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Forum Post: If you guys don't make ome changes in the next week, you will lose this movement

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 7, 2011, 11:50 a.m. EST by FrankNFurter (7)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement


We are being made a mockery of.

We have great heart, but lack the understanding of how to fix the problem.

This is a normal growing process of a revolution - at first, you don't know what is wrong, you just know something is. So you join up with the group that seems to be making a difference. That group is us.

But if the group keeps the message weak, and no one organizes better, the 1% will keep having you chase your tails until you give up and go home.

Get some leadership, follow someone like Ron Paul or someone else who has clear messages to solve this crap, and don't give up.



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[-] 2 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

BULLSHIT! These people have already succeeded in breaking through the smokescreen the 1% and its political parties, bought media and endless paid for flunkies and shills provide. WE don't need leaders ( pols and CEOS) we need to GET rid of the ones we have. These toxic klowns have endlessly fouled up. ENOUGH!

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

Not necessarily - simply ASK the protesters to DO something else - like clog the phone lines of their congressmen... or remove all their money from Bank of America - the 99%ers can cripple WallStreet if you get focused. Start will clogging congress phone lines against any politician who blindly sides with Lobbyists and and politician clearly out to protect the 1%

[-] 1 points by seaglass (671) from Brigantine, NJ 13 years ago

All good ideas! But, even if they never happen this action has already been a huge success for what its done.

[-] 1 points by nageuse (2) 13 years ago

Let's just ask to break the mega corporations into smaller entities and make taxes fair for everyone - like what Warren Buffet said. Something has to be done about big money's control of the media. Journalists are no longer agents of democracy - comedians like John Stewart are the only ones we can turn to anymore. Let's take the French Revolution as our model - not Arab Spring. It is so much more like the French Revolution and nothing at all like Arab Spring. AND the media HATE the French. I wonder why.

[-] 1 points by middleclassangryashell (1) 13 years ago

I totally agree but Ron Paul sure is not the solution. he is just a radical with a screw loose! He talks but his theories won't work in the world of reality. I would rather have Bugs Bunny leading the parade.

1% is a small number, but their dollars are huge, so there should not be any mistake in their ability to outgun with battalions of anti-cause planners and schemers. And lets be sure of one thing, they fight dirty because they have a cause dear to their heart, even closer than dear old mom..Money!

Start planning and organizing becasue the foe is great, dishonest and will not stop at anything to keep the masses of the middle class in their place. In fact, they "Creators" would love to be able to call all of us their wards. I'm surprised they haven't yet.

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

At least reach out to people like Naomi Klein who has a history of exposing the corruptions of the world - She gets it! and can have a widespread affect on the way the "non in the street protesters" see the movement. She was on MSNBC yesterday and had some very strong supportive things to say.. she should be welcomed and get a platform to speak on, provided if the OWS gets more organized.

[-] 1 points by charrob (22) 13 years ago

I agree; Fox 'News' and right-wing radio are focusing their nastiest rhetoric on this movement. I've repeatedly seen labels of "commies", "marxists", etc. You don't want to be labelled a marxist- that would kill the movement. Here's some particulars both sides could agree on:

1) all money out of politics: cable/fios uses public property to lay their cables in, we have public airwaves leased to media companies: why can't the public demand that those public airwaves be used for free for all politicians to get their messages out during campaign season? this levels the playing field so politicians without money can be heard.

2) re-instantiate Glass Steagall.

3) end "free" trade and impose "fair" trade: for countries engaged in slave labor, child labor, environmental degradation, unsafe working conditions, currency manipulation, or (like China) where their government actually subsidizes their industry, put tariffs on imports from that country. How much in tariffs? Enough to zero out the trade deficit with that country. That would create jobs here.

