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Forum Post: I miss Odin, OTP, zendog, GypsyKing, and many others

Posted 10 years ago on July 4, 2013, 2:24 a.m. EST by 15deadflies (12)
This content is user submitted and not an official statement

I miss them. Heard they left because of intense censorship. Heard Odin got banned again. What's going on?



Read the Rules


[-] 4 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago

How many times were you banned (so far) and under how many nameplates?

Please name them all.


[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

mattholck mattLholck matt holck matt_holck mizz

[-] 4 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago

You're 15deadflies too!!!

Besides, you don't count as you have a 5 figure "score" and that makes you part of "the twinkle team".........

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

I don't have any influence, but okay, ... what are the Rules & How will Mods inform posters of the Violations.???

Below is discussion that should be read. This is important in that your friends, your family, may be political Idiots. (It's a European Expression)

[-] 3 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

The rules are already posted on this forum. You didn't read them? Perhaps they are not the best rules, and some could be changed. This would have to be discussed by the community if OWS truly is a community project.

The mods could inform someone who violated the rules by sending them a Private message.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Thanx. No I sort of rely on intuition for my social rules. I never read the rules. If I was a different man, I would suggest that everyone read the rules. I don't have a problem with rules as long as they as simple. You get some group that wants to control you... then you get complicated rules. It is called Control.

But again I give you a point because you are involved in a honest effort to review the rules, communicate with the community, and to educate all people. Good Job. Pretty nice actually.

[-] 0 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 10 years ago

I'm still here.... I think..lol. I've just been busy in AK doing family stuff

The Girdwood Forest Fair tomorrow



[-] 2 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

Thanks Odin!! That oughta stop the tongues a waggin' ! Lol!!

Of course, it is true that you were unfairly banned a while back.

[-] 0 points by frovikleka (2563) from Island Heights, NJ 10 years ago

You're welcome Renny, but in the interest of truth, justice and the American way, I was banned several times unfairly.


[-] 2 points by Renneye (3874) 10 years ago

How very enlightening! Transparency is the way to go. Thanks for clarifying.

We haven't heard from you in a while. I can only hope that is because you are squeezing every last drop of joy out of your time spent with your precious family.

How's the COMMUNITY in Alaska doing? In my imagination, I see flyers plastered everywhere up there. Lol!


[+] -4 points by justiceforzim6 (-25) 10 years ago

I am now justiceforzim6....I had hoped to give odin a run for his money on neg karma, but I get banned the minute I post. Guess I got under bensdad skin or something. Many of my posts are on topic and even ows partyline, but my name is mudd, I guess. I miss frevokika, too. Stormcrow is only '2' and is much more leftwing annoying. go figure. Happy 4th

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Someone else posted about missing Zendog... Are you saying all these people have been banned??

What are you saying. It seems like only a couple of weeks at most. Wow. I guess I should read the rules about prohibitions.


[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

One Strategy is to post with 3 other forum names to get other poster to look at the competition. I can easily see the government setting up a OWS Forum that is Republican oriented. But, if you are Honest you will post 3 forums that might be better for OWS Forum Posters.

You know what I am Proposing here. Right wing controlled Forums will post a lot from Foxnews, Sean Hannity, Rush Limbaugh, O'Riley, Cavutto, or whatever...

The fact is that the Viewers are smart. The viewer are the ones that are posting. The people that used to watch Foxnews or MSNBC are now Internet Poster, Watchdogs, Alternative News Posters, Bloggers, and Hobbyists.

The Result is that FOXNEWS & CNBC are losing the Role of Indoctrination... they are now more like influencers to the uninformed.

FOXNEWS & CNBC do not report history or current government in the context of History. In other words people like the WSJ online or the Wall Street Journal have lost Readers, Listeners, and Viewers. Because you would have to have no family at all to not know what is going on in US Polcitics.

We all Know that workers have been sold out. We all know that common people are thrown in Jail to do time and destroy their lives for consensual crimes. Crimes against no person or entity. We know there is a Prison industry. We know the prison industry has contracts. We know the Prison Industry needs labor to make a profit.

The USA has become Great Britain who never respected it's people. The Magna Carta was created by people subjected to British Nobility. We have a historical sepatation from Monarchies. But perhaps the banks, conservatives, Elites, Oligarchs, would prefer we don't know our history, don't know our options, don't understand revolution, don't remember our revolutions, and would Rather We don't participate in the Colonial Nations of Brazil, Chile, Argentina, Columbia, Peru, Ecuador, Bolivia, Venezuela, ETC.

