Forum Post: I need clarification on tax increase information
Posted 13 years ago on Oct. 4, 2011, 2:09 p.m. EST by curious7981
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Is this movement pushing for tax increases on the rich/corporations? I'm not saying that is the wrong solution but I do have on thing to point out, which makes me a bit skeptical to support this movement. If we tax the rich/corps more then doesn't that put more money into our Government's pockets? And aren't they the greedy ones also? It seems to me there is no difference between big corps and the Government. It seems there should be some accountability on the part of the Gov't for how they could let this happen to us. I can't back a protest that is going to play right into the hands of what the Gov't wants us to do to benefit them and continue to oppress us.
There seems to be some validity in the naysayers who point out that this is what they want - they want us to protest so they can implement martial law and from there who knows. I'm not one to go with extreme ideals here but it's a valid concern. I certainly do not want martial law and to see us become a Tyranny.
On another note. I agree with ending The Fed because they seem to be part of the problem and it seems that our Gov't can't control what they do. They are a powerhouse that seems to be untouchable.
Friend, don't buy into that Ronald Reagan stuff - "the government is not the solution, the government is the problem."
WE ARE the government. It is by, for, and of, the people. What Reagan was actually saying was that the people are the problem.
Now, maybe its a little out of whack right now, but if the government is starved of cash, there's no one left, nothing left, for people to participate in.
As for taxes, in the 1950s corporate and high earner individual taxes were high compared with today. And during those years, we (that is, the government) built schools, hospitals, the Interstate Highway system, and on and on.
Then came the original tax cutters, and all the money that had been going to projects went into private hands. And what did they do? Stock markets took off; speculation on commodities like food happened for the first time ;and within 20 years "derivatives" made their appearance.
What I'm saying is that in the hands of government, money may be used for good - depending on how involved we are and how much we restrict lobbying and undue influence (which is what this protest is partly about). OR money can go back into the hands of the wealthy and corporations for them to do what they want to do with it with absolutely NO input from us. That's a "Corporate Daddy Knows Best" that I, for one, am not interested in.
The money will get raised. The economy generates hundreds of billions of tax dollars year after year. The question is: Who do you want to have it? Guys who invent credit default swaps to make even more money, or government which is the only hope for Headstart?
We are the government. Hating it is hating us.
So this may help validate my concerns...this article brings to light a lot of the things I was concerned about. If we can heed that advice then I am cool.
Well I definitely think there is a problem with corporate greed - don't get me wrong there. I just can't help shake the feeling that those in the white house are also greedy and not out for our best interest. If we can start seeing more transparent government and we know that they will use the $ for the best interest of ALL Americans then I am all for it. So I suggest adding (if it's not already there) a Transparent Gov't to a list of our demands.
Maybe, raising taxes on the rich will not turn this country into the communist regime. But you know that's a maybe. There is a chance that the United States will side with North Korea and start killing US citizens for fun. They will not if we don't raise taxes on the rich though.
Check the link after the edit mark on this page for a working list of goals
and this Warning from the original Tea Party before it got hijacked