4) Rating agencies, ie., Standard & Poors, Moodies, etc. When working with a bank to rate securities, the bank pays them higher profits the higher they rate their securities. Moodies analysts gave junk securities low ratings, however, the leaders at Moodies wanted the higher profits, so knowingly worked with the banks and made their analysts rate those junk securities AAA. Conflict of interest. Put rating agencies under the Treasury Dpt.

5) The wars are estimated to have a total cost of $4 TRILLION. End the wars!

6) End the civil liberties abuses.

7) End the war on drugs.

8) End the federal reserve.

9) End all tax loopholes.

10) End tax subsidies for oil companies.

I think all sides can agree on these. Don't bring single-payer healthcare into the picture mainly because that will immediately alienate any right-winger. Also i saw a comment about relieving "all debt" including student loan and mortgage debt. If this movement pushes those last 2 items, the movement is dead: i'm extremely liberal, but that is absolutely ridiculous.

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

Yes - i agree. a little complicated for the "common" protester at this point but ultimately these ARE the things that will help. Build the number in mass 99.9% of the population can DEMAND this eventually if the movement grows.

[-] 1 points by EvanFromHeaven (30) from Boulder, CO 13 years ago


  1. FDR's unrealized Economic Bill of Rights http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=effDfpKYcVo
  2. Direct democracy to KEEP these reforms -and get others we need- by keeping the people in power. The best project for direct democracy is led by Mike Gravel: http://Vote.org

What do you think?

[-] 1 points by ztremblay (1) 13 years ago

Agreed. If you don't move from an unorganized group of misfits with a common goal to an official group of unity and tact then there really isn't much of a point. It's hard to take anyone seriously when their only message is that of complaining about not getting what they want. Don't get me wrong, I am in support of the 99%, but you have to go about it the right way. We have the momentum and the potential, now we need to critique our stance and strategy.

[-] 1 points by BearLA (2) 13 years ago

I agree with FrankNFurter... I have been searching the internet for twenty minutes now trying to figure out what OWS stands for and still have no idea other than down with corporate greed!

This group has national attention now, but will soon lose it if you don't pick something concrete that you want to change.

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

And THAT would Really mess with the GOP - and probably (unfortunately) kill Ron Paul's chances to get the GOP nomination. Oh Well.

[-] 1 points by BOYCOTT (25) 13 years ago

YEP! At least reach out to Ron Paul because he is the only GOP candidate with anything in common with the 99%ers message. He speaks to the same needs that many 99%ers ask for.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

Agreed, they will try to marginalize, demonize, and co-opt this movement like they did the Tea Party.

Don't you guys see that either we stand together or we will all fall prey to this corporatist system?

I keep seeing divisive comments calling for the exclusion of different groups.

[-] 1 points by BearLA (2) 13 years ago

Just check out Ron Paul... I think you will be surprised http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z_gKOCb4QBA

[-] 1 points by charrob (22) 13 years ago

I like Ron Paul. I disagree with him on environmental regulation which is why i cannot vote for him. However I think it's absolutely necessary that we combine our strengths on the issues we do agree on.

[-] 1 points by mgiddin1 (1057) from Linthicum, MD 13 years ago

BearLA, you're preaching to the choir on this one. I do support Ron Paul. I'm talking about people who still buy into this leftist paradigm who are demonizing everyday people who consider themselves conservatives, patriots, and they agree with the original message of the Tea Party.

[-] 1 points by FormerBanker (9) 13 years ago

I hope we don't align with one politician. I think it would be divisive. Check out my recommendation for banks here: http://occupywallst.org/forum/a-simple-plan-for-banking-from-an-experienced-bank/

[-] 1 points by rxantos (87) 13 years ago

Why not simple put in writing what is wrong, what are the roots and what are the solutions. This need no centralize leadership.

[-] 0 points by tabaxi1 (1) 13 years ago

Talking heads are not necessary, what is needed is a round table like discussion of the most educated of the crowd, regardless of whether they have the same outlook (diversity is great). They should work up a list of demands that everyone in the community agrees with (not jut the round table), then dump it on the media.