Yes, there is more profit in contracting with Tyrannical Governments... Maybe that is a good reason to bring a Duopoly back to the USA. Maybe we should just let all the Big US Industries do what they want??

Oh, but there is the increase in US Over-Doses in Pain Medication that the CDC wants to call an Epidemic!!! Bit Pharma as gone too far!!

But then it seems all big US Industry has gone too far... including the war in Iraq & Afghanistan and the $700 Billion dollars spend annually for Defense and Intelligence. Context: This is more than all nations in Europe and China doesn't spend a fraction of this.


[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Hey, give me a point for this comment above. I acknowledge your work with forums, your mature expertise in governing, your insight into equality, liberty, and freedom as birth rights for civilians.

There is always a room here in this forum for those that quote history. U will Quote History in UR Future Quotes, Right??? LOOK, It is all about History, Damn it!!

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Fair Point. I'm not 100% sure how it should be run.

But take GirlFriday... She seems to attack people. And I would guess that COINTELPRO would attack people and play people against one another. I would guess that spam is a problem on the forum. I would guess that misinformation from the US Government could be a problem.

So it sounds like you propose anarchy. Okay. But that is lawlessness. Laws don't prevent crime, they only discourage crime (William K. Black). And our Exchange Markets won't work without structure in the form of regulations. Without Regulations Fraudulent Assets would be traded on the Stock Exchange with no recourse for the victims. That sounds dumb. free Markets can't be free, because that leads to fraud and manipulation. Have you thought about that?

You don't sound like an Anarchist. I think you want regulations and want the system to be regulated to prevent Fraud. If you can't meet me on this, then I think you are not real. But I think you will meet me on this.

You can't have a free market without regulations and without mechanisms to prevent fraud. The whole thing needs structure. Which maybe what you are Proposing here, Really.

I think you want to curb fraud, spam, scams, and multiple identities on the Forum. But this is like a Limited Republic. Not everyone can vote on everything since many are just spam.


[-] 0 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Great Response as far as I can see. I've never really seen a moderator or administrator type simple messages to warn people before.

I'll give you point here as you have laid it out better than I could have.

[-] 2 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

I used a forum once which had really good moderation. The forum rules were clear, and the moderators followed those rules to a T. There were 3 mods. If a user broke a rule, he would be warned once with a clear explanation of what he did wrong. His comment that broke the rule was deleted, but the user wasn't banned yet. The second time, the moderator that caught him or her would ban them and send them a PM with an explanation of why there were banned. That user could then contest the ban with the other 2 moderators. He was allowed to offer a defense. Some bans were revoked in that way.

I remember a user who was banned for profanity against two other users. He contested the ban by saying the 2 users had hounded him with mob attacks for two days. He got tired of it and was angry and lashed out. His banned was cancelled after the moderators reviewed the forum logs and saw he was being truthful. He was warned that next time he should report the mob attack instead of using profanity by himself. The mob attackers were also warned.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Ok. My first thought is that deleted comments can be accompanied by PM messages to explain why the post was Deleted, the implication, the future actions for violations, and the standard: the values that we all hold that the poster Violated.

I'm not a republican type conservative. Maybe a video of Motley Cru is the best example. I don't like cuss words or F words every 10 seconds. I might support the art, but the band is shit politics wise.

So, I support what you are saying.

Profanity is sort of useless. Many people seek attention through profanity. I see profanity as a power play.

If I am more profane and shout louder than the others... I may achieve my agenda.

Agenda. People always have an agenda. Power. Recognition. Status. Title. Recognition in the higher class that engages in politics.

Forum work or moderation has a status which we all know. And the power is available to those that R willing to work or Create. Forums don't pay. Creators don't get paid, As you know, It is shit. Hard work and no pay.

[-] 0 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

This forum received $40,671.18 US dollars in donation. Considering it's fairly cheap to run a server, and there only a few people working on this site, it means those people did get paid some money. If you feel they are underpaid, you can donate more money.


[-] 0 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

The Operation has a Back up. That means two sites if you haven't worked in Information assurance before. Maybe you should get your asshole audited. I think you have a lot of hurt feelings up there. you feel like everyone is getting something for free??

[-] 0 points by Builder (4202) 10 years ago

What is the point of this debate?

And where do you get that figure?

Costs SFA to host a site that has this little traffic.

