Forum Post: I know how to fix the system!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------We demand "the X rule"!---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Posted 13 years ago on Dec. 19, 2011, 3:03 p.m. EST by FalseFlag
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Consumable wealth for living expenditures must be limited. The richest person can consume only 20 times the poorest. Wealth which is spend for consumption should be redistributed. Bill Gates, Obama can only consume 20X when a janitor consumes 2X, safety net is 1X which is enough for shelter, food, health, education. If you want more than that, want a car, and travelling, you should be working to earn more than 1X, anybody who can work should get at least 2X which can lead to home ownership if spend wisely. Safety net, 1X, should allow people to grow intellectually so they can still give back to society however they like. Everybody owes to society all the time. Personal consumption can not go over 20X, because if you build a mansion, you rule, and we are no longer equal politically. Your wealth and economic power will give you connections and political power. Society invests in social, economic, politic infrastructure, create more social and humane contract for society. Bill Gates can spend 20X a year, and can have as much investment money as possible. Nobody can have a chunk of this world, the world is holly and precious. The most productive, talented and hard worker can earn 20X max, when a burger guy earns 2X, and unfortunate can have safety net of X. People do science and contribute to society based on love for humanity, justice, truth, knowledge. The system is same because Bill Gates can have unlimited resources but can only consume 20X, so his home is maximum 20 times larger than a burger guy's home. We owe our lives to every living creature who existed, suffered through time through existence, we owe ourselves to other human being who creates the gene pool, the society and the possibility of existence of us. We owe our lives to all other people around the world. We can not become kings and queens through corrupt organizations such as states. States are for to level the field, to bring justice and equality. State can not become center of power. It will be corrupted. One simple legislation can bring you this new world which will transform your lives and the world. Economic system will be more productive. What do you say?
This makes to much sense. Therefore, it will be rejected by the loonies running the asylum.
This is a simple and quick fix for the system in the short term. There are huge philosophical leap in this rule. It is not perfect but it is something people can understand and demand.
No system will ever be perfect. The least we can hope to achieve is a system that makes sense and is considered mostly fair and balanced to all the people living in it.
you would shut down the country. The rich would stop working once they realized they can't make anymore money. How will you fix that?
They won't because they can create as big commercial empires as they like. Investment money, production ownership is unlimited.
When America had a good economy with a thriving middle class I think the ratio was about 1 to 30. I agree. Why not we should have done that to bankers when we bailed out the banks. If I was middle class and made 30k but could make as much as 900k it wouldn't stop me from working hard.
The value of X can go up if we do very well.
Can you imagine needing more than 900k a year to be happy?
nope, the X rule works, The same system with philosophical adjustment. If economy declines max is less than 20X, because X is safety net, and we don't have enough, it will be 10X, but if economy improves there can be as many 20X possible and value of X can go up. As long as X good enough and we have enough , than max can go up to 30X. Consumption should be limited and consumption power should be distributed. that is how you become a real society.
Yup I think the last 100 years has proven that neither communism or capitalism work. need to find balance.
The problem is class war though waged by powerful on serfs. They would never let their thrones fall. Some want to rule, want to dominate, some will be insulted by suggesting these. They will go after us but the X rule works very well. Everything else is same.
They didn't stop working when the marginal tax rate was 91%. In fact, the economy did quite well.
And if there are too many 20X, that is fine as long as X is good enough. If we prosper as a society value of X will go up.
Yeah because they could still earn more money.
Still, it put some limit on greed because the return was less.
"The rich would stop working" great, more jobs :D
Except know one would work. Once I have the max I can make I will do the minium effort and get my money. The reason capitalism works is because people do extra work to advance.
The reason capitalism works is because the governments keep it on life support.
Capitalism started with massive state support , it expanded by the barrel of gun and now in it's twilight years it needs nonstop cash infusions to keep it from seizing up and dying .
Capitalism never worked as ideologues romanticize about.
And money is not even really a motivator for true innovation or creation. It actually has an inverse effect on innovation
if you get lazy someone else would take your job. if you stop you can't make 20X anymore,
Sounds like it might be worth a try. What hasn't the human race tried as a system so far and it seems none of them worked very well for long. Seems like empires last about three hundred years give or take and the fall always appears to follow the same course. Too much wealth for too few and too many poor. We are reaching the end of our current system.
Well said. Only addition is the X rule possibly through legislation or revolution. Everything else is same and great. We have redistribution machine already. Same system, many entrepreneurs motivated by not personal consumption but better living and success. This is the great solution of mankind. We can unite mankind if we can build this in the U.S. I guarantee you there will be no wars.
Japanese have the second highest income equality in the world, by one metric. And they still are worried about growing inequality, which is an arguable reason why they voted for the DPJ[1] in 2009-- they voted for representatives to fix the inequality. They happened to expand welfare, but their situation isn't the US.
[1] Democratic Party of Japan
What do you mean?
Great ideas and solutions, but we need to head down a path that is the direct opposite of what the 1% is planning. They planned this financial crisis to offer their solution and keep themselves in power.
In order to avoid current and future manipulations, we need to move away from ALL systems that allow room for ANY corrupt hi-jacking. Check this out:
P.S. In this article; new world order = the 1%
The X rule is a quick and revolutionary fix for the system. At least some philosophical leap forward is covered in this rule. It is a step forward not a destination.
i say we need a fundamental change in our belief system.... i say we need a fundamental change in or society and culture.... here check out this post
Yes, and the reason is the system is built by manipulative people who make things up for ruling elite. It has always been like that , today we have people who write things like "The End of History", "Clash of Civilizations". These people are engineering things backed by kings and queens.