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Forum Post: I Want To Showcase You & What You Have To Say/Believe

Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 15, 2011, 1:36 p.m. EST by Guru (0) from Tupelo, MS
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

Hello,my name is Anthony. I have started an online show showcasing everyday people expressing themselves from their desktop & laptop webcams right from their homes..schools..or from the streets. U are the stars...what U say is important. If anyone is interested in voicing your opinion..right where you are..from your webcam..please email me at semmiagroup@comcast.net. Please pass the word around. My focus right now is "OCCUPY WALL STREET" movement...there will be other shows and other topics worldwide later! If you are on the frontline with you r laptop and an internet connection I want your webcam feed to talk to you...coast to coast..if you are too far to attend and are at home..school and have something to say .. I want to talk to you!Come as you are..nothing fancy..EVERYDAY PEOPLE! JUST ME & YOU & OUR WEBCAMS. PASS THE WORD PLEASE!



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