is astroturfing the ows forums for the DNC and their partisan hack political bullshit? - ShubeLMorgan2

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

Who does not have a dog in any of the fights i listed? Maybe you.

"So, if equal rights for all, no to gay bashing, women's reproductive rights, freeing US middle east policy from the grip of extremist right wing Israelis and their operatives, and plain ethics matter to you vote against Romney the only way possible that matters."

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

But the post is accurate.

Anti Dem partisan republican much?

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

WE have to care enough to grow this movement, have massive protests to take back our govt, and pressure all pols to pass the progressive solutions we need to fix the damage done by conservative policies.

[-] 1 points by fiftyfourforty (1077) from New York, NY 12 years ago


[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago


[-] 0 points by slizzo (-96) 12 years ago

The post is oversimplified bullshit for the limited types who believe in this nonsense.

I'm anti-both bullshit, ass-sucking parties. I know that's impossible to comprehend when you're a binary thinker, so let loose with your next hot zinger, astroturfing donkeyslave. Make your beloved DNC proud.

[-] 1 points by ShubeLMorgan2 (1088) from New York, NY 12 years ago

So, if equal rights for all, no to gay bashing, women's reproductive rights, freeing US middle east policy from the grip of extremist right wing Israelis and their operatives, and plain ethics matter to you vote against Romney the only way possible that matters.

[-] 1 points by VQkag2 (16478) 12 years ago

"limited"? "astroturfing"? "donkeyslave"?

PLease refrain from the abusive school yard bullying tactics of your candidate Romney.

It only shows that I am correct and you have a weak substantive argument.