[-] 1 points by 15deadfIies (4) 10 years ago

Which debate do you mean? The one about how this forum is moderated? Well, the goal of OWS is to create a better world, and that better world should start here in my opinion. If we can't run this site as a community with transparency, then there's no way we can run a city or even a country that way. What we embrace for the nation should be embraced here as well.

I got the figure from the link I posted in the above comment. Here it is again:


[-] -1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

living in a transparent society means adjusting to new social assumptions

human being reach adulthood around 20

suggesting an end the survival adjustments and malleable integration

[-] 2 points by 15deadfIies (4) 10 years ago

Your point?

[-] -3 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

an observation based on assumptions about human behavior

Pondering why

the widespread panic in government over electronic surveillance

[+] -6 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

U should go back there OR were you banned there as well?

[+] -6 points by DKAtoday (33802) from Coon Rapids, MN 10 years ago

[-] 4 points by 15deadflies (35)

U R ? Not new as Ur profile page would suggest. So. Who did U used to be and how many times have you been booted and why do you keep returning?

[+] -4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

Let's take Middleaged, a multiple ID cockroach. I nail multiple ID cockroaches. Especially, those that pretend to be autistic and do nothing more than create walls of shit.

[-] 3 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

That's a serious charge at an established poster so what's your evidence for that GF ? I will declare my interest - I to & fro wth 'Ma' quiet regularly and find him knowledgeable, erudite and personable & most importantly he clearly gives a shit about The 99% - just like you do.

If someone made such an allegation about you and it came to my notice, I'd eventually feel obliged to say something even if I am bumping Trashy-Troll's, justifiasbly shadow-banned, self-serving, b-s forum-post now lol, grrrrr & hrumph. Chill out sister & as I'm not one to waste a comment without a link, here you go with my best wishes for the day :

fiat pax ...

[+] -5 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

Read his shit. I don't care how long it is.

[-] 8 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

LOL ! Give me a break - I can't read it all sister, lol !! But I can go off what he has written to me - which ain't short, bless him, lol and which I have never, ever had any substantive problem or issue with !!!

I think that we'll just have to agree to disagree re. 'Ma', GF but here's an excerpt from my link above, for insight into the ''shit'' we're all in & hope that you'll agree that there are far bigger fish to fry than 'Ma' :

  • ''Bank of America helped to burn out your future. Jeffrey Olson wanted you to know they did that. The former, and friends, walk through the pouring rain without being molested by so much as a drop, while the latter goes from cuffs to court to verdict for trying to tell you about it. Thirteen years. For chalk. Written on public sidewalks against bankers and Wall Street hucksters who stole the future - literally - and received not so much as a slap on the wrist. On this august holiday, they are counting their money, swilling champagne and laughing, laughing, laughing at everyone celebrating "freedom" in America. These are hard times, man. Hard times.'', from : http://truth-out.org/opinion/item/17378-to-be-we-the-people-once-again ...

  • & via 'TiKiJ' : http://www.barefootsworld.net/uscivilflag.html .

fiat lux ...

[-] -3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

LOL ! Give me a break - I can't read it all sister, lol !!

That's what he wants, darlin'. That's what he's bankin' on.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

But to what ends ? He's been here long enough to have a 'rep' like you sister and tho' you two clearly have different styles and seem to be not exactly getting on these days, lol .. I gorra admit - I like you both ! So, sticking to the 'bigger fish to fry' theme ; them rotting from the head down stinky fish don't come much bigger and stinkier than 'Monsatan' right ?

fiat justitia ruat caelum ...

[-] -3 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

That isn't a style difference. He is full of shit. Read his shit. He is a multiple ID cockroach.

[-] 2 points by shadz66 (19985) 10 years ago

You're getting away with one-liners here GF, lol ! Read my links then & I do read 'Ma' already, lol !! Internecine squabbling is the bane of 'the left', so try to chill sister and b gd !!! Here u go .. try this :

pax, amor et lux ...

[-] -1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

I'm telling you point blank read his shit. He is a multiple ID fucknut that builds walls of shit that by your own admission you don't read through.

[-] -2 points by PastorRaymondBird (-3) 10 years ago

Jesus Christ can forgive your sin of vulgarity and show you the right path if you so choose.

[-] -2 points by PastorRaymondBird (-3) 10 years ago

Child, let Jesus Christ wash your sins.























[-] -2 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 10 years ago

Do you think I would get banned for saying anyone participating in the political process is a naive manipulated pawn, and unable to accept this fact? My statement is this: If you chose right or left, you are perpetuating the problem. You are an inhibitor of evolution and a blind member of the problem collective. You are ultimately driving to extinction the inhabitants and natural systems of Earth. But you can change by simply not participating in existing political processes, but rather bringing all focus to the design of the evolved system. Departmental Governance

If I can get away with that, it's the truth and/or the mods have open, forgiving minds.

By the way, I don't think I've received one bit of real argument revealing a flaw in DG or the 99% Conglomerate since I started posting about it. Surely you've read something about it.

[-] 1 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

Moderation is not really based on what you say or don't say. It has more to do with whether DKAtoday likes you or not. It's moderation by emotion, not by an objective observance of the rules. For example, shooz and GirlFriday can attack whoever they want and say whatever they want. They will never be banned because they are buddy-buddy with DKAtoday.

[-] -1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 10 years ago

Or maybe they are on a mission to remove anyone behaving suspiciously. Make it through their attacks and you'll be a survivor. Then you'll get attacked by the grudge holders. Ignoring them makes them to away, but they don't forget you.

DKA and I are not buddies, but we do see many of the same truths. As far as I know, he's not even a mod (wouldn't that be funny).

[-] 0 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

She is a mod. I tested her in many ways and knew before jart mentioned it. She banned Propotkin for being anti-Democrat, and Odin, one of the few real occupiers here. It's a real shame. Many users are leaving because of her autocratic ways.

[-] -1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 10 years ago

Ok, what proof do you have. And actually I'm kinda glad some of those innocent people are no longer posting here. I have to cringe when I hear some of these dumbass ideas being argued. I feel like I'm on Dragons Den or something and they are laughing so hard they can't say "for that reason, I'm out".

If I was a mod with superpowers I'd ban people for trying to band-aid surface issues. Considering the rate of extinction of life on Earth, who gives a shit about gun laws. Or even war. War is a product of the system. So stop trying to prevent wars. Design the solution. Know what I mean?

[-] 0 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

Jart said it herself, apart from that the proof I have can only be witnessed by myself. I made personal tests which prove to me that DKAtoday is a moderator. As I said, these were done before jart confirmed it. Tests included doing things like discussing something with DKAtoday then purposely replying with a comment I knew would get me banned. I would get banned a few moments after. I did this many times when discussing issues with him, and would get banned every time. The only other possible explanation is mere coincidence, but since it happened many times and since jart confirmed it, for me it's 100% certainty.

However, let's say you're right, then the situation is even more grim. It would mean that jart is a liar. That is a horrible thought considering she runs this place. I certainly hope those in high positions of OWS are not liars, and are not lying intentionally to the people who support OWS. I don't think this is the case.

May I ask, why do you think jart is a liar?

[-] 2 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 10 years ago

Who would give you twinkles other than yourself?


[-] -2 points by 12deadflies (-6) 10 years ago

I never twinkle or stinkle myself nor others. And, since I can't see who twinkles or stinkles my comments I don't know. Perhaps the moderator could tell you, she has access to that data. Just ask DKAtoday to look it up in the admin system.

I don't believe karma points matter at all, and have said on many occasions that they should simply be removed. They are a distraction. What matters are well formed ideas supported by well formed arguments.

I doesn't surprise me that I get a lot of twinkles and replies to my postings. My ideas are clear and very often fall directly in line with Occupy.

For example, I support the idea of forming the 99% by working on common issues that we can all agree on. This is why I don't support discussing issues which are clear cut to the right or left since they only divide us. This is also why I don't support the idea of calling someone you disagree with a "right wing" shill. We shouldn't do that. OWS officially welcomes people from all political affiliations.

I also support anarchy, homosexual marriage, the idea of a more transparent and censorship free website and society, the idea of building a Bridge to the Ground (a website which connects occupiers on the Internet with those actively supporting the protest on the ground), and a whole bunch of other stances which fall directly in line with Occupy.

I know gnommuny and Renneye support me. I'm sure others do as well.

However, this is not important to me. What's important is that I have a chance to express my ideas. To plant the seeds. Afterwards, people may disagree, agree, ignore, engage in discussion... whatever. And, the moderator may even ban me and my comments, that's fine too since it just helps market the ideas even more. People like to "know" what was banned. It's very good for marketing. In a few years, when people look back, they will remember me and my ideas more than anybody else here. I just know how to market. It's one of my many qualities.

