Forum Post: If Ya Think Things Can't Get Worse, Think 2010!! LET IT RAIN!!
Posted 10 years ago on Oct. 11, 2014, 9:34 a.m. EST by WSmith
from Cornelius, OR
This content is user submitted and not an official statement
2010: A census year, which allowed anti-democratic/anti-American Terrorist, 1%-owned, Cons to gerrymander, sabotage and obstruct our elected government.
All because about 20 million petulant Dems pouted! No Show! Then & now they complain about inaction!
Low Voter Turnout Consequences:
RECORD massive profits for the 1%!
RECORD massive losses for the 99%!
A GOP Citizen United, et al.
A GOP sandbagged Obama presidency.
Do it again and trouble, even civil war could ensue.
Register and fucking VOTE!!!
There is no perfect ANYTHING!!!!
Low voter turnout-where does it come from? What is the cause of it? Hm.could it be that Labor does not get exited about Democrats because they asked only ONE thing(cardcheck) of Obama in exchange for their critical votes and campaign donations and DIDN'T get it? Could African Americans maybepossiblycouldbe TIRED of things going rapidly to Hell in their communities no matter WHO they vote for? Could women possibly be tired of relentless erosion of abortion rights that Democrats "CAN'T" seem to stop-or even fight? Or the pay gap that continues no matter WHO they vote for? Are minimum wage Workers uninspired by Democrats because they are sick of the oft-repeated tap dances that ensue when they ask for a raise that is overdue by Decades? What about people who were middle class until they lost their jobs and houses? What help has been provided to them by Democrats? What about naturalized immigrant voters whose family members are undocumented? It's time for the Democrats to come up with candidates and platforms that voters care about if they want the votes of their "base." The Base is tired of Hogwash.The Base is tired of "We can't stop the Republican Dreadnought." Run people who have populist appeal.Run Kucinich for-something.Run Mark Green for Mayor.Run Zeph Teachout and Randy Credico instead of Party Hacks! Run African American candidates whose Job One is to fight bare knucles to reduce Unemployment and Rampant Death in the African American Community! Don't run incumbent Democrats who Do Nothing-boot them and run somebody who will DO SOMETHING!
Does this thought go to this event happening in Texass?
Lone Star rising: Voter registration soars across Texas
Did that upsurge start here? Wendy Davis delivers address on Austin's culture of corruption and Abbott's role in TEF scandal
by Egberto WilliesFollow
Running on issues - how novel.
If elected though - will there be actual action taken on the issues?
Seattle saw a 15.00 minimum wage increase come out of public action/involvement on issues. Was Seattle a fluke? Or is it a repeatable event?
What the country and states need is for the public to develop real Direct Democracy. In that way we need not worry about only getting election campaign promise lip service followed by election won office inaction.
Socialist Alternative is able to speak truth to power, Democrats are not.
Wendy is great.I hope all Republicans and those who are Republicans Only Not In Name get hung out to dry-The Bastards..
Careful - there are stinky socks lurking about that likely will try to brand you as a partisan Dem
They can all go to hell-no Democrat is likely to run to the left because they don't have the cojones anyhow.The Democrats will continue with the worst candidates they can find.They have no excuse.They are ineffective campaigners and blubbering yellowbellies.When they go get some brains and backbones,maybe somebody will vote for them.
maybe pick up a legitimate issue
Yes.Starting with Let's Have A Country where Young People start out life with ZERO debt no matter what they choose to go to college for.If the US is such a great country,WHY can't we AT LEAST do that?
Because the American Dream is a lie, democracy is a sheep wearing an aristocratic robe, and debt is our ticket not be thrown off the runaway train of forced reliance that we owed when we were born in the caboose.
The American Dream has always required somebody else to live in a Nightmare,so it's time to wake up.Better Late than Never.
And yet - still - it is funny that those passive roll over and play dead Dems are still preferable. Though apparently some of the public at large seem to be masochists as they keep supporting the candidates that want to put their boots on their supporters throats.
The Democratic Wing of The Party appears less aggressive.When the time comes,they all vote.and Bailouts with no Strings Attached are passed out,and off to War we go.Or whatever the 1% wants-chop/chop.
Well someone wants to give em ( Dems ) a set of pointy and sharp dentures:
I love that dude Alan Grayson.
I love that someone is using the very real actions of those in office in attacking the public - to good cause = laying blame for the decay and disease of our society at the feet of those to whom are responsible.
I would also love to see similar actions laid at the feet of the passive roll over and play dead "in Office" that are just as responsible in their own way "for not standing up in strong defiance".
Alan Grayson is a freakin' Junkyard Dawg.The Con-servative wing of The Party are actually baffled and terrified by a Rich, Razor Blade-Tongued Crank who is also a Politician who has major Populist appeal.They tried to get rid of the guy-but guess what? He's a Rich person who does as he pleases.Apparently he Pleases to sit in the People's House and rip New Assholes in Phony-Ass Con-servatives.I LOVE the guy!
I don't know much of anything about Grayson.
But we do need all kinds of individuals crumbling faux facades.
So more power to him if this is what he does. {;-])
Oh,he did do that.Spoke to them in such crude language their bogus&decrepit Con-servative Mellow was horribly Harshed.They mounted a concerted effort and boosted some shyster lawyer into his House Seat.His constituents rallied to his aid and he got his seat RIGHT BACK because people RESPOND to Politicians who fight for Populist values.This is what Detectives call a "Clue" which The Democrat Wing of The Party has been slow to take note of.
