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Forum Post: I think it's stupid to antagonize ignorant people with mass weapons

Posted 12 years ago on Oct. 14, 2011, 3:49 p.m. EST by soulipsis (14)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

The lead item I saw on the OWS home page when I logged on today contained a quote from someone who said "We are winning and Wall Street is afraid." This is an extremely stupid statement. Don't you realize that the ignorant people we are confronting are like dim witted bullies who respond to superficial meanings and don't see deeper than that? And obviously they're looking for a pretext to use violence against us, and they have absolutely hideous weapons available to them. Why antagonize them needlessly with statements like this? We should have compassion for these ignorant people. They are dehumanizing themselves as they dehumanize us, by thinking that they have some different (special) value from normal human beings. By thinking this, they cut themselves off from the fountain of value that is a normal human being! They shape their own consciousness with poverty and delusion. And all we're gonna do is join them in their ignorance if we allow ourselves to descend to the childish "Nyah Nyah" level of discourse represented by the comment that I am critiquing above.



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