How's the marketing of your 99% Conglomerate thing going?

Instead of organizing lame attacks against me based on negative assumptions that I manipulate the votes like the Twinkle Team, you should simply post well formed arguments if you disagree with something I said, or stinkle my comments you disagree with if points matter that much to you.

[-] 2 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 10 years ago

Oh right PeaceHurricane or the guy who hates entrepreneurs even for selling homemade bread? The guy who wanted a store with guaranteed 10% markup on every item so customers know what the store paid?

But in the end you're righ on many things. I apologize.


[-] 2 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 10 years ago

I didn't say Jart is a liar, you just created that lie, and the behavior is recognizable. I'd ban you after realizing you're the same fucknut I just banned.

[-] -3 points by 12deadflies (-6) 10 years ago

You didn't say she was a liar, OK. You said you thought DKAtoday was not a moderator even though jart said she was, which sort of implies jart is lying. But, forget it. It's not important.

Why don't you think DKAtoday is a moderator?

[-] 1 points by Kavatz (464) from Edmonton, AB 10 years ago

I never said any of that. You just assumed that's what I meant. I am not convinced of this, what makes you think I'm certain of that? It's poor math.

[-] 0 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Well U have to have a Strategy at this point. I see you are interested in a political solution and a doctrinal solution. That is fine.

But on this posting..... we are sort of looking at Drama, Mama Drama, or whatever you want to call it. We all can type in Reports & Observations... But you get further with strategies, Goals, and Tactics. So okay, this Web site is Infiltrated or dedicated to democratic rules. Where do we go from here??

We Split up the Country. Balkanization. I'm not for this. But this is where the Country is going. Congressmen are merely princes and princesses who go to lavish parties every night. They don't give a shit about you... they are working on Networking and Connections that will get them elected next year (assholes).

Look Reports, Observations, Weather Predictions these are all just stories. Most people walk around with stories. In fact part of what we call intimacy is just adults talking about there personal lives (stories).

Well we are not here to listen to stories, are we?? All people have stories to tell. All people are relaying messages to their friends about their day or their lives. But it is all just worthless, Right??

What are the Main Issues you want to discuss here on OWS Forum??

[-] -3 points by justiceforzim6 (-25) 10 years ago

15, I have been thinking Bensdad is a mod or a hacker since he posts all those political cartoons and those silly TROLLS repsonses. I figure they have a dedicated server to hold his voluminous posts.

[-] -1 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

Anyone can post those. Bensdad is not a moderator. DKAtoday is.

[-] 1 points by JasonWyngarde (-2) 10 years ago

I posted "i miss zendog" and DKA removed it. Why? Ask her. She also removed my "Who moderates the moderators?" post, also without explaonation.

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Yeah... I'm not sure I will ever know the politics here. I just don't read enough posts. You are probably ahead of me.

[-] -2 points by justiceforzim6 (-25) 10 years ago

No idea where Zen has been and frankly don't care since he is employed by the DNC. The "rules" say no politics, but the most rabid leftwing, democrat, obamanots are the only folks with karma points of 5 digits.

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

okay. I don't have any way to know. I guess you slept with him and had sex with him. That is okay, How was the sex though?

Same story on many others here I don't know their character and since I am not a Republican... well I don't care & u shouldn't.

[-] -1 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

zendog is employed part-time by the Democrat party. He does political surveys for them on the weekends. He told us this himself. I'm a bit surprised the thought of zendog would generate sexual fantasies in your mind. I saw his picture. He's handsome, but I didn't get aroused. I guess taste is a subjective matter.

[-] 0 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago


[-] -2 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

Zendog is not employed by the Democrat party. At one time he did some volunteering until he decided that he could no longer believe that what they were doing was right action. He quit then. This is what he told you, dirtbag.

Further, OTP IS TikiJ.

[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

i walked a door to door getting residents to let us picket a yard sign for money

they accidentally shorted my hours

and conveniently disintegrated after the election

so there was no follow up

[+] -4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago


[-] 1 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

i never got that pay

i never got included

[+] -4 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago


[+] -4 points by justiceforzim6 (-25) 10 years ago

MA, It's 4th of July....go have another cocktail and come back here when you are loaded!

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Just don't know why people are disclosing information about another poster here in a forum.