True - through the spray tanned Boner.
Tan Man tell many Lies through Forked Asshole.
I know - right? Like when they shut down government in trying to shut down the ACA and they blamed everyone else for the shutdown they caused and tried to deny it was all about the ACA and their opposition to it.
Oh damn - so funny - the transparency - and yet there are those who would to this day try to deny it.
White man of GOP speaks from asshole.
Still am ROTFLMAO . . . . . damn think I coughed up a lung............
The Nasty Bomb-they can dish 'em out but are Totally Offended when they gotta take 'em.They demanded an Apology and Did Not Get One.LUV IT!
Who do these jokers think they are? And no not just the Con-servative assholes - but ALL of the Assholes.
Why do they insist on playing the game of false politeness?
I say - talk straight - pull no punches and draw some blood - lets get serious.
The Con-servative Politicians go on and on about Apologies they Deserve when they are the Filthiest Pigmen in the Pile.Absurd Beyond Belief.
Pressure ALL pols for change.
Retire ALL who support vote suppression, oppose abortion rights, min wage increase, job creation, immigrant legalization.
Pressure (in the streets, media, voting booth) ALL who claim to, then retire them when they don't!
It's up to the people to force change. Can't depend on pols, they depend on us.
Well said.I don't know if any Politicians are able to respond to any level of pushback from voters in the Citizens United environment.I do know that the way election fraud is currently being practiced in the US,the Fraudsters need close elections.
All candidates for office - running to represent The People ( that is what it is supposed to be anyway - right? ). Need to be talked to - loud and clear and by overwhelming numbers of "The People". Perhaps in a manner such as - ( please people insert political party and or candidate of your choice ).
If we can get The People engaged in such communications - perhaps - then - we can get The People involved in taking what action they can as is available to them ( us ) - actions representing direct democracy - such as actions like Move To Amend.
Seeds need planting - so that they can germinate and then - sprout and then - grow.
We have VAST barren fields of thought and action that need planting.
Hmmm is that thought starting to sink in to campaigns? This one using a singing candidate.
“Can you win a seat in the United States Senate by driving around in a minivan, strumming a guitar and singing about the evils of money in politics?”
That’s the opening line of a Huffington Post piece about an insurgent Democrat whose bolt-from-the-blue campaign for U.S. Senate is now the hottest race in the country and could be the tipping point that saves the Senate from GOP control.
Wait, what? Some dude driving a people-powered minivan around the back roads of South Dakota is about to shock the world?
Yep. And get a load of this semi-viral music video he just released. Yes, MUSIC VIDEO. Once you see it, you won’t be able to get his catchy chorus out of your head.
Just click here to watch this Elizabeth Warren Democrat’s unforgettable song -- and try not to be charmed by it (like Rachel Maddow was a few days ago).
That’s Rick Weiland. Name ring a bell?
As Rachel Maddow highlighted on her Thursday show, Democracy for America endorsed Rick waaaaaaaaay back in March when no one outside of South Dakota knew who the heck he was -- and when the establishment didn’t think he had a snowball’s chance in hell. Since March, DFA members have been contacting thousands of voters across South Dakota -- and the polls are now tighter than a tick.
Rick Weiland is an excellent example of why my brother Howard launched the 50 State Strategy ten years ago with the birth of Democracy for America. And that’s why Gov. Dean just announced that Rick is being elevated into the “Dean Dozen” -- DFA’s short list of top priority campaigns.
Because of DFA members like you who got Rick’s back months ago, now he has the momentum to WIN -- and help Elizabeth Warren build the “no one’s bought me” Senate caucus the moment his boots hit the floors of Capitol Hill.
Do you want to elect another Elizabeth Warren Democrat and save the Senate from the grip of the GOP and Mitch McConnell? Then chip in $3 right now to Rick Weiland and let’s get this done.
Thank you for stepping up for Rick. Together, we’re unstoppable.
Jim Dean, Chair Democracy for America
the income understandings are already out of sinc with common perception
Please spread this word much further than Occupy. Craigslist and ivillage are both popular and very easy to use. Spread the word.
Get out the Vote!
Rain baby RAIN!!
the lower the voting turn out the more the politicians can claim the people believe whatever they want
The notion that there is perfection in Politics, Government, Life or Death is BS, BULL SHIT!
People use "Perfection" to deceive.
Perfection DOES NOT exist!
There IS ONLY a choice of lesser or greater evils, for everything!!
RepubliCons worship and prioritize the 1%, Suppress votes, gave us Citizens United, Deny Science, Hate Labor Unions & all Democracy, and put perverted 2nd amendment rights over Our Rights to LIVE (without being shot!). Dems don't do that. The differences are legion.
Dems aren't perfect, they have to deal with a populace that mostly does not comprehend or accept DEMOCRACY. Can you say "Fucked up"? So, to stay or get in office, many Dems are forced to accept dirty money. Many Dems don't have to.
Our LOWEST VOTER TURNOUT status does not have to persist!
If we all showed up and Voted, we could get anything ANYTHING We wanted. Gotta show up, turnout, or the 1%-GOP terrorists WIN!! Like they did in 2010!
2010 Never EVER Again!!
Kentucky, please wake up and get rid of that filthy man-turtle you let represent you in the senate!
We have had enough!!