[-] 2 points by 15deadflies (9) 38 minutes ago

Hang in there. Censorship is evil, and the current moderator is the worst dictator this site has seen in awhile. He moderates from emotion, not objectivity and rules. That's why people like GirlFriday who swear all the time don't get booted, and good people like Odin do. This site has effectively been co-opted by the Twinkle Team who work for the Democrats. It now promotes censorship over transparency, and the division along party lines instead of the 99%.

Well this is correct. There is a sort of Democrat Team in charge here on OWS as far as I remember from the Presidential Race in 2012.

Maybe I resist political references. Maybe I don't like personal remarks even when they have been admitted. Maybe I can't tell if they have been admitted. Such is life.

Why the Hell are you here on the 4th of July? Are you crazy or lonely or what? lol

Hey, admit it. Zendog taught you something about Mind Control didn't he?? Zendog has a different perspective, but each of us lives different lives, right?? Maybe you want to suppress History. Maybe you want are an anti-intellectual. You don't want to talk about philosophy or something?? You think there is only one Political party in the USA?? I'd say there is only one political party since the two parties never address the real problems and in fact enable the real problems. Hell it is all about money and power. you know that.

Why are you exercising power here in the OWS Forum to silence a Poster that might have an edginess to him??

Perhaps you need to look at why you feel the need to suppress US Citizens??

[-] 2 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

Why are you exercising power here in the OWS Forum to silence a Poster that might have an edginess to him??

He just said he didn't care about zendog, he didn't exercise power to suppress zendog's voice. He expressed an opinion, and that's fine by me. You can disagree. The only one exercising power to suppress the voice of others here is DKAtoday. He doesn't let you decide whether or not you might agree or disagree with someone else, he just decides for you by banning him or her.

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Fair Enough. DKAtoday does come down on new people here. For all I know that is DKA's primary mission. Yeah, you are in a bad position if you are a new comer here on the OWS Forum. You catch hell.

But I made it. Not sure if there is a better strategy than hanging in there as you get checked out. You join the Government or whatever you get checked out even harder.

[-] 2 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

The only strategy is to avoid having opinions that DKAtoday disagrees with. If you're lucky and your thinking is in step with her, you will have no problem. If you have different ideas than her, then either you censor your own self, or she will do it for you.

[-] 2 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

Actually that sounds like our government people. I mean the people in power at the manager level in our government. that is what they do. that is the way it is in America. So in this sense, you made a good comment. Power is actually used in this way. You are showing a kind of expertise in this area.

[-] 0 points by JasonWyngarde (-2) 10 years ago

Exactly. Bensdad has multiple ids and often answers his own posts, but DK and GF let it slide. Its not if someone uses mulitiple id's, its how they use them.

[-] 1 points by 15deadfIies (4) 10 years ago

The whole thing about multiple IDs is a distraction. Who the hell cares about that. We care about ideas. Does a post or a comment contain a well form idea presented with arguments and which does not use insults? If yes, then it has a place here no matter who posted it. It's that simple. It doesn't matter if we agree or disagree with the idea. What we need to ban our spam adverts, gratuitous insults and profanity, and mob attacks.

[-] 5 points by shoozTroll (17632) 10 years ago

What you mean to say is....You don't care how many puppets YOU use.

You use them to propagate lies, innuendo and misconceptions.

There are many here who DO care if you continually use puppets, if only because of the way you use them, and how very proud of yourself you are for using them.

As have been your previous puppets.......this one too......is issue free.

[-] -1 points by GirlFriday (17435) 10 years ago

Bullshit, fucknut. If you can't sell your idea with one ID, then you don't have an idea. You have a co-opt.



[-] -2 points by justiceforzim6 (-25) 10 years ago

Huh? Maybe you should have a couple cups of coffee, instead!

[-] 1 points by Middleaged (5140) 10 years ago

LOL, maybe I see too many demons at that.

[-] 0 points by MattLHolck (16833) from San Diego, CA 10 years ago

relationships with strangers wares on me

[-] -1 points by 15deadflies (12) 10 years ago

Hang in there. Censorship is evil, and the current moderator is the worst dictator this site has seen in awhile. He moderates from emotion, not objectivity and rules. That's why people like GirlFriday who swear all the time don't get booted, and good people like Odin do. This site has effectively been co-opted by the Twinkle Team who work for the Democrats. It now promotes censorship over transparency, and the division along party lines instead of the 99%.


[+] -4 points by justiceforzim6 (-25) 10 years ago

Amen. I refrain from personal insults and vulgarity and scratch my head over